You think this will be the next big protest?
The next big protest
The KKK Has Infiltrated U.S. Police Departments for Decades
fuck off nigger
the cop did a great job, he would have done a better job if he unloaded his entire mag into the nigger's skull, reloaded, and then mag dumped the whole crowd.
shame police are so scared to do their actual jobs these days
can't wait for the day when i see niggers getting massacred in the streets
Yes!! Any white vs black scenario is automatically KKK involvement. Good work detective you got to the bottom of the case without needing any evidence or providing any citations.
Seems liberals will protest over anything they are looking for any excuse to raze the city. This one has potential
The police officers had to do what they had to do to protect themselves against a wild horde occupying their homeland
You couldn't tell me you wouldn't be frightened when a pack of rabid blacks starts hoooting and hollering and threatening you
Let California burn.
The KKK has ~5000 members nationwide. Some more liberal estimates place it at 8000. Nation wide. At least 1:20 is an FBI informant, by Alex Jones' estimate its actually 1:4.
There are 1.1million full time police officers in the US. If EVERY KKK member was a police officer they would only account for 0.004% to 0.007% of police officers.
They have not, can not, and never will infiltrate shit. The KKK is nothing a honeypot to catch and control the retards.
The problem is training, unions, and lack of accountability. They are trained that no matter what they are to do whatever it takes to go home at night. They are trained to be aggressive, fast, and to shoot first. The police unions protect the officers and lobby to have them be a higher caste and that they always have the moral and ethical high ground. Because they are a higher caste they have no one above them to be accountable to.
who was yelling "I am god", the officer or the suspect, or someone in the crowd?
>Because they are a higher caste they have no one above them to be accountable to.
They are accountable to the mayor, retard.
The black guy being arrested because he was on drugs.
Also, no, no protests because the cop is obviously Hispanic and not white.
Cops who have to deal primarily with nigs on a daily basis probably have one of the worst jobs in the country.
Hispanics become white when they're cops in the eyes of a nigger. Hell, even blacks become white the second they stop selling rocks and gangbanging.
Can niggers go 5 seconds with out saying nigger?
Why are niggers so god damned stupid
>runs from cop
>struggles as he tries to arrrest him
>shrieking baboons abound
How do normies not understand how retarded this race is?
they have like a third of a vocabulary as you, leave them alonne
That's because normies love nigger culture, shiiiieeet I luhhh Kendrick and Meek fuhhhhh ma niggaaa we gonna get some lean and smoke some kush????? shieeeet
The black guy called him a racist name. Cop is justified.
Why didnt the cop just put his hand on his gun and tell the guy to roll onto his back and put his hands behind his back?
Why on earth would you get down and start grappling straight away?
Roll onto his front i mean
Normies have a 3rd of the vocabulary as me.
I work next to what I can only assume is a welfare net as I never see people there more than 2 weeks at a time. All of them shout to their phone on speaker 2 feet away form their face. "yo dem biullis, gota pay dem buillis"
I keep a gun in my car and every time I hear them I consider testing Cho's score.
niggers deserve every hit thats coming their way
Guys on drugs, god only what.
Never deal fairly with a junkie who is armed.
Take this as life advice.
He's on PCP or some shit.
yeah no reason to keep blugeoning the guy after the second cop what's there
if the cop didn't have those gay tattoos I probably wouldn't care though
tattoos are so fucking gay holy shit
Black dude was yelling "I am God". That is not something a cooperative person says
But doesnt that kinda back up my point? Why would you get down onto the ground with a guy who has junkie strength?
Standing over him ready to shoot him seems like a safe option in my mind
I think he was saying "I'm done."
Muscles only flex one way, more or less. If you put him on his chest he cant use that Crack strength on you.
lol this looks like some shitty Cali Liberal art project by the state to further induce more racial hatred towards white men and cops.
They're like pokemon.
its been a long time, but I fucking lol'd
He was saying before that some shit like "police ain't real. You're not real."
It was pretty clear he was saying "I am God" after that, considering the insanity fits his prior comments and in his final chant you can hear him phoentically pronounce it "gawd".
Well, actually it was "gaaaaawwwwwd".
Just another nigger on some hard drugs.
Fucking lold
yes Jamal the damn KKK keeps kidnapping innocent Dindus and putting them in stolen cars filled with drugs and weapons.
if he was yelling "im done" why wasnt he cooperating?
that cop was kind of a prick tbhfam
This is wrong. The cop is racist
nigger what the fuck is going on nigger, thats so gross
I don't get it. Does this guy think he's seriously going to outwrestle a cop, run and get away?
Why do they always put up a fight? They want you arrested. Obviously they will not give up if you somehow manage to break free. Fucking idiots
>Officers name is Sam Hyde, badge number one four eight eight, Humboldt county. Call your senators, do NOT let this piece of shit get away with this!
Top kek
This meme was so much funnier when it was Ben Garrison.
he is under pressure from a person resisting arrest and a gathering crowd of , uh shall we um say humans... no no lets call them what they are niggers., anyways he reacted correctly i think.
I literally can't look at niggers as humans when they speak so fucking moronic
he dindu nuffin
cant handle the pressure profesionally, then maybe get another fuckin job? this asshole is gonna cost his city's taxpayers lots of money in lawsuits, make his department look bad in the eyes of the public, and put other (actually competent) officers at risk. fuck that guy and his shitty sleeve tats
Were you not around for zimzam?
he didn't do shit the nigger was resisting you fucking cuck. get the fuck out of Sup Forums if this offends you you nigger sympathize
>Resisting arrest.
The guy sat the fuck down on the curb giving up until Officer Grabs His Gun jumped on him and started punching him.
He went for his gun first, then looked at people around him, and changed it to stick and started beating him.
Then started breaking his fingers while being hand cuffed.
This cop is an asshole, want proof? Here it is fuck stain.
>He was wearing Oakley Sunglasses on the backside of his head.
He was a Chad who got cucked and took it out on a pipe swinging black man.
he's going to get a nice little paid vacation and some cool youtube time and some badge bunnies to fuck when they see his video and his sleeve tattoos
a cuck like you could only hope to watch him fuck a bitch because someone like you only gets railed by dudes
then he'll come back after his fat paid vacation and fuck more niggers up
>that random hits at 0:45
>tfw almost no comfy blm streams all 2016
I hope we get some quality chimp outs this year
Was someone screaming 'I AM GOD' or 'OH MY GOD?'
Fuck off, Dayshawn.
I was wondering that too.....sounded like "I am God" to me.
Can someone please post a good link for the video. Thank you.
Is the nigger screaming
Come April you can fucking bet we will.
American spring incoming.
>Cop with tattoos all over his arm
How did he even become a cop?
Watch, it's going to come out that the guy getting arrested is a complete nut off his rocker. I don't know if that's going to make things better or worse though.
so are we going to astroturf false flag with this or what?
>shut up bitch
>ayy fuck u nigga police nigga nigga
>yo fuck u gon do cop yo bitch ass nigga yo
Damn, American police really are cucked.
California probably has low standards.
Fuck off altright shill dick sucker. Csbt wait for the days you gay ass pink triangle queers are genocided globally
The cop did a great job except for bring a tattooed up faggot (how the fuck was this inkhead scrub even allowed in?), punching the suspect in the head, and hitting his arm with the baton which would do nothing to make him stop moving his arm and instead just make him move harder. Actually grabbing his arm with both hands to complete an arrest would have accomplished the job but this retard just wants to swing a club around like a neanderthal faggot.
so what?
you have my sympathetic ear when a person dies, or if an innocent child is hurt
so some idiot got in a sucffle with the cops. he'll be fine. maybe next time he won't get in the face of a cop with a sleeve tattoo, have some fucking sense, jesus
>emotional argument detected
Potential millions given to a nigger for some weak hits from the cop. This is so bad it could be set up.
>Csbt wait for the days you gay ass pink triangle queers are genocided globally
Learn how to type, you stupid subhuman halfbreed. Go be a minority somewhere else. The police have my full support. I pray that one day I can meet Darren Wilson so I can shake his hand for putting a round in that nigger Mike Brown's skull.
Closed casket funerals are the best for niggers, they don't deserve to ever see their lil chilrunz ever again.
I see a person resisting arrest and continuing to resist even when subdued. The suspect then is emboldened to keep resisting when he realizes he has popular support.
The police officer is then threatened by an unknown sized crowd, although we can safely assume it could have been 10+ people.
I see no problem with the police officer's actions. Don't resist arrest, even if you dindu. Resisting only makes it worse, gets your ass beat, and then encourages others to attack police.
Love a good chimpout.
He was justified.
holy fuck, how hard is it to just act civil? The cop wouldn't be beating the dudes ass if he wasn't on drugs and resisting arrest. It's fucking simple.
mestizos are proving quickly to be our greatest allies, they can cleanse the negroids safe from jewish persecution
Good, everyone should be.
>E kant breeve
If I were to judge a book by its cover, I'd have guessed this guy made poor life decisions. I don't even think McDonald's would hire someone who looked like this in my state.
police arrest people, if people refuse or make it hard for the police officer to make the arrest, force can be used to arrest.
everyone knows this!! except the dumb blacks.
>Csbt wait for the days you gay ass pink triangle queers are genocided globally
when you do that you can say goodbye to your drinkable tap water
Lot of bootlickers ITT. That cop deserves to be executed. We cannot allow this sort of behavior to go unpunished.
>We cannot allow this sort of behavior to go unpunished.
I can.
I'd polish a cop's boot with my tongue if it meant hearing about your excruciating death, and the death of all your young family members in the papers. You should probably get cancer.
I agree. There is no excuse for him not shooting that shitskin.
Niggers are objectively retarded baboons.
Its true that racist white faggots join the police with dirtbag motives
>without needing any evidence or providing any citations.
Nice try you stupid piece of shit
The FBI ALSO issued another report 10 or so years ago about white racists infiltrating the police
>the problem is this and that
You forgot to also mention that the problem is THEM. A shit bag person. The police force very very very very often refuges total shitbags.
>white hispanic
memes aside, he dindu nuffin
There is nothing wrong with hating shitskins and wanting them dead.
The guy was clearly high on something. Saying that the cop hitting him isn't real. Screaming that he is God. The circumstances are in the cops favor. He was pulling those hits. He will suffer no bad consequences. Then we get another chimpout. I hope they level L.A.
The cop acted accordingly.
It's impossible to deal with angry incoherent niggers like this.
Fuck off back to plebbit stupid nigger loving cuck. All chimps should be hanged for the betterment of society.
The cops have the full support of a racist filthy shithead
Go fucking figure.
>niggers unironically believe this