what book should i read?
What book should i read?
Other urls found in this thread:
Aquinas: A Beginner's Guide by Feser
Gulag Archipelago
How to Think for Yourself for Dummies
Idividualism for Shitskins
The Thirst Conundrum: Transcending Debauchery
start with the Greeks user, then read James Joyce's Ulysses
probably mein kampf
Meditations, Marcus Aurelius
War of the Gods - Poul Anderson
Warrior cats by erin hunter
I've been reading that LARPing fags book recommendation 'The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind' by Julian Jaynes. It's actually really fuckin good.
Take the ultimate redpill
This and pic related
Probably Hillarys biography since (((Bernstien))) uses anonymous sources based on women sucking dick movies then does a bio on a woman who banish her husbands only son for being black.
"The Golden Bough" by James Frazer.
Thus Spoke Zarathustra
The Poisonous Mushroom. Great book for children who are learning German. Highly recommended.
World Becoming More, Not Less Religious: The Future Of Demographics And Religion (7 minutes)
Fundamentalism Is As Modern As Secularism: Demographics And Religion Of Muslims, Christians And Jews (2 minutes)
Religion, Demographic Shifts And Why More Countries Will Resemble Israel (6 minutes)
Atlas Shrugged (meme tier, but a damn good book)
The Mote in God's Eye
Brave New World
The Divine Comedy (3 in one)
mein kampf
This is so annoying to watch
mein kampf
The best video to redpill even the most bluepilled on genetics of IQ with indisputable, easily understandable study (5 minutes):
Why Behavioural Genetics Is Important And Ignoring It Is Immoral And Dangerous (1 minute)
Should We Protect The Public From Genetic Explanations Because They're Discouraging (2 minutes)
Genetic Influences On Religiousity (2 minutes)
or even better, get a philosophical framework up to the 21st century than go back and fill in the literary canon in whatever order you want based on interest.
Debt: The First 5000 Years
the bible
The audio kind.
Can anyone recommend a good book on the history of Russia? I really don't know shit about their history and would like to fix that.
sorry bout the full retard
>not beating up your shadow and making your superego your sissy bitch
it's like you've never even slain a dragon
I much preferred Siddhartha
River War by Winston Churchill
As someone who was adopted, that first video was super interesting. I couldn't find the follow up vid though, if there was one.
Any other links?
The Black Pill
The only book you will ever need
This is a pretty good read.
... maybe you could try the book?
*sees flag*
oh that makes sense
What are your top two books you would recommend?
"Winner of the Bread and Roses Award"
Is this book some leftist garbage?
8th post best post. Come on Sup Forums
Roadside Picnic by Arkady and Boris Strugatsky
The new translation is ulitmately better but the clumsy phrases of the older one are kind of charming
yes literal commie tier
Any book by Charles Cosimano
well, based on your picture and this board, pic related
great book, last book I read, in fact
Don't be salty nigger, it took 8 posts to mention Mein Kampf, this place might as well be reddit already
For whatever reason this appeals to me, shall read tonight
the interesting thing about the goldman sachs speeches is that hillary is being at least twice as truthful as usual. Not to say that I support all or even a quarter of what she was saying but she actually comes across as a human being with human opinions on complex human problems.
I have to wonder whether the attacks against her would have stuck as much had she talked like she did in those speeches. People are very VERY good at picking out when someone's being a weasel, and it was oh so clear to so much of the US that 90% of the stuff she was spouting was formulated by a committee that performed a cost-analysis reduction of the most effective phrases to attract the most likely sympathetic majority of the proletariat.
She might have gotten away with it too had it not been for that meddling demagogue populist who weaponized memery
I'm not a huge reader, I have recently gotten back into it. Meditations is my number one, with Siddhartha being second. I am reading Ride the Tiger and it is excellent, but heady and a bit dense. Definitely worth it though.
One book that I don't see recommended here is Lolita, it is very entertaining while also showing the wickedness of modern man, and how he fools himself if he never looks into a mirror. I could recommend you more but I am pretty tired.
And what books would you recommend?
The Moon is a Harsh Mistress by Robert Heinlein
Fuck year.
you need to read at least Starship Troopers and The Cat Who Walks Through Walls...and probably Stranger in a Strange Land as well to fully grasp his philosophy.
Into the trash it goes
Don't dismiss the words of your enemy. They may well be intended to mislead you but if you expect this you can use the words to learn to methods of those whom you oppose. The left found itself in the position its in now precisely because they dismissed the words of their, in this case political, enemies. Had they listened to our words and read our literature they wouldn't be crumbling right now.
One of the best books you have never heard of..
haven't gotten around to the 2nd or 3rd, very interested in Stranger in a Strange Land tho- heard its something of a liberal fever dream
actually never really heard of your 2nd recommendation either, when i'm currently in school i tend not to read for pleasure as much
B-b-but why?
It's endorsed by the Jew York Times!
>mfw ash's brother transcended fiction and became an author
mah nigga
Why does he use Lang's M as the cover?
Righteous Indignation by Andrew Breitbart
I thought it was interesting. Goes into decent detail regarding the media complex.
Kasparov is not the enemy; he is with the free world
and he's right
Debt: The First 5000 Years
< this
>Political disintegration is a persistent feature of world history. The Collapse of Complex Societies, though written by an archaeologist, will therefore strike a chord throughout the social sciences. Any explanation of societal collapse carries lessons not just for the study of ancient societies, but for the members of all such societies in both the present and future. Dr. Tainter describes nearly two dozen cases of collapse and reviews more than 2000 years of explanations. He then develops a new and far-reaching theory that accounts for collapse among diverse kinds of societies, evaluating his model and clarifying the processes of disintegration by detailed studies of the Roman, Mayan and Chacoan collapses.
Really Interesting stuff desu.
Stranger in a strange land definitely seemed like some left wing shit to me. Also very concerned about religion. Only cool thing I remember is the word grok
Iron heel
Don't forget Revolt in 2100.
"There was no election in 2016." And it's true, it was a farce.
If you liked the Unabomber Manifesto, you should definitely read some Jacques Ellul.
Kapsarov is a piece of shit globalist kike who wants to sell his country and its people for pennies on the dollar
So it's hard to give a brief rundown on Heinlein but basically throughout his career as an author he shifted from focusing on espousing the ideal government to describing the ideal individual. Even this dichotomy isn't accurate because he has early works that deal with individualism (Tunnel in the Sky) and his later works still obviously deal in the former.
Basically, Heinlein struggled throughout his life to reconcile the concept of the strong individual with the strong tribe (community/nation, etc.). His final reconciliation, in my opinion, is that the strong, morally righteous government stems for the strong, morally righteous individual. ....But it's complicated and nuanced and even his baseline concept of TANSTAAFL takes a hit in his later novels because he grapples with the concept of post-scarcity economy.
Stranger in a strange land is important because it was written and published during a time of extreme worldwide strife, much of which was constructed by governments' whose power didn't stem from individualism. Heinlein also ultimately believed in a concept of free love that I'm not convinced is a viable model for the real world or even the worlds he envisioned - however, for that novel in particular it is important to take into context the state of the historical period in which is was written.
There is a leftist bent to it. The writer is an "Anarchist without adjectives" (but basically a Bookchin AnCom). He's a Feminist.
It's still a well-referenced anthropological survey on the history of Debt.
I agree, one of the most overrated books I've ever read. It is for leftist tippers.
At least Capital had some meat on those bones.
>Kasparov is not the enemy; he is with the free world
you're fucking with me, right?
Feser was my professor. He was pretty alright. He was forced to dumb his class down a lot because of meme public school tier students. The book isn't the best though.
Pic related is my favourite book. It contains themes present in later works like The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde but with a more supernatural twist. It's a great religious-themed psychological mystery and a well realised metafiction (the author had articles put in papers a year before the book came out about a murder matching one that happens in the novel to lend it an eerie realism).
...However you may be required to be Scottish in order to understand it.
The Count of Monte Christo is also a fantastic read.
i still need to go through it, just to see what the fellow wrote. i really fucking loved Job: A Comedy of Justice as well.
i really appreciate the analysis, man! ain't at all difficult to be more well-read in the area of classic science fiction than the average person, but i sure do enjoy that there are folks more well-informed and read than myself.
could i ask if you're an english major, graduate, or similar?
Manifesto is Capital lite, and get a real MAGA hat!
The Qur'an. It's shit, but it's important to know what's in there.
>i really appreciate the analysis, man!
Aw thanks! Really, there's no rush: My familiarity with Heinlein stems from over a decade of gradually reading more of his works. The great thing about literature is it's always there waiting for you when you're ready.
>could i ask if you're an english major, graduate, or similar?
Nah, I'm an aerospace engineer, like Heinlein himself was for a bit lol
Kasparov is a Jew and follows the way of Jew conservatives - Bill Kristol and the likes. His political ventures in Russia were pathetic.
Take some genius C++ programmer and let him explain his worldview. It would be interesting, but he can't neither build a party nor talk to girls.
Can anyone PLEASE tell me where I can get "Libido Dominandi" as a *pdf ? FOR THE LOVE OF GOD PLEASE GIVE A DL LINK