What does Sup Forums think of LBJ?
What does Sup Forums think of LBJ?
worst president
how so?
Slimy piece of shit
He was tied to the deep state and helped plan Kennedy assassination. Enemy of the people.
Creator of gibs.
wait I thought the CIA and J.E. Hoover whacked
JFK not LBJ? Someone should ask Wikileaks if JFK was mentioned in vault 7?
Restricted immigration from European countries and allowed unrestricted immigration from Mestizo countries.
Committed fully to Vietnam war with absolutely no plans to attack North Vietnamese capital because he didn't want war with China. Despite this strategy being virtually impossible to win the war, he constantly lied to the American public saying we were winning while sacrificing the white population.
He was follower of the Frankfurter Schule and took the West headfirst towards a communist totalitarian statehood.
the nose knows
He's a murderer.
...but did he order JFKs assassination?
Wilson was worse, but LBJ is certainly in top 10 worst.
"Once I sign this bill, ill have the niggers voting Democrat for the next 200 years" - LBJ
>escalated Vietnam war based on a false flag event
>killed JFK's debt-free Treasury Note program
>basically singlehandedly created the welfare state
Fuck him with a fucking rake.
jfk was mentioned in Vault 6.
come on, man
I'll know more 26 OCT 2017
The Civil Rights Act of 1964
He ruined black people.
They were shit to begin with, but he created an entire class of people who were irredeemably shitty.
Well in LBJs defence he did start medicare and medicaid and helped the poverty
whats happening then?
Both of which are whats bankrupting the states
War-mongering traitor.
Ok does anyone know if JFKs name is mentioned in vault 7? I know LBJ signed a 75 year gag order on the case
Massive flood of information and misinformation will be released. 3k+ documents
but why then and not sooner?
Huge cock. Possibly the biggest of all the presidents. (srs)
well if he is the worst then what is bush hw and w. and Buchanan?
right after Wilson
LBJ did more damage to this country than any other president.
Until Obama came along, that is.
No, I mean he literally had the biggest dick. He'd fucking whip it out kek
Google "LBJ well hung", dude was a monster
useful idiot who was manipulated by the deep state into invading vietnam and had his foot in the door in killing kennedy
We would be on mars by now if it wasnt for him.
my school is named after him
>knowing what he said about the civil rights act and the fact my school's majority black
One of the top 3 worst presidents along with Obama and Carter.
Shit policies but pretty good at being a politician.
LBJ is a fascinating character, some really terrible policies (entitlements, immigration)
probably gets too much shit for the Vietnam war (trouble had been brewing since before Kennedy, the "false flag" Tonkin Gulf was more likely just a shitty excuse to get into an inevitable war, rather than a carefully orchestrated operation)
big dick, bizarre and interesting personal behavior
definitely worse in almost all ways than Nixon, but history will never know thanks to (((the Media)))
vietnam was a deep state creation and he was either too stupid to see what was happening or went along with it, probably the latter meaning hes a literal piece of shit, former an useful idiot
worst president of the 20th century by far
almost certainly went along with it
it wasn't just the deep state who had interests in fighting proxy wars against communism, Vietnam was arguably like Korea II and was consistent with our overall approach to foreign policy
this continued until the fall of the Soviet Union thru propping up anti-communist regimes and rebels throughout the world
this. all you need to know.
LeBron James? Beastmode. G.O.A.T
Slandered Barry Goldwater so hard that psychiatrists had to make a fucking rule about using their pseudo science to influence politics.
Vietnam did nothing to topple the USSR, they sat back while we wasted billions (which obviously went to the MIC) and killed 50k+ soldiers
The Soviet war in Afghanistan which was provoked by Carter and brzezinski pretty much sealed the deal for the Soviets.
To all of you guys hating on LBJ, just remember that he was the last truly "New Deal" Democrat and that we'd all be better off with his kind than with the identity politics globalist Democrats of today.
Johnson was as loyal to the Red Shields as any man could be…
...Vietnam was about preventing a Sino-Vietnamese communist axis you dip shit
both USSR and China were power players in the "2nd world" at this time, and our foreign policy was geared toward shoring up pro-American, anti-communist allies around the world as much as possible since the end of WWII
not saying it was the correct move, but the notion that Vietnam was somehow a solely secret deep state effort decontextualizes it from the larger picture of American behavior in the 20th century
LBJ started the identity politics Democrats, you retard.
>better off with criminal union syndicates and non-stop "liberal consensus" gibs
Lol he was no different than the Zionist controlled Democrats of today.
Kennedy was taken out because the Red Shields knew they had Johnson– their loyal lapdog would would do anything for them.
Johnson was terrified to die and died a coward.
Great Society
Johnson was a tough guy when it came to the deaths of other people but when it came to his own death, he died a coward.
Worst president ever --- maybe --- because he signed The Immigration and Nationality Act of Nineteen-Sixty-Five.
Re-re-re-read a book
vietnam was the culmination of 25 years of the CIA covertly and with little oversight fucking around in southeast asia provoking every nation in the region with an underlining motive for profits
Kennedy was gonna end the bs going so they killed him instead, theres was an immediate reverse in Vietnam policy after JFK got killed
Kennedy was killed possibly because of the Green Hilton memorial agreement, or possibly because he wanted to inspect the Israeli nuclear plant at Dimona.
The most destructive president of the 20th century. I would say FDR, but that piece of shit let loose the apes and sold the country out forever.
>Expanded gibs, and social programs such as the Peace Corps and the "Great Society" with little long-term effect. MC did not have long term sustainability in mind
>Expanded and botched the Vietnam War, almost capitulated to the Communists at that
>Aformentioned "butter and guns" spending accelerated the decline of the dollar, which worried investors in US treasuries, who starting with France in the subsequent administration wanted to call in their investments in gold, which would have bankrupted the US, forcing Nixon to close the gold window, end bretton woods, and formalize the petrodollar and the US' current relationship with the KSA and Israel
>Let niggers riot and hippies spread degeneracy
>"Civil" Rights introduced positive rights into the court system like a poison in the circulatory system, and expanded the commerce clause.
>The Hart Celler Immigration and Naturalization Act of 1965 increased third world US immigration and ended quotas
>Gun Control Act of 1968 (JFK opposed gun control btw)
on social, economic, and foreign policies he was a fucking menace.
>Needed excuse
I'll admit that LBJ had big balls, literally and figuratively. He not only got into politics via rigged senatorial elections, but he BRAGGED about it with a photoshoot with the notorious ballot box 13
This. He ruined his country with the welfare state and third-world mass-immigration.
coon enabling kike loving cuck
no, he was killed because JFK wanted to fix the currency standard and ruin the banking industry by regulating it to prevent things like the recent mortgage crisis.
Fix the currency? what is the Green Hilton memorial agreement about?
Medicare should be seen as a bribe to keep the elderly out of the workforce. I agree that it is needed in a civilized society(as opposed to my former ancap self) but
MC expenses per capita far exceed per capita expenses of other nations' public healthcare programs.
MC didn't have increased longevity in mind
MC subsidizes a TON of shit decisions (smoking, eating lard, alcoholism, etc.)
Medicaid is a touchy subject, but it would be much more streamlined once we get a Whiter US. Medicaid fraud is and was common AF- an open secret for decades- with no one clamping down because everyone has hands in the cookie jar.
I'll give him this: LBJ basically designed Dockers for his cock, and Dockers are comfy af while not looking like homeless shelter sweatpants.
Fucking this. Ousting Goldwater fucked over the GOP for decades to come.
>Identity politics
He rode the identity politics wave by:
>Slandering the GOP and Goldwater (who was a life long racial egalitarianism) as racist
>Playing lip service to "civil rights" "leaders"
>Signing Hart-celler
Invade the world, invite the world? Check.
Smash small companies with regulations, smash unions with forced integration? Check.
Fuck, so many bad choices, but FDR's bad policies were easy to reverse, and for what it was worth, he stoked Nationalism.
LBJ's policies are almost impossible to reverse. Almost.
"inevitable" in the sense that, sooner or later a combination of the surrounding events and interests would have escalated the conflict in Vietnam (in some form or another)
Seemed like straight shooter, minus killing JFK and all.
Sure, I see that logic, but the war was conducted like absolute crap.
>Gulf of Tonkin misrepresented
>Ignored Kennan's analysis
>Huge ramp-up
>Massive logistical and weapons issues
>Did little to engage with Cambodia for their fuckery once we did go in
>In the end, planned peace talks which would have capitulated to the Communists. The PPA at least were more favorable to the US, if Congress kept support up
A cunt
Lyndon Johnson was especially fond of whipping out his penis, which he’d dubbed “Jumbo,” in mixed company. There is even a story, possibly apocryphal, that he urinated on a Secret Service agent’s leg, claiming it was his “prerogative.” Johnson’s behavior could be so reprehensible that it has been suggested that he was likely mentally ill, possessed of more “‘grandiose narcissism” than any other president in history.
>I know LBJ signed a 75 year gag order on the case
How is that even allowed. It's almost admitting 'yeah I did it but I'm signing this so I don't have to deal with the consequences in my life time'
Yeah fuck that shit
Sure hope the 9/11 commission doesnt have anything like that
Pretty sure they do actually
>Killed JFK
>Consolidated Jeep State
just added that to my amazon wishlist thanks fellow history fan fag
its an good book, prouty has an extremely unique view point of history
im currently reading it along with his book on the JFK assassination