So Geert is guaranteed to win now, right?
So Geert is guaranteed to win now, right?
nobody votes for circus freaks in Europe
merkel keeps winning though
I mean. Basically.
knee jerk reactions.
Merkel is smarter than you
What happened?
If a country can see foreign invaders rioting in their city and vote for the status quo than they deserve their fate. Silent majority may have been awoken, God willing
She's dumb as a brick. She couldn't even locate Berlin on a map.
Geert strikes me as a midrange IQ
Not completely sold
Kys shill
There has been a shill campaign lately on pol to try to discourage us from memeing for Geert don't fall for it.
He is the only nederlander running that will remove kebab and help bring the EU down
Did something happen?
Nederlanders are Creating an Organization Called the Terran Federation to defend from the Arachnids who invaded Greek Anatolia.
she's a black belt ninja genius.
she's so smart she cuts her own hair with a piece of glass.
Protests broke out in Rotterdam and in front of Dutch diplomatic missions in Turkey on Saturday after the Netherlands barred a plane carrying Turkey's foreign minister from landing to stop him from addressing a political rally in the port city.
The Dutch government announced that Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu's flight permit was revoked amid concerns over public order at the expected large gathering of Turkish expatriates.
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan reacted angrily to the news, comparing the Dutch government to Nazis.
Addressing crowds at an opening ceremony in Istanbul, Erdogan said: "They are timid and coward. They are Nazi remnants and fascists."
Its funny that now they think by calling us Nazis and fascist that will help, Fucking third world roaches.
please keep calling zer germans nazis, erdogan!
Roaches chimped out hard in Rottemburg today after their minister who illegally entered the country was removed by SpecOps:
Wait, so he entered the country after being barred? Is this why Erdogan was calling Merkel a Nazi, because I wasn't paying attention to that.
>Sure we Turks want to literally exterminate all Jews, but the guys who revoke flight permits are Nazis!
It was a government official (minister?) planning to rally on Erdogan's behalf. A behalf that would make him essentially supreme, Islamic ruler of Turkey. Dutch, smartly, cancelled the rally and told Erdogan that no rallies were allowed. She went anyways knowing this; Dutch deployed SpecOps Quick Response teams; They disarmed her personal guard and dragged her screaming out of her car (kek) and deported(?) her back to Germany (or at least are planning to).
>Is this why Erdogan was calling Merkel a Nazi
He was calling the Dutch Nazis b/c that's what the cool kids do these days, apparently, when you don't agree with someone.
Now Erdogan is promising '10x escalation':
And Geert is likely drowning in orgasms after tonight, as the silent majority finally gets its shit together and votes for him
>60% white
>talking about invaders
Fix your shit first burgerclap. Europe is fine.
Oh damn. I knew Erdogan was going full Caliphate when he entered Syria, but the implication here is definitely that Erdogan ordered his foreign minister to enter the country. But this is good for us, no doubt.
Thanks for the basic gestalt.
Eh I'll bump. Better than the slide threads at least, give me a rundown on Geert to spread to normies.
Anytime anonbro. Here's another rundown, albeit several hours old by now (attached).
The stuff Edrogan and co. are trying to push actually aren't *that* egregious. Still, the referendum they're promoting is putting more power in the president's hand, and tradeoffs in parliament.
The proposals are here:
>The judiciary is required to act on condition of impartiality. (???)
>The number of seats in the Parliament is raised from 550 to 600. (lessening the power of individual parliament members)
>The powers of Parliament to scrutinize ministers and hold the government to account, as well as granting ministers the power to issue decrees regarding certain matters, are abolished. (fucking lul)
>To overcome a presidential veto, the Parliament needs to adopt the same bill with an absolute majority(301). (he increased the amount of votes required to overturn a veto)
> The elected president no longer needs to terminate their party membership if they have one.
>The President becomes both the head of state and head of government, with the power to appoint and sack ministers and VP. The president can issue executive orders .
> If legislation makes a law about the same topic that President issued an executive order, decree will become invalid and parliamentery law become valid (assuming it isn't vetoed, which is even more of a bitch to solve).
> Parliament can open investigations with majority (301) vote. Parliament can review investigations with hidden 3/5s vote (360), and can impeach with hidden 2/3 vote (400) in favor.
> President's ability to declare state of emergency requires parliament approval. This can be up to 5 months at a time except during war, where no limitation is required. (Lock-down state for 4 months at a time, eek)
>Military courts are abolished
>Reduce Judges in federal court
> "Transferring executive powers to President"
> "Annuled article that forces elected Presidents to lose membership in political party"
I ran out of space but he's really crushing the # of judges in several courts as well. Not sure how to analyze that though, so take it as you will.
The sauce I used is here:
invaders are waiting until Europe warms up so they can keep trekking towards welfare.
No the pm looks tough now so I expect this is good for his centre right party. It's going to help Geert too and they are almost tied in the polls. Even if Geert wins he will not rule because he is a dick that can't keep his friends so now he has none.
truck of peace
these hook nosed fuckers are everywhere
funny thing is if he just showed up without a passport and some shitty clothes they would have let him in without question
Make Toothpaste Orange Again
There were 2 ministers
>the one that came by airplane didn't get landing rights
>the second one was in Germany already
Rotterdam is known for the large amount of turks.
Geert, more like Gayert.
Don't worry burger, the Geert absolutely fucking wins by a landslide. Believe me. Polls also showed Trump does not have the slightest chance. Silent majority surely stands with Geert.
The meme wars are not over. We will meme more candidates into office before the race war. We can do this lads. Kek will watch over us.
Spencerposting is an astroturf attempt to make a nobody legitimate. This is done so the media can brand him the leader of the "alt right" and then throw all Trump supporters into the white nationalist basket.
Typical Jewish nonsense.
Sage all spencer posts.
I wish you luck, toothpaste friends
>Europe is fine
no it isn't you fucking moron
>his foreign minister
It's not a foreign minister. It's a minister of family issues
That's the whole reason she wasn't admitted into the country, she had no reason to be here
i beg to differ, you soros faggots voted for Iohannis, Merkel lapdog
Mutti is playing 24D chess with us, you wouldn't understand
Geert is a jew lover pos.
Geert was ten years ahead of all the other anti-immigrant leaders. Ten years ago he was warning about immigration problems.
He redpilled me a decade ago.
Kek make Geert win, he deserves it.
Can someone give me a summary on the roach events? I was only on Sup Forums for the starting hours and missed the rest.
>Ten years ago he was warning about immigration problems.
That sounds pretty neat, I didn't know this. Do you have any good sauce on how Geert has been playing the long game?
>Geert was ten years ahead of all the other anti-immigrant leaders
Pim Fortuyn
Hans Janmaat
He's the jew lover pos we need right now
G-guys... Geert is... one of (((t-them)))?
>"Fortuyn was assassinated during the 2002 Dutch national election campaign by Volkert van der Graaf. In court at his trial, van der Graaf said he murdered Fortuyn to stop him from exploiting Muslims as "scapegoats" and targeting "the weak members of society" in seeking political power."
What the fuck, is netherlands really this cucked??
you can't expect burgers to get our humor bro
This. I remember showing support for him in my msn messenger status 10 years ago. Gonna be well smug to my lefty friends if he wins.
yeah, he's a jew
he's also all we have for now
there is Thierry Baudet, but he can't become Prime Minister, so that's something for the next election
Other than what has already been explained to you, Geert has kept his public appearances extremely limited, has not shown up to debates and has a very miniscule party platform. He's been slipping in the polls as a result. If he doesn't make the most of these last few days, he doesn't stand a chance of getting a plurality.
No, the shill campaign has been in favor of FvD, who, while not as popular as PVV, are actual right-wing populist euroskeptics who would be far more effective in cleaning up the Netherlands. Only problem is they have no seats, but they're poised to claim a few this election, and they need all the help they can get. They're not going to be the biggest party by a longshot, but they'd almost certainly form a ruling coalition with PVV. No one is discouraging PVV votes, it's just that FvD has a much better platform and would work with PVV on the issues that PVV cares about.
Geert is a half Indonesian crypto-Jew rape baby who spent a large amount of time in Israel as a young man and grew an incredible hatred of Muslims as a result. He's literally calling to close all mosques in the country at this point. He also wants to leave the EU, probably because he's so single issue on goddamn Muslims because other than that, his party, PVV (Party for Freedom) is an outright hippy socialist party. But PVV is the best chance the Dutch have for purging the invaders and leaving the European Union, so Geert's a useful idiot.
It gets worse
Volkert was let free from prison 3 years ago
how new are you cunts?
Don't worry. He is out of prison again ready to strike again.
Wrong thread leaf
>other than that, his party, PVV (Party for Freedom) is an outright hippy socialist party
This is cuckservative propaganda
There are certain aspects that they're a bit lefty on, but over all they're a bit centre right in terms of economic policy
Which makes them the second most economic right wing party in parliament at the moment, mind you
when the fuck did we end up so cucked in Romania? EU flags, #resist, "Soros is a conspiracy, bro". "The coalition for family makes us look medieval."
g-d fuck geert and fuck Jewish people
This, the nation can only prove its own existence by the people of that nation defending what they love.
Swede here, it is absolutely not fine.
I dont like wilders. He is a lefty. His nationalism is his only selling point. I dont get why none of the mainstream parties adobt nationalism. They are basically handing power to those lame cucks.
a similar reunion has been allowed in France today sadly
at least Kurz understands.
What are the olds of a coalition with PVV and VVD?
I think it's above 75% at this point
PVV will become the largest party and VVD (and CDA) will work with them because they want to be in government
Why doesn't Geert have a (((nose)))?
he's not a ethnic jew, more of a cultural one
if singles it will be
At least it seems the strongest trait of his jewishness is his hate of mudslimes
And leaving the EU can only be an improvement
What did you mean by this?
Both VNL and VVD sound more conservative economically than PVV, though it's hard to tell since PVV doesn't seem to give a shit about the economy, and neither do many of your various other retard parties like 50plus and SGP
Yes, he is not our guy. It is fine if he does good. But FvD is /ourguys/.
Stop blackpilling me guys
Decreasing the number of judges makes it easier to get your people in. First, you choose the current ones you like to be the ones that get kept when the new law goes in, and second going forward you only need to find a few guys to keep in your pocket as opposed to trying to keep a large number of judges in line.
he is an ethnic jew, shill.
turn off your proxy, russian.
Thank you Turk roaches. Hope it gives Geert a boost.
VNL isn't a party in parliament just yet
not ethnic, but he does act like one
>She went anyways knowing this; Dutch deployed SpecOps Quick Response teams; They disarmed her personal guard and dragged her screaming out of her car
Please tell me that there is a video.
This is true. Below average in fact.
There's a new party, FvD that has some real brainpower and desire to start fixing shit fast. They'll be the surprise win this year, though not quite as big as they should be.
I wish Geert the best, but he hasn't got anything done in 22 years in politics and now that he was poised to dominate, he evaded every debate and let health care become the #1 subject.
Fortuyn was killed for his anti-islam message and his refusal to join the JSF bandwagon. Ie: jewish american interests.
Geert is funded by jewish american interests. He's controlled opposition.
>t. Pablo
FvD is the real rightwing party of the Netherlands. Smart economics. Anti-immigration (except for the exact skills we need). Anti-EU. Nexit. Want to build hungarian style fence and reintroduce border controls.
Do they have a chance to win?
Tell me Netherbros which famous netherlandish dish shall I eat when Geert wins? Something with cheese I guess?!
But you have no idea how little Europeans think in terms of survival and conflict. The political narrative, the political concept and the political thinking in Europe is very feminine.
No. They will get a handful of seats at most (which is more than the zero seats they have now). However, any ruling coalition that includes PVV will most likely also include FvD, for they agree on their primary issues
It was on semi on video on the Dutch statenews.
semi viewable*
>So Geert is guaranteed to win now, right?
Alas, no.
I think 51% is pretty unlikely, to be honest.
I'll try that. Thanks brah.