>Says the Christian Armenian Genocide (1.5 Million) denier.
Are roaches this delusional?
>Says the Christian Armenian Genocide (1.5 Million) denier.
Are roaches this delusional?
Erdoshit has big problems in Turkey, that's why he wants even more power.
Word is another coup might happen.
Nigga he did it himself.
>Are roaches this delusional?
Yes they are, but once again Erdogan isn't dumb. He has a referendum coming to dilute the turkish constitution further and it is a great opportunity to rally his idiotic followers behind him by being a stronkman on the international scene.
He gets BTFO (which he probably anticipated to a degree) by the international community but in return the dumb roaches give him the vote he wants.
>T*rkish Constitution
What's funny? Turkey is one of the few muslim majority countries with an actual constitution not based on sharia so for that they do deserve a little praise. Not that it matters much anyway, they had a good run as far as they go. Ataturk is probably gonna roll in his grave for the 50th time, that is all.
Will make it easier to openly shill against Turkey in public, if anything.
How long until we actually white phosphorus all of Turkey?
Erdoroach has an assumed IQ of 85. That combined with a superiority complex leads to bizarre outcome.
Fun fact: you need to have a university diploma to be president in roachland, but the sultan faked it and later changed the law to that it isn't necessary.
He is a retard and most of turks believe in him since they share IQ and and the ironic superiority complex
>t. Mehmet
lmao fuck off sand nigger.
>B-but it's the first Muslim country to do so and so!
So fucking what you degenerate? That's like saying niggers did something that Christian nations have done thousands of years ago already.
>white phosphorus
>not white bosporus
The only good roach is a dead roach.
Fuck Turkey and Islam.
Reminder now to call any leftist who uses the same terminology Erdogan-puppet.
Did the roaches just surprassed the swedens on the most hated nationality in Sup Forums?
Bit fucked in the head you aren't you mate? All he did was mention that Turkey has a non-fucked constitution from the days of Ataturk. If you had any clue about anything you'd understand that Ataturk did a good thing in Turkey.
oh okay you're retarded nevermind
No, really. Fuck you Mehmet
Imagine a world without turkroaches...
Fucking hell lad, nupol is embarassing
"You dirty fascist!"
picture will probably on every turkish newspaper site
based doggo did nothing wrong
PVV winning a majority of the seats in parliament coming wednesday in 3, 2,1...
Even dogs crave kebab after a night at the pub
Also mind Sup Forums has IDs, Mehmet, so at least keep your shilling consistent
read my posts again and point out the exact bit where I support turkey or erdogan in anyway
Their constitution is going to shariah step by step. No division of powers, no free speech, no opposition, no democracy.
The more muslim the country is, the more authoritarian it is.
Living example of how muslim states are incompatible with democracy in general
Pretty much yeah. From what I understand erdogan belonged to an islamist party prior to forming AKP so obviously it's something the roaches are longing for. At least it will forever prove that muslims are adverse to democracy and secularism, since Turkey was the only "exception" dince '23. Barely a 100years they managed it.
Really makes you think
Yeah pretty much. Most Turks are against full-blown Sharia, but they want Islam to have some influence over the judicial system.
This is good, call normal people nazis, call regular people and even leftwingers racist, keep it up.
Reminder that
Obama Supports Erdogan
President Barack Obama is urging all parties in Turkey to support the democratically-elected government of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan.
>Most Turks are against full-blown Sharia, but they want Islam to have some influence over the judicial system
That doesn't really compute though, dies it. You can't be opposed to sharia (islamic jurisprudence) and yet also want an islamic-based judiciary. It's cognitive dissonance at its best.
I am saying that they don't want the Qur'an and the Hadiths to be the only things the laws are based on, but they still want them to somewhat influence the laws.
Well good luck walking that line. I'm sure it won't backfire at all.
I thought that was us or the leaves?
Nah, you guys are up there but not quite on the pajeet's,roaches and swedes level.
King Nigger is out of the picture and it just turns out that Michael Flynn, the guy who got fired a month ago, was turkeys inside man in the white house.
That's probably because Obongo was a foreign policy retard. He saw that erdogay was opposed to Assad and thought "I can work with that" without doing 2 bits of research.
Actually im giving him too much credit, he probably knew and didnt give a fuck. He never had any foresight beyond the end of his term.
Agree. Give this man a medal and/or coat. Islam
is implicitly totalitarian. The only people who do not understand this are ignorant at best and
dishonest at worst.
Someone give this man either a medal or a coat. Islam is implicitly totalitarian. Anyone who
argues with this point is ignorant at best, but
probably dishonest and nefarious.
Constantinople will be Greek again soon...VERY soon!
I am not the one deciding the population's political orientations pal.
>Name drops infowars.com
>Name drops Alex Jones
>Proceeds to redpill most of America who was on the fence.
>Has reverse effect.
Are they really this dumb?
I am p sure this is a two sided plan.Geert and Erdo will both raise their votes.The conflict is just made to get normies hyped
Turkish genocide when? We got about 10 million turkroaches in Europe, we could deathmarch them back all the way to central asia where they belong
Kek this is the one true answer
yeah suck my dick nu-Sup Forums
They want to kill all the christians & europeans
What else is fucking new
But will Anzu be okay?
An actual coup this time or just another excuse to remove more threats to his power?
Good doggo
Stop mentioning roaches here you dummy.
God I hate Mudslime/Roach posters.
How big are Geert's balls?
>white phosphorus over the bosporus
>>Says the Christian Armenian Genocide (1.5 Million) denier.
>Are roaches this delusional?
EU is going to make turkey hurt.
Silly turk.
remember the 2.5 million armenians
>>Says the Christian Armenian Genocide (1.5 Million) denier.
>look at flag
>calling someone out on everyone I don't like is a nazi
top wew