Ignoring Richard Spencer and the lefts description of anything, what is the alt-right and why does Sup Forums hate it?
How is Sup Forums not alt-right?
Sup Forums is satire
forced hillary-esque meme
Your meme is bad shill.
Sup Forums should not be a whole 1 political ideology board
plus the Alt Right is a bullshit term formed by the media and lefties to put a scary face on the new right emerging to combat their radical left
but is there even an ideology for it or is it just "evil white nationalists"
The Alt-Right is a collection of YouTubers and their followers that are anti-Feminist, anti-Christian, pro-LGBTQ, pro-Israel (despite bantz made to Jews that don't follow all Alt-Right beliefs), pro gender equality, and pro racial equality.
Sup Forums users see many correlations to the "Alt-Right" and Communists and realize that it is simply a way to desensitize traditionalist conservatives.
The alt-right was made up by CNN or something so they could pretend they were only against *some* conservatives. Kinda like how they say "Evangelicals" instead of "Christians" or "Fake News" instead of "News of indeterminate validity that we sure hope is fake please don't think it's real"
The alt-right is a term leftists came up with to label people that don't agree with them. The majority of Sup Forums consists of Ethno-Nationalists, National Socialists, Libertarians, especially Ancap and Traditionalists, and anyone that says otherwise is a cancerous faggot that needs to lurk moar
whack-a-mole with the fags.
Left and right and those other shit political labels cannot describe anything and are used to demonize people/
There is, im sure the terms are just loosely defined, hell I couldnt tell you any right now. Richard Spencer might lay out some of the ideology, but even then the "AltRight" is too much of a fractured group that loosely want some of the same things but probably cant agree on everything. Part of my earlier point of the alt right being a boogie man term
They're retards who don't even live in urban centers
Maybe in Serbia, but in America every fucking person who identifies as leftist is a huge fucking annoying faggot with massive double standards and is in love with shitskins.
You're on the wrong website OP. kek
Sup Forums is always strongest when we don't associate with groups that attract the attention of Jews that want to shut us down.
We may support the same goals sometimes but we are at our best when the enemy has no target to hit back at. Its the reason we are successful.
A lot of Sup Forums are also libertarian, general conservative and others. Sup Forums is not one person.
Dank webm but the maker shouldve added a "Critical" on the hit that broke the stick
Alt-right is delusion.
It is. Anyone who says otherwise is a d&c shill or a butthurt leftist.
The alt right is real but it is not a singular organized movement. Do you generally lean conservative but reject some of the orthodox cuckservative tenets? Congrats, you fall under the alt right umbrella.
>The Alt-Right are anti-Feminist, anti-Christian, pro-LGBTQ, pro-Israel (despite bantz made to Jews that don't follow all Alt-Right beliefs), pro gender equality, and pro racial equality.
i can guarantee u that not a single person who hates the alt-ight or are alt-right believe this
>a fucking leaf
Sup Forums will never be alt kike
I only use Sup Forums as a warning system to get my family to Israel before the whites chimp out again.
The "alt-right" was at one point in time used to denote the "online right" in general. After the media broadcast Spencer's HEIL TRUMP speech, it became permanently associated with Spencer's "Alternative Right."
We are the hacker collective known as Anonymous. Never mind - those guys are fags. We are the Alt Right. Never mind - those guys are fags. We are the shapeshifting monster known as Sup Forums.
Really, is it surprising that people who come to a site with the feature of anonymity don't like having labels and identities forcibly applied to them, and when done so immediately shed it?
Sup Forums's eternal form is the form of whatever causes offense.
I am not alt right.
I am National Socialist.
> anti-Feminist
If you're denying this, you're retarded.
> anti-Christian
YouTubers such as the Amazing Atheist
> pro-LGBTQ
Fucking Milo for Christ sake
> pro-Israel
Most of them talk about how Holocaust deniers are awful people
> pro gender equality
Even though they all shit on Feminism, women being housewives is not on their agendas. They want a middle ground where we accept that men and women are equals in today's society.
> pro racial equality
They shit all over BLM and made #AllLivesMatter to shit over anyone that tries to stray from equality amongst the races.
>what is the alt-right and why does Sup Forums hate it?
Because they are phonies and shill for POOPDICK DEGENERACY and MUH BASED NATIONALIST JEWS so much.
You're probably one of the only Mexicans I've ever liked.
It's pretty fucking simple really.
Sup Forums is not a monolith
Checked and keked
>what is the alt-right
A label created by outside elements to easily contain, dismiss, and slander in a single fell swoop.
>Oh, your political view doesn't march lockstep with any of our already sanctioned political positions? Here you go into this sweet new catchall we just invented, also by the way now you're exactly the fucking same as this literal pedofag, good luck childfucker.
Anyone who accepted this label when it first showed up, ironically or not, is a fucking moron and deserves whatever shit they get for it.
Its a catch all label for a phenomenon the left couldn't explain.
Who here actually thinks the Alt-Right isn't just a bunch of fags who hopped on for the media attention.
The """""Alt-Right"""""" doesn't exist and Richard Spencer is controlled opposition.
Prove me wrong.
>Protip: you can't
FUCK Sup Forums!!! FUCK RACISTS!!!! this is our board now!!!!!!!!
1) /pol isn't 1 person and we're not a hive mind
2) you can't attack something until you label it and give it a leader hence why (the smart half of /pol at least) reject the label and reject any attempt at the media to impose a leader on us. This is why almost all spencer threads are the equivalent of shill threads.