>be extremely pro-abortion
>expand government
>start globalization
>double the national debt
>give illegal aliens amnesty
>conservatives still suck your dick 30 years later
What the fuck is with this guy, Sup Forums?
Be extremely pro-abortion
Woodrow Wilson started Globalism (as we know it at least) in the early 1900s. Go watch Invisible Empire and EndGame. Reagan was also scared into semi-submission by his assassination attempt.
Don't forget his refusing to re-instate gold as the basis of the US dollar, giving it a free hand to turn into the hideous bubble-making monstrosity it is today.
Seriously, did he even do anything good?
He was also a Zionist
>be extremely pro-abortion
>expand government
>give illegal aliens amnesty
Meme. He agreed with congress on amnesty in return for stricter immigration laws.
>What the fuck is with this guy, Sup Forums?
The last great one
>>extremely pro-abortion
boy some of reagan's most enduring speeches are when he goes full evangelical and raves against abortion. Literally what gave you the idea he was pro-abortion
>dad is a reagan baby
>actually moderate liberal
>thinks he is conservative because he falls for neocon memes
how do we solve the boomer problem
The only respect I have for reagan is that he broke down teh Soviets
He signed the most liberal abortion law in the country as Governor of California, basically playing the same role with abortion as California did with the legalizing of gay marriage
He told that nigger to tear down that wall,and the nigger did.
Badass if you ask me.
>expand government
Federal workforce increased by 6% under Reagan.
>He signed
I feel like there's more to this than you are willing to admit. Link to law and how much it was his idea and draft pls.
How much of it was military?
How much of it was outer circumstances? Can you name any examples where he raised the competences held by the federal government?
>Gorby + Reagan
Top ten anime duos. If not for them Communist traitors of humanity would continue fucking up the world and my country so this guy is a hero in my book.
Yup. Now to answer my question please
>How much of it was military?
>How much of it was outer circumstances? Can you name any examples where he raised the competences held by the federal government?
He didn't need to create the Department of Veteran Affairs, for instance. And he never delivered on any of his promises to eliminate any of the departments he campaigned to abolish.
I think the national debt speaks for itself as far as expanding government. I'm not sure you understand our system of of government with the abortion issue. Governors have full veto power just like the President. Nothing goes into law if they don't want it to
>double the national debt
you mean TRIPLE
>Department of Veteran Affairs
Wew what a socialist.
>And he never delivered on any of his promises to eliminate any of the departments he campaigned to abolish
Because congress blocked him? You know these info are literally a google search away?
>I think the national debt speaks for itself as far as expanding government
It really doesn't though. He all thrughout his political life said if he were to choose between balancing the budget and securing the defence he'd choose the latter.
It's more usefull to look at specific policies.
>Governors have full veto power just like the President
Fair enough. But surely he commented on it. Was it "I do this because I like abortion" or "I do this because x"
Don't forget, he outlawed full autos too.
Now you're moving the goal posts; I never said he was a socialist. I simply said that he expanded government, which cannot be refuted. You can say whatever you want about his intentions, it does not change the fact that this is his legacy.
Granted. He was a staunch defender of small government who expanded goverment in some areas how about that?
His arguments and speeches for limited government remain just as valid
Rhetorically a staunch defender, yes. That's as much as I will give him credit for.
having a democrat congress his entire time didn't help matters, everyone wildly underestimates the power this has on an administration. Obama wasn't nearly as bad because he had a congress checking his ass. Johnson, Wilson, FDR didn't and 99% of todays problems you can point back to those three administrations.
It pisses me off because Nixon should have been the Republican remembered for how great he was, not this guy. Nixon was the one who created the madman theory to pressure the Soviets, which was what Reagan embodied. Nixon was the one who ended the Vietnam War with the US being victorious. Nixon was the one who saved the US by converting the gold standard to the petrodollar. The man was a genius among geniuses. Hell, he even named the Jew. That's how great he was.
>the great communicator
>Rhetorically a staunch defender
>Why do people still like him?
Come on
I can tell you with certainty that we didn't increase defense spending by $2 trillion in the 80s. It doesn't really matter what kind of rhetoric he used
This sounds real.
>expand government
What are you smoking?
Was this the same unidentified source that overheard Trump conspiring with "the Russians?"
Name any are of government Reagan didn't expand
it's exactly what happened
This. Nixon was the embodiment of conservatism, which was carried on by this man. Buchanon should have ran in 1980, the world would be a lot different
Did Buchanan ever name the Jew?
yes he named trump
If you've ever seen Weekend at Bernies, Reagan is the title character. GHWB and the CIA are the two guys posing his corpse. Jews paint him as conservative jesus so that they can rhetorically trap conservatives from actually organizing to defend their collective self interest.
He comes really close. He gives you all the pieces of the puzzle without shoving it in your face.
Can't wait till Bibi gives Trump the command to invade Iran.
>ehh goyim don't forget Populist White Jesus says: instead of closing the border its in our interest instead to grant amnesty and leave the border open
>ehh goyim, careful, that's hearsay against Populist White Jesus! maybe you aren't a True ConservativeTM (brought to you by Israel) after all!
> Reagan clearly one of the biggest spenders.
> Arms build-up with Russia and shipping weapons to Central/South American dictators costs a lot of money
> Not to mention he was a big fan of government getting its nose in social issues
Conservatives are so retarded they don't understand they worship a Big Government Nanny State former movie actor who went senile in his later years in office.
Gold should never be the basis for the US dollar.
This is about as close as you can get to naming the Jew on air:
Nigger what
I don't think that chart shows what you think it shows
Yep not to mention the whole neoconservative usurping the GOP happened because he enabled them and allowed so many in his cabinet. Anybody who shills for this Alzheimer's actor is no conservative and deserves a bullet in the back of their head
the truth hurts bitch
How did you think you measure spending increase?
> Reagan starts "War on Drugs"
> Leads to mass increase in people spending time behind bars for stupid little drug offenses
> "Libertarian" conservatives all like "oh yeah, Reagan was the man"
Incidentally, you don't know shit.
Really? Eisenhower looked out for America first? He promoted the global liberal order and all the Bretton Woods institutions that allowed for globalism and the EU to take hold. He probably did more than Truman to help with that.
Yeah, it's the same chart/data, done by different people.
Point is that Reagan grew federal spending more than any other president in last 35+ years. Obama grew it the least. Republicans grew spending a lot more than Democrats.
Truth fucking hurts like being fisted repeatedly by Donald with uncut fingernails. Never mind, I think you'd like that.
Bretton Woods is the monetary system that put the US on top of the world you fucking nimrod.
You're on my side kid.
>it's not big government when we're fighting commies or smuggling drugs and guns
okay Reagan
thanks for giving california to the spics
>spending GROWTH
Assigning the stimulus to Bush is retarded anyway since Obama signed it. I don't know what you're trying to prove here
Nixon was a good man. Democrats rig elections, and allow trannys to use the little girl's restroom. Stomp on the constitution, and they seem to have animosity towards masculinity, must come from both parents having Adam's Apple's.
Reagan explains secret sale of arms to Iran, Nov. 13, 1986
The stimulus is assigned to Obama you fucking moron. Can you read?
How do income tax rates effect government spending?
Now note who was in control of Congress during those years. Congress makes the budgets friend, this isn't Canada we don't have a Queen
You really think our post-WWII dominance was due to the IMF, World Bank, and (worst of all) the World Trade Organization?? They're as unpopular and dysfunctional as the EU nowadays, especially the WTO. They need to go.
Revenues and spending are 2 different things. They both affect the budget.
Republicans slash taxes on the rich (reducing revenues), then blow up spending on the military and wars, then wonder why there's a deficit.
He supported the Apatheid and commemorated the SS
This Leaf posts ridiculous pro-Democrat stuff in every thread that he misinterprets then people BTFO him and he goes away again. I think he runs Occupy Democrats or some other retarded shill factory
Oh boy it's another right wing retard episode where right wing retards have no fucking clue that the president submits the budget to Congress.
Here's Obama's 2012 budget. Open this link. Type up and post what it says on the first page.
Don't be a bitch. Don't bitch out. Do it.
The Republican Congress forced a balanced budget during Clinton years, this is common knowledge
That sounds like the panty waisted kenyan that just got booted from the White House. I can't remember his name, so let's refer to him as 0.
No, Obamaleaf, that's not how it works. The President submits a budget for consideration. Congress passes budgets. Obama didn't get to spend what he wanted because Republicans forced sequestration.
Aren't we all?
Yes. "Washington is a Israel occupied territory"
I've never been btfo once. That's why u retards never have any proof.
Don't bitch out you little bitch. Here's Obama's 2012 budget. Open this link. Type up and post what it says on the first page.
Lol they had nothing to do with it. It was Clinton's 1993 tax plan that raised taxes on the rich that turned the economy around.
Lol you right wing retards are fucking hilarious. You claim that Democratic policies will fail, then when they succeed you to try to take credit for them.
See pic related
He made liberals almost as mad as Trump has. That's it, really. He was a party Republican, but not a nationalist or a conservative.
How did I know you were gunna bitch out? You right wing retards are predictable af.
Here's Obama's 2012 budget. Open this link. Type up and post what it says on the first page.
Don't be a bitch. Don't bitch out. Do it.
I fucking own you.
Ronald Reagan was a bad ass .
At the beginning of his presidency interest rates skyrocketed but he fixed that. Panty waisted Godless liberals in congress were to blame and are still working against everything wholesome and American.
>Be Alzheimer patient
>Be effective
>Be a non cunt
No, Obamaleaf. Gingrich forced a government shutdown.
How does raising taxes benefit the economy? Lmao please explain to us "right wing retards" the economics behind this
BASED BILL CLINTON handed right wing retard hero and leading conservative thinker George Dubya Bush and a GOP Congress a $230 BILLION SURPLUS. What happened to it?
I don't
stupid fuck was the first true neo-con president
a complete faggot globalist, turned California blue FOREVER with the amnesty of like 2 or 3 million beaner invaders, started us down the path of a white minority and global irrelevance
Ok here you go page 1:
His wife fucked niggers
Gingrich was a digrace and got btfo by his own party.
BASED BILL CLINTON handed right wing retard hero and leading conservative thinker George Dubya Bush and a GOP Congress a $230 BILLION SURPLUS. What happened to it?
fuck ronald reagan
No sense in beating a dead horse.
No one cares. Stop getting so butt blasted non-stop. All leafs are terrible.
Lol you right wing retards are fucking hilarious. Gingrich claims Clinton's economy plan will cause a recession. The economy booms, Gingrich tries to take credit. I love how u filthy degenerate right wing retards always try to take credit for Democratic presidencies but will completely dindu an entire 8 year GOP presidency.
you misspelled cuckservative
reagan was a faggot
What is the tech bubble/revolution?
Doesn't change the fact that he forced Clinton to sign a balanced budget after shutting down the government for a week. This is common knowledge. Nobody is gonna believe your "Democrats are the real fiscal conservatives" thing
>1 post by this id
So you're saying Clinton invented the Internet?
I'm still waiting to hear how higher taxes cause economic growth. We're all ears
Republicans had nothing to do with it. Bill Clinton was already on his way to balancing the budget before they even took office.
Why won't you answer this?
BASED BILL CLINTON handed right wing retard hero and leading conservative thinker George Dubya Bush and a GOP Congress a $230 BILLION SURPLUS. What happened to it?
Bush had even faster computers and internet, still managed to crash the economy.
BASED BILL CLINTON handed right wing retard hero and leading conservative thinker George Dubya Bush and a GOP Congress a $230 BILLION SURPLUS. What happened to it? (You)
If there was a surplus why did the national debt grow?
I'm still waiting to hear why you right wing retards are such fucking cucks for the billionaire globalist elites who don't give a shit about you, that your entire ideology revolves around massive tax breaks for the wealthy.
A right wing retard meme that somehow Based Bill Clinton was the only president to have technological innovation during his presidency.