Think BBC's kids video is cute?


Other urls found in this thread:

Link? I'll be the judge.

>True equality will not have been achieved until we see a father desperately clawing at a baby wheeler while a woman talks about the rising threat of nuclear war.

Bump. You people should me ashamed of yourselves for laughing at this blatant display of cis-hetero normative patriarchy

And btw RACISTS that's his wife not a nanny

reported for spam

>post once

Fuck you. I'm not perfect but I don't wanna hurt you and your family, but rk++vHYD wanna hate you poor and pathetic, I have all his white papers. He hates you, he hates prosperity, he hates God, he hates children and God damn him to hell

This guy is a professor at my university

He's more famous for this video than anything he's actually done

So it would have been better to stream from an office instead, and see his kids less?
Face value problem, face value solution.

he seemed famous to me

His facial expression says it all. he got exposed as a small man with an Asian mail order bride.

RICED. What a pathetic faggot.

we all know how this thread is gonna end
just stop asian shit

fuck off stacey

I think he lives in Korea with his wife and half breed children, but yeah this guy got exposed as a gook chaser who can't even handle his own women.

its fine to have this thread every now and then
every day is already pretty annoying
every couple hours is worse
but now we have one every 15 minutes
like holy shit you fucking autists don't shut up

fake news, this is the only one today

well technically since it's midnight
but we had it like twice before the hour passed

Didn't see anything. Nothing now.

Why so triggered?

Its a spoof piece, the author is a joke on millie tant which is a joke on radical feminists by the briitsh satirical comic book viz.

unless you were a bong you wouldn't get this so im just saying it now.

Well she's still right. Women are not your objects. Me and all my empowered friends agreed with her on Twitter