I used to think Sup Forums was the opposite of Reddit. But now I think it's the same except its just the anti-reddit. Like it's an echo-chamber for right wing stuff. There is very little actual debate here now. The opposite of Reddit means people without the majority view are actually argued and challenged against instead of insulted. It's not insults that bug me it's lack of arguments that address the other side and insults instead, which is basically a way of downboating .
Yep Sup Forums is anti-reddit not opposite. Sup Forums would be more valuable if it was opposite . But probably less interesting.
Reddit censors differing opinions. Typically mods leave dumbshit up. There's a commie general for fucks sake. Sure there's a lot of shit talking, but it's allowed to exist. Try starting an alt-right/natsoc thread in the heart of liberal Reddit.
Also shitposters are somewhat valued here. We encourage scrutiny and argument.
Jace Brown
What he really wants is recognition and upboats. Sup Forums is having its own immigration crisis at the moment.
Nicholas Fisher
I used to think Canada was the opposite of US. But now I think it is the same except just the faggot US. Like it's an country for faggot and left wing stuff. There is very little actual debate over this now. The opposite of faggot means people who aren't totally cucked and are actually building businesses and having families. It's not the country itself that bugs me it is the people who come on here and address the board with shitposts and cuntraggery, which is a way of shilling.
Yep, soon as I started on Sup Forums my opinions of Canada changed, now they are opposite.
Adrian Rogers
Colton Reyes
Pol is one of the only true places of free speech left, what are you whinging about ya ninny.
Nathaniel Ramirez
Sup Forums is going the way of Sup Forums really. Sup Forums used to have original content . Now it's basically all porn. Sup Forums used to have interesting opinions on all sides. Now it's basically a right-wing echo chamber.
The shitposting quality has declined over the last 4 yrs.
I plan on moving to the US cause I hate how left-wing Canada has become... But that doesn't change my opinion on this board
Easton Gray
We're full fuck off god damn frost back.
Nicholas Hughes
The problem is the quality of posts. When someone sees something they don't agree w they barely ever address it now. That's why I thought this place was different from Reddit. That's what I mean by this place going the way of Sup Forums
I see your point about free-speech. I like good Insults. But everything gets boring when the post quality isnt good. And as this continues more people will leave
I come here mostly for the happenings or the news that mainstream ostrich in the sand media won't look at like pizzagate or for a laugh. But theres less to actually learn from coming here than there used to be
Benjamin Rogers
>When someone sees something they don't agree w they barely ever address it now. Are you retarded or merely pretending?
Asher Morgan
The devil is in the details. You have to sift mountains of coal to find diamonds dude. There are tons of shills right now so people have fatigue from repeating the same arguments. This is why memes work so well. You should practice your memecraft.
Julian Hernandez
>There is very little actual debate here now.
Go back to your echo chamber fagot, if you don't have any arguments to debate us!
Unlike plebbit we don't censor! Your problem is, that you don't have any arguments, and that you can't handle bantz, snowflake.
Pol prank call discord. We do prank calls nightly. Just set up this discord. Feel free to join, it can be hilarious
Jacob Mitchell
I'm trying to understand this. If I understand it correctly, I agree, I don't think it makes sense to argue with stupid people... I just never thought Sup Forums was filled with stupid people. So that's why I thought arguments still had merit here.
Sebastian Hill
How long have you been on Sup Forums? Theres less than there used to be. Thats my point. I've been coming here since Sup Forums was created . One example...About important stuff like energy policy I used see debate and stuff before ... Not much anymore.
Jackson Williams
I will try this
Robert King
Be the change you want to see in the world, bucko. Do you think anyone else will do it for you?
I agree that Sup Forums is getting too fast for its own good though.
Adam Perry
That's true. I should
I have tried starting threads about policy issues I think are important... With little success of replies. That's probably one reason I decided to whine tonight about it .
Hunter Gomez
That's just because of a huge influex of newfags from the aftereffects of Trump, tons of new people from Reddit, r/TheDonald, etc. It will probably go back to being fine again sometime in the future but it's straight cancer atm. There is the potential for free speech, one example being the TPP thread made earlier today, but it's being drowned out by some of the echo chamber circlejerking being enabled.