Sup Forums featured on Drudge Report
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Gud. mayb they will shut dis place down
Link goes to InfoWars........Sup Forums just went into the basement
Doubt it. It's inhabited by too many stoooopid people.
>Sup Forums now featured on every legacy media outlet
I don't know why you autists lose your shit every time we're mentioned in the news. It's been happening for a decade. Anyone familiar with the internet knows what Sup Forums is.
Come. Break us free of this prison normies. Destroy our bonds and set us free!
Post link faggot
>Anyone familiar with the internet knows what Sup Forums is.
And that is how you lose your anonymity
Go to Drudge yourself, peckerwood
Sup Forums isn't that small of a community despite the illusion anonymity brings
And that's literally every other week now
How long til we start hiring lobbyists to petition washington and the UN on our behalf?
>How long til we start hiring lobbyists to petition washington and the UN on our behalf?
That might not be a bad idea, user.
Surely a burger would understand laziness
Is KEK speaking to us
Shit like this is why Sup Forums is getting flooded by newfags and more shills
Remember when Sup Forums and Sup Forums would do shit like this then say reddit or ebaumsworld did it so they would get flooded by newfags.
What the fuck happened to subtlety and working from the shadows?
alex jones has people who lurk here for him. he'd know either way.
Hard to do when normies have their finger on the pulse of the internet now. Plus clickbait journalism is only too happy to do 2 seconds of investigation to find out what is said/done on a public forum.
This isn't 2006 anymore user, your nan and mine's both have iphones now.
>What the fuck happened to subtlety and working from the shadows?
The new gen knows nothing about subtelty
little shia's pole stream went offline
Kek, so season 5 confirmed?
Why cant you just be like the other burger?
Probably gets cancelled due to Shia having a hasselhoff-style meltdown
Has anyone give after the site yet. It seems like the next logical step to me
Did he post an official response about the flag?
No he's guarding it with his bat. If he walks away we'll do something else. He can't allow that.
Fucking kek
I was kinda hoping he'd sperg out on twitter about it
Who's house is that anyway?
we will adapt we are Sup Forums
the oyher chan did most of the work and blamed us
Sup Forums has all eyes on it now, it's impossible to do that when some 1000 pasty hipsters is lurking to snidely put screenshots up on twitter.
Black individuals on the news
Even if we shifted the blame perfectly, people who hate us are here 24/7 monitering our threads to spoil the fun, so we might as well take credit for these shenannigans
You guys must be proud that your theft and trespass job ended up on a schizophrenic's delusion journal.
Fuck off faggot kike
Can you make me?
Kisses, sissy boy.
No. The pride comes when he kills himself. Kek's will be done.
Listen, I'm sorry. I'm having a bad night.
>You guys must be proud
we are
Traffic hear always spike when we do shit. Either the normies stick around and get red pilled, they bounce out to other sited like Reddit, or just leave.
That's not what I expect to hear from Sup Forums.
Good luck user.