What is the best branch of Christianity Sup Forums? Which is more based? Inb4 "muh kike on a stick"
Best Christian Branch
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Tie between orthodoxy and non-denominational.
The others have strayed from the light, as they were killed by greed, corruption, and evil men.
Orthodox Christanity
>inb4 triggered fedoras
Just read the Bible and watch Jordan Peterson videos
jordan peterson thinks Christianity is a myth based upon Ancient Egyptian beliefs. He's a brilliant guy, but he knows nothing about the Christian faith
>jordan peterson thinks Christianity is a myth based upon Ancient Egyptian beliefs. He's a brilliant guy, but he knows nothing about the Christian faith
I don't think you understand what Jordan Peterson is saying.
>contributed to Western art, architecture, science, and morality
>pretty cool history
>strong, steadfat morality in the face of Western degeneracy
>"But the cuck Pope!"
A lot of Pope Francis says is misinterpreted or distorted by the media. And anyways, many of his comment aren't made ex cathedra, so they aren't dogma.
An unlikely ally, but I'll take it. Welcome aboard Leaf, do make yourself at home.
Jordan Peterson doesn't understand what Jordan Peterson is saying.
Orthodox since it's closest to the source. Catholocism is iffy but acceptable
Protestantism is so autistic that it refuted itself and tossed God out of his own religion for being insufficiently holy and moral.
Calvinism. The Scottish and Ulster varieties especially.
>not "straying from the light
Also, Orthodoxy hands diwn.
>itt: I base my religious beliefs on how "cool" the churches look because lol fuck scripture
Y'all need some hard Baptist preaching.
Mark 9:38-48New King James Version (NKJV)
Jesus Forbids Sectarianism
38 Now John answered Him, saying, “Teacher, we saw someone who does not follow us casting out demons in Your name, and we forbade him because he does not follow us.”
39 But Jesus said, “Do not forbid him, for no one who works a miracle in My name can soon afterward speak evil of Me. 40 For he who is not against us is on our[a] side. 41 For whoever gives you a cup of water to drink in My name, because you belong to Christ, assuredly, I say to you, he will by no means lose his reward.
We should unite, not try to find differences. We're all brothers in Christ.
>because lol fuck scripture
More like we compiled Scripture to firm the Biblical Canon, but then Protestants believe it came out of thin air the day of the Resurrection. Protestants don't know their own history. It's a reductionist version of Christianity.
wrong criteria. pick a church based on how good the music is, how nice the church looks. I picked one next to a classical music school with gothic architecture. I never listen to the sermons because fuck that anyway. RTFbook
>We should unite, not try to find differences. We're all brothers in Christ.
Sure. If you're willing to come back to the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Orthodox Church, we will take you back. Come home and realize everything you've ignored.
>More like we compiled Scripture to firm the Biblical Canon, but then Protestants believe it came out of thin air the day of the Resurrection. Protestants don't know their own history. It's a reductionist version of Christianity.
And how do you know it was Catholics were the one to compose the Biblical canon as opposed to some other early sect like Arianists, Nestorians, etc.
Oh wait, that's right, you believe that the Catholics did it because the Catholics say they did.
Hmmm... really, REALLY makes you think.
Orthodox, not Roman Catholics.
Read up on St. Athanasius and St. Anthony. Roman Catholics didn't exist until that part of the Orthodox Church split for Papal arrogance and worldliness.