Female Teacher Gets Probation for Sex with Students
my PENIS could use some of that semen demon's "traumatization"
First off, where was she when I was in school? All my teachers were old ladies are creepy dudes. No qt3.14s that were DTF.
This is the next generation that is going to fight our wars.
imagine if it was a male teacher who fucked under under age female students
whole different story
I dont understand how people hink women can rape. If shes hot, then your dick goes up and you get frisky if shes ugly then your dick cant get hard and so no sex. There. Women cant rape.
dude nice.
>tfw you will never have sex with a hot 24 year old school teacher during lunch break
>tfw never got traumatized this way when I was a kid
>tfw a math teacher will never sexually traumatize me
why doesn't this shit ever happen to me
life is so fucking unfair
>First off, where was she when I was in school? All my teachers were old ladies are creepy dudes. No qt3.14s that were DTF.
ikr, it's bullshit
>tfw no qt high school math teacher to "traumatize" you with sex
>High School Math Teacher Gets Probation For Traumatizing Male Teens With A Bunch Of Sex
>Math Teacher Gets Probation For Traumatizing Male Teens With A Bunch Of Sex
>Probation For Traumatizing Male Teens With A Bunch Of Sex
>Traumatizing Male Teens With A Bunch Of Sex
Someone post the copy pasta with the image of the guy that puts up the facade that he enjoyed it as a kid because that's what society dictates.
hope youre fucking around. what if a fat fucking disgusting hairy mexican woman bound and gagged you and started shoving cucumbers and shit in your asshole. clearly i know thats not what happened here but is that not an example of a woman raping a man
>People talk about how glad they'd be to get raped by an older girl/woman at 12
Yea, you think that, but when it actually happens it's not all that fun.
Kek. Those horny little manchildren were happy if anything.
Would have loved to bang her when I was in school.
Just annoying that women are only equal when it's convenient.
>high school
Article even says the boys were 17. I don't know when you hit puberty, but at that age just about any straight guy is going to want to fuck everything that moves.
> sex
> traumatizing
Pick one
The sentence should be proportional to the physical attractiveness of the female teacher.
Hot teacher = probation
Ugly teacher = 10 years in prison
they just keep getting hotter and hotter
2bh even if the boys were completely okay with it I'm just happy to see women get sent down for sex crimes
They generally never receive any negative side-effects for most sex-related shit they do, barring STDs.
Why not
Some women are pedophiles.
That one girl who worked at nintendo was a pedophile and Sup Forums got her fired for prostitution.
Debbie just hit the wall.
She never had it all.
One prozac a day.
Husband's a CPA.
My question is this, what the fuck is her problem. Think about it, instead of fucking chads or getting married, she's fucking kids. Not really sound judgment there. What possess a person to do something like that?
Is she a roastie that hit the wall or something? We're the same age and I wouldn't be trying to hook up with an underage girl. The risks aren't worth it in the end.
> woman sent down for sex crime
Dude, she got probation.
Are you asking why getting raped at 12 wouldn't be fun?
Who was the faggot who tipped her to the police? If only I've had a hot teacher traumatizing my ass
Sup Forums: How do we fix the degenaracy of women?
>"Female Teacher Gets Probation for Sex with Students"
Sup Forums: Niiiiiccccceee.
Without fail, every fucking time.
Is she a roastie that hit the wall or something?
same reason why attractive white people fuck ugly niggers, the only people who dont care how many people you fucked.
You could always be drugged with viagra, threatened with violence, coerced, or just be turned on by someone you don't want to fuck for personal reasons, like loyalty to a partner or avoiding stds.
Then these same anons will go on and complain about male teachers who fuck 16 year old girls.
Is that her?
She probably didn't have sex in high school. Now she can. idk
why do these stupid kids always ruin it by getting caught
>not wanting to fuck your high school teacher
Hypocrisy is the greatest form of degeneracy
That's because men and women are different, leaf.
She is doing those few lucky boys a service.
Wait, they're fucking 18. What makes it illegal if they were adults?
when these stories crop up i start to wonder if these female teachers slept with black students.
did she/they?
pol is 1/2 feminist.
teacher is in a position of power over students
highly unprofessional and unbalanced power dynamics lead to coercive situation
>shoving shit into an asshole
Settle down shymaylayin
She gave them booze, too.
She must teach them...
>teacher is in a position of power over students
you clearly went to some faggot high school if you think this is true.
So why are women sexually attracted to powerful men?
If we're a teenage student and I was fucking my hot teacher, once I got tired of her (and you would, there's always better pussy around the corner), I'd report her ass for lolz. It's inappropriate on her part, not to mention unprofessional. Think of how little self control she has. Yeah, "nice, nice", but that behavior ain't normal. I'd report her to set her straight and get her fired.
But that's 100% true, what the fuck are you smoking?
She got arrested for giving them booze.
If they're 18 they can fuck whatever adult they want.
Using this logic, it should be illegal for supervisors to fuck subordinates.
it is
lol, fuck off, I would absolutely fuck my high school teacher. But I don't turn around and complain about how "degenerate" women are at the same time like so many hypocrites on Sup Forums do.
It is
She is still absolutely degenerate.
"Niiiiccee" for the guys who got to fuck her. It's not like they're marrying her, and doesn't change the fact that she's a degenerate slut fucking underage kids.
something something master key shitty lock yadda yadda yada
I think we should do to those teachers what Dad's used to do to their sons when caught smoking back in the 50's, by locking them in their room until they smoke the whole pack.
So these teachers should have to fuck all the guys in their classes until they've learned their lesson.
Have you seen some of these students? There are plenty of ripped high school students that are just dying to get their dicks in anything they can. Now, reverse the genders and the teacher would be sent away for life. But all I'm saying is even when I was in high school we had tons of muscular and hot guys
And your head would be planted once per day, into a hallway locker, until you graduated.
Sup Forums realizes that there are double standards and that reality doesnt have equality
Every guy I knew from like 14-19 would have fucked the shit out of the hot teachers given the chance
Females are retarded though and even "fully grown" ones cant seem to realize that their actions have reactions
illegal, no
unprofessional and possibly weird, yes
Jesus, is he okay?
That may be true. I'm just saying you can't celebrate a female high school teacher sleeping with her student, and also denigrate the growing number of sexually active women. It is the same thing.
>But that's 100% true
good try faggot.
The argument is if you think it's nice that some female teacher was fucking her underaged students while complaining about degeneracy, you're being a hypocrite, because you're clearly perfectly okay with the degeneracy of some whore fucking some underaged students.
Girls hit puberty and mature faster than boys though.
What kind of fucked up country makes this illegal? Americans, what the fuck is wrong with you? I remember watching Survivor on television, and the show was constantly filled with black bars whenever any private parts of people were showing. Your society seriously needs to grow up as far as its relationship with sex goes.
Green text your story. I know you got one bb.
She should be fired not arrested
Fuck off.
She should be given a medal
What? We're all anonymous here, who cares. Was that shit that traumatic or am I off base with my assumptions?
So she raped a guy and gets probation. Do men get treated so leniently? How about of that equality the feminists are always on about.
Our attitudes around sex with kids are all fucked up and make no sense and everybody pretends everything is going fine.
Probation is actually what should happen because the kid wasn't actually traumatized, but the teacher shouldn't be a teacher. It throws away the entire point of years of her education.
We pretend that we want these woman to be punished more, not because we actually want to punish them more, but because we don't want to create a double standard with the men because the thought of some creepy teacher you sent your daughter off to fucking her makes you think homocidal thoughts.
We've decided we need gender equality in every situation when in reality I want to punish the men more for fucking students, and I want men to have more benefits elsewhere.
Society just can't handle the fact that an adult woman fucking a man isn't as traumatizing as a man fucking a daughter. It exposes how ridiculous the doctrine that both genders are the same is. So we just shame people for not being as hateful towards the woman teachers until they "act mature" and brainwash themselves into proclaiming we should punish them like men.
Feminists don't give two shits about equality.
>not born a chad
Why even bother?
Agreed. Whenever a woman has an orgasm from rape then it's not rape. Google that shit you fuck.
Can you imagine how many incidents of teacher-student sex there must be that NEVER get compromised? There must be tens of thousands of teachers fucking their students that never get caught. Guarantee that there's some hot 27 year old teachers out there somewhere right now sucking off 16 year old boys... right this second. Or fucking them. Or teaching them how to do anal.
We're just seeing the tip of the iceberg with cases that make the news like this chick and the few other hundred that have been caught.
High Schools these days are basically Roman Orgies for the hot kids and MILF teachers.
So what's the cutoff age for a boy getting fucked by his teacher?
Nothing will ever change the fact a men has less to fear from getting "Raped" in some way by a stranger.
A woman getting raped means a pregnancy, which potentially threatens her life, it means her life getting derailed, or an abortion.
Guys, guys we have to TEACH to be traumatized by this kind of sex. They won't be traumatized normally, so we teach them to be traumatized, and then punish the people "causing the trauma", when it's not really the teacher fucking them actually causing the trauma.
It's so fucking weird how we handle this situation. People just can't admit that it's worse for an adult male teacher to fuck a girl, than it is for an adult female teacher to fuck a boy. It is though.
They can't handle, if there should be a disparity in how men and women are treated here, maybe we need to start treating more things differently based on gender. That is a place mainstream society doesn't want to go. So they lie to themselves and act like these female teachers fucking student commited an equivalent crime to a male teacher doing the same, but everybody knows they didn't on a gut level, we just bullshit ourselves.
No cutoff age, even as adults female teachers shouldn't fuck their students, it's highly unprofessional, it just doesn't deserve as big as a punishment.
>High Schools these days are basically Roman Orgies for the hot kids and MILF teachers.
where were these teachers when I was in school
you don't automatically wake up one day and feel old. these women are only, in many cases, a few years removed from being in highschool themselves.
they wanted to bang every chad in HS, now they can. its fucking weird af, but its not like its some mystery. People fuck. Alot of these women probably aren't perusing bars or getting hit on at wal-mart. half the population is either beta faggots terrified of speaking to a woman, or std ridden playboys who are coked out of their minds.
This chick did for sure. I live in the same area of Florida and the three black kids she was fucking are all well known around here.
>it just doesn't deserve as big as a punishment.
That's my question, at what age does a female teacher fucking a male student become as bad as a male teacher fucking a 16 year old female student?
>That's because men and women are different, leaf.
It is different. Females reach sexual maturity faster and are naturally attracted to older males who gave authority.
i dont think its worse, necessarily, i think its just impossible to tell, from the outside looking in, where consent begins and grooming ends.
its much easier to put the onus of responsibility on the male in every case, men can handle responsibility and should know better when it comes to fucking around with children.
>They won't be traumatized normally
Oh god, another one of these armchair psychiatrists.
Black kids?
Death sentence. Only option for coal burners.
The fastest way to admit you're a woman pretending to be in the perspective of a man for such an argument is to say your dick only goes up because you're attracted to someone.
It's an organ. It reacts to certain stimuli. If a bright light goes off in your eye, your lids come down to cover it. If your dick has any warmth or pressure applied to it, it becomes hard. During puberty, it happens even more randomly.
I'm certain any guy here can point out their random, uncontrollable erections that appeared throughout their youths.
why do i feel like someone is choking me..