Today i debated a white lesbian BLM-supporting teen feminist who has a non-white stepfather and honestly thinks that Islam is 100% peaceful and Muslims like gay people (“gays are thrown from rooftops because of the culture! Not the religion!”). No matter what violent Quran verses she’s provided by others, she always excuses it because “that’s taken out of context/you’re interpreting it wrong.”

The left truly has become a satire of itself.

Other urls found in this thread:


what's so wrong about trying to teach faggots how to fly?

How do you make that cool 80s album art? I want a right wing death squad: party in the streets with stickman or a riot cop beating someone.

The fact you bind their arms together and intentionally murder your brother.


Lo-fucking-L.... that gatekeeping twatter post.

Holy shit some peoples kids

Spotted the faggot

Fuck off, all the people watching are moderates, only the ones that threw him are extremists

Bigots and their blanket labeling

Don't be a faggot?

I debated somebody like that once too.
>Load up a video of Muslims throwing gay people off roofs and beheading them.
>While playing "give peace a chance in the background."

Best day of my life, I never packed my shit so fast to get the fuck out of college.

>The only come back was "YOUR A WHITE STRAIGHT MALE"
>I'm a homosexual Cherokee Indian.
They didn't believe me.
>I got my best bro to deep kiss me while showing fucking birth records of my family members of the Cherokee Nation.
Could give a shit, these people are blind to reality.

>gays are thrown from rooftops because of the culture! Not the religion!

¿por qué no los dos?

>that’s taken out of context/you’re interpreting it wrong.”

How many is that off the bingo?

> If you're not a Muslim or don't know any Muslims personally you can't post Islamophobic content

So, since I live in a mudslime country, I can post Islamophobic content. Nice.

This is the first time I wish I had a twitter account.

>arguing with the mentally ill
>and a woman on top of that

top kek you guys are so bluepilled about islam. I would try to explain but since all I would get would be "roach" and "deus vult" replies I'm not going to bother

t. non muzzie

>I would try to explain but

>I would try to explain

It's getting a bit hard to defend your points, isn't it?

Fuck off Ak-shill

Spotted the immoral shitskin, even some rapists would be better of doing slave labor than being executed. Now go kill some puppies Abdul

I'm white, m8. I'll be happy to compare eye color with anyone on this board.

Rapists, murders, faggots, and shitskins all need to hang.

Eye colour is not determinant of race you moron lol

you sound like a kike shill

I'm as white as fallen snow fatty.

Kill all muslims and faggots.

Yeah the left is mentally ill what else is new

There's a Sup Forums + /wsg/ stream all night

If you're bored and wanna get comfy, get in here.

>t. brown-eyed "white"

>t. Brown-eyed (((white)))

Took care of that for ya bud, easy mistake.

if you can't make an argument then you don't have an argument to begin with faggot.

Theres a special place in hell for you merchants

>the culture! Not the religion!

>mfw she can't even understand that religion is culture

Good for you, champ. : D

Did she provide the context she thinks is real?

>being this insecure about being a shitskin

>satire of itself.
it can't be satire if they're serious

She is insane.

Even if she was personally raped by a Muslim, she would not change her mind.

Ignore them and definitely do not help them. You are wasting your time and energy on her.

>says the 60%

enjoy aids

How could he gets aids if he doesnt fuck niggers or do drugs?

How long do you think Canada has before its at 30% white? You have 1/10th our population and a government that is hell-bent on flooding Canada with shitskins.

>satire of itself

i thin you meant caricature

You're a burger, you should know

You literally had a muslim president for eight years lol

I don't know so how about you explain it to me, leaf?

Things had to get bad enough before the public woke up and saw what was happening. The same won't happen in Canada though. Your population is too small and easily flooded by refugees and immigrants. By the time you wake up, it will be too late.