Hey /pol, What are your thoughts on SJW youtube activist, Milo Stewart?
Hey /pol, What are your thoughts on SJW youtube activist, Milo Stewart?
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Pump and dump.
Is that a female or a man?
We should probably kill it regardless but I'd like to know just for reference before we do.
the fuck is that picture you posted
where the hell did you get there pics.
Women with mens haircuts look terrible
>Treasure trail
>On a women
god that picture is fucking disgusting
i feel ashamed becausd i thought for a second it was a female turned male and was about to whip my dick out but then i remembered its not. im gonna fucking kill myself
The raiders of Sup Forums, /b found em. Milo is apparently on there now lurking threads
I wonder what will happen to her In 10 years. Probably will laugh at it all.
This is why I stopped browsing Sup Forums ages ago
It has a nice little ass.
Shame about the everything else
Those eyes just scream crazy
looks like david brock's son
Pure cancer. I would say this might exceed cancer.
it's a faggot
"Her" transition went really well.
why do u have to poison our eyes with that pic
Straight in the oven it goes
She's underage you pedo
>Non-binary transboy
i don't know what non binary means but i'm willing to bet it contradicts being trans
Are you kidding me!
Kill it with fire. That's the only way.
Hey man I didn't fucking know I don't actually pay attention to her crap. I just literally swiped it off /b
I've had this saved since early january.
Sauce and she can go fuck herself
Oh come on... If you shave her, doll her up and make her look dress like a real woman she wouldn't look that bad. She'd be perfect for some of you beta fags who keep whining about not having a mate.
She does look psychotic though, but in a less degenerate society she could be almost normal.
boards.Sup Forums.org/b/thread/725209663/
this 5/10 needs to get DOMESTICATED
with a few good dickings, a diet/workout and feminine hair
she could easily push 7/10
So yeah, Id nut in her and slowly red pill her until she went from a brainwashed SJW to a conservative girl.
Im honestly convinced that the only thing that creates feminists is that they cant get men to fuck them so they channel their sexual frustration into SJW antics
nice sanpaku famalam
I fucking hate my country. These mentally deranged abominations make me sick to my stomach
This is creepy as fuck
>mfw intrigued by this shit
>shaves pussy
>can't shave treasure trail
It means not one of the two genders
That thing is not a she.
I have the weirdest boner.
>Be androgynous fuckwit
>Because female, still need to show tits and ass off on social media
Women, every single time.
Eyes of a psychopath. They say "LOOK AT ME" because of, and I know this is a stretch for most of you normies planning to respond to this with such eloquent shitposting.
>I M P O R T A N C E
Milo is over 18. Nothing wrong here.
trudeau go away
u fucking animal
if has penis, decent tits
if no penis, embarrasing
They've been on T for 3 months and have had no voice dropping, meanwhile here another 3 months on T youtu.be
There's so many nicer actual trans people that make it loo legitimate.
Balding and cancer lel
I remember seeing the video where she gets her dad to help her heat up a knife to "destroy the gender binary," which is just a notebook with male and female written on different pages. She ends up just burning the thing with a blowtorch, but her first instinct to destroy it is to cut right down the middle. If she had two brain cells to rub together she'd realize that all that cutting between and separating male and female sort of sends the opposite message, but if leftists weren't retards they wouldn't be trannies.
Not going to look for the video. It's really only worth a watch if middle aged dads who've lost every reason to live is your fetish or something
lol, its a confused little boy. Never has been or ever will be a conservative 'girl'
>SJW youtube activist
>Translation: delusional bitch
Sounds like you nailed it on the head, user.
They say the eyes are the windows to the soul. Really makes you think...
The cutting thing was a dumb youtube meme, eveh H3H3 did it.
Can't blame them for following fads
Milo Stewart will be in the psych ward within 5 years.
They can take as much hormones as they want but their overall figure is still that of a man and a woman.
I really can't help but feel sorry for these people. They'll probably be the downfall of our society, but these rubes have been told their entire life they're special and unique and are owed the world and they find out that's not true. They realize they're just as ugly and plain as everybody else and in trying to correct that make themselves even more ugly through treatment. They destroy themselves in an almost poetic way.
Is it MtF or FtM? I can't even tell anymore...
I know, I just thought it was stupid to say "I'm going to destroy the gender binary" and represent that by completely dividing male and female from each other, so I've got two even pieces, one saying male and one saying female.
burn them all
This femboi looks more feminine than that fucking dyke
so she is neither gender but is still transitioning?
Makes sense.
It means delusion
We just need a purge. There's no other way to see it. There's shit in the water. There's shit in the food. Shit in the air. Shit's fucked.
Sage this thread is gross.
>What are your thoughts on SJW
Her body looks like mine except with breasts.
*puts gun in mouth*
What is that line on her stomach? That's a shadow right? It looks like hair, but what sort of retard would shave their stomach like that.
>tfw you realize they can actually breed
>his happy trail doesn't extend all the way up to his chest
low T
good for no fap
FTM. The amount of people who can't tell makes me wonder if faceblindness is common on this board or something because it's pretty obvious
No it doesn't you fuckin shill.
I can't wait till you stormweenies get fazed out.
*sips tea*
well then what does non-binary mean? non meaning not, binary meaning 2. shes neither gender but transitioning. makes (no) sense to me
Something seems truly unholy about this image.
When did these release and why is he/she not committing suicide yet?
How can she be non-binary but at the same time be a transboy? How can be expect trans people and herself to be taken seriously when she can't make up her mentally broken fucking mind?
You win, I'm leaving.
Meanwhile on Sup Forums in the universe where Hitler won
>How bad dya reckon it'd have been if Hitler lost, I mean, most of the countries we fought were morally stedfast, white and strong...
Some girls have dicks and some boys have vags. Deal with it shitlord.
Oh Sweetie!
this is truly sick and twisted. How much more fucked can it get
Shit you're right, I totally missed the fucking chest hair.
Trannies are fucking scary
That pudgy piggy needs to be hung. What a gross ugly mentally ill dog if I knew where xhe was in Houston I'd lynch it.
Needs moar herpes. *^_^*
why do they both look so greasy and full of acne.
>The total collapse of the world economy was inevitable though, those soviet capitalists probably would've made it worse with their "freedom market" bullshit. Having the government control the economy made the crash a lot softer.