Why does modern history portray Persia as the bad guys and the Greeks/Alexander the Great as the good guys?
Before the muslims got to them they were a great culture and worshiped fucking fire.
Why does modern history portray Persia as the bad guys and the Greeks/Alexander the Great as the good guys?
Before the muslims got to them they were a great culture and worshiped fucking fire.
They also were anti-slavery while Spartans were pro-slavery but as a descendant of Alexander the Greek i must say what you say is sorta offensive.
>Alexander the Great was white
This ain't even a stormfag post. It's just the truth, and I'm willing to bet that you already knew this. However, you came here to shitpost.
Kebab is kebab
I am a decedent of Cyrus the Great and I say meme war bro you and me.
I descend from him as well.
>Not white
You might be thinking some of their outer territories. Central Persia was and is white.
I descend from Jesus
But he never had kids? And if he did tell me which line?
Well, it's similar to how we view certain aspects of Asia and you view us even today.
Persians had traditions similar to Asia about rituals and sanctimony for kings. Their dynasties claimed divine origins and people would smash their faces and lay prostrate before them in submission and respect.
Greeks didn't like that stuff.
But forget all that. Let's talk about that picture you got, OP. Let's use what we know about geography and politics and see if we can figure this one out. Hmmmm....
you're a bad troll
>Why does modern history portray Persia as the bad guys
It's not necessarily modern history, but modern popular culture.
The answer is that the elites are trying to drum up popular support for a war with Iran. The Jews have yet to assert their banking influence completely over that country. This is why they're bad.
Any other answer is wrong.
Fuck off, Pajeet. Stop trying to convince people you are white. Women would still think you're creepy even if you convinced them.
You are not a good one either.
Go back to your Village Hidden in the Leaves.
because (((modern))) history is eurocentric and full of lies. victors write history gookbro, for example everyone thinks you deserved the a-bombs because muricans say so
I'm an American and I can trace my families back to Ireland and Belgium you fucking Eskimo.
Didn't he have blonde hair?
Persia was anti west power for about a thousand year, up until the coming of islam.
Than it was arabs-turks-mongols-turks again.
Some consider Russia also to be non western and anti west, some russians also do not think themselves as westerners.
>"Cyrus the Great"
Not white.
>Modern history's "Good Guys"
Pick one, you cancerous hellspawn.
every fucking time with a diaspora...
You're a literally shit-tier troll. Not even funny.
Again, fuck off troll
You are creepy
You're cancer
ITT someone watched KANG OF KANGS by Dan Carlin
Greek culture was far superior in its essentials. Alexander studied under Aristotle, who basically invented logic and laid the groundwork for science.
Found the poo in loo. Get the fuck out on my country, Sanjeep; and stop staring at our women with your beady rape eyes.
>Why does modern history portray Persia as the bad guys and the Greeks/Alexander the Great as the good guys?
becausw they were the bad guys, unless you arent european
Babylonians knew logic before Greeks.
Thank G*d our Judeo-christian ancestors were able to fight off the shoah and save the Judeo-christian west and deliver them into our hands to save the Judeo-christian west. west. west. west. west
>compass point
>compass point
>description: no people
>description: compass point
>jamal enters reference point
>jamal is west
>compass point
Fuck off you racist.
Hello, newfriend. You haven't been here long have you?
Calm down, mr alireza diasporazade. For all the religious differences, and chimpouts in roman era jews never managed to threaten west as greatly as persia or arabs or turks
The only time Persia managed to garner some sympathy was when there was another threat more close or more greater to europe. That is why Goths allied themselves with Sassanids as `Byzantine Empire` was trying to reconquer western europe, goths encouraged persians to attack, similar to european alliance with persia in the time of ottomans.
Pajeets aren't Persians and Hinduism is a rip off of Zoroastrianism.
However Persians aren't white.
Because the Greeks created Western Civilization and the Persians gave us Freddie Mercury.
>were a great culture and worshiped fucking fire.
Google white slave trade!
White slave have been treated like literal shit, unlike the American niggers, who complained about working the fields more than 2 hours a day
Persians are just another type of desert dwelling monkey
only slightly more human than Arab niggers
I am but im indian
Kill all sand niggers now
Killed my sides reading this. Shekelburg you're mistaken if you think opposing you can only be based in disrespect and hatred. Your lessons are proven and time tested.
The whites are always the good guys in modern history no matter what Tyrone says
The whole point of the movie was that it's from the POV of the Greeks
The tell should have been when they called the Elephants "monsters" or some of the Persian technology "magic". The Greeks of the time naturally see the Persians as their eternal enemy and vice versa.
The Persian POV would probably be completely different "look how civilized we are, these Greeks are trying to fuck up our beautiful Empire"
This place is a cesspool of human garbage. You'll never survive if you show even the slightest weakness. Never ever let a post rial you up. You'll just get laughed at... And yes I laughed at your responses to my post. I ain't even racists, but pushing your buttons tickled my fancy.
>No one cares about the feeling of an anonymous poster on an anime image board...
actually Hinduism comes from the invading Aryans (Indo Europeans) out of central asia
She isn't white.
guess who else comes from central asia?
You care
Actually going over this exact topic in College World History. The reason Xerces today is an androgynous giant is because after the Greeks destroyed the Persians and their empire decayed and withered, the Greek's written history with all their bias survived and was picked up by the Romans and is what we know today. Thanks Greeks
Believe it
Actually leafs are on the same autistic level as Naruto
No. There was no system of logic before Aristotle.
Probably due to Early eastern empires being despotic while Greece is memed as the birthplace of democracy, althought it had tyrannies tetrarchies and its own despots too. So as an extrapolation of our own cultural mores, democracy = good, dictatorship = bad, that translates back through the lens of history. Of course any actual historian making historical judgements like that shouldn't be respected.
>implying the gooks didn't deserve 2 cans of sunshine
What the fuck, dude; this ain't a bonding experience. I was trying to give you some sage advise; why you gotta make it gay?
She is beautiful.
But she isn't White.
R-racemixing is degenerate.
Persians aren't White Europeans ,but they are closer than any other populations to White Europeans. They share a huge percentage of the original Indo-European DNA that founded the White Europeans. Arabs aren't Persians though and muslims persons are not even negotiable as allies as they have embraced the enemy of white Europeans culture and religion.
Non-muslim Persians and Northern Indians aren't US ,but cousins above them ,but not quite US. Japanese have a similar status ,but for different reasons. They aren't us ,but they are a noble other above the others and equal with US.
hot but clearly not white
Aristotle had nothing to do with logic
No, East was always freedom
How is it gay to not be a dick and be like I don giv a fuckkkk
No she isn't she has big lips.
Lol @ this. Alexander wasn't Greek, he was Macedonian. Greeks should stop trying to steal the history of other nations when they have debts to pay.
Sup Forums does talk a lot of shit most of the time, but there's a lot of evidence that this is actually true
there are a lot of similarities between Lithuanian and Sankrit
This. Turks are white.
Persians were the invaders into probably one of the biggest cultural influences in western history.
>No she isn't she has big lips.
Big, but well shaped. They compliment her facial structure just fine.
Because we are Western, and we will always portray opposition as evil. Also, most the of the historical records are from the Greeks. The Persians didn't document the Greek wars because they were considered restlessness within the Empire
Because Alexander won
>They also were anti-slavery
When will this meme die?
they also had ginger hair and grey eyes
Because most of western culture is based on greco-roman roots. Just like the jews sandbagged germany after they won the war, greeks did the same to the persians.
Central Asia was populated by Indo Europeans before Mongoloids invaded
Why does Xerxes look like a harem boy?
Because Hollywood is known to produce movies based on "Good vs. Evil" set and setting.
The huge, evil materialistic nation of Persia (Mordor) attacks innocent humble nation of Sparta (The Shire) and the little hobbits (Spartans) must make great sacrifices
>I descend from Jesus
Great another "La Raza" proud Mexican. What the fuck is with you guys?
I get it, Latino Pride, blah blah blah.
Yes. So did Caesar Augustus, and quite possibly Julius Caesar.
The Mohammedans really fucked up southern Europeans gene pool.
Because Persia was Assyria after it went out of style and then Greece was in style.
That movie is seriously gay as fuck. I think Frank Miller is a fag.
>He thinks white is exclusive to Nordics/Germanics/Anglos
Persia had continental trade and Rome had plumbing when you were living in huts and worshipping trees; fucking trees!
Assyria was before persia
Who is this qt3.14?
>The same minority of meds with blonde hair existing in ancient times means the Greco-Romans were germanic nordics
You can't have people be white when it's convenient, but not white when it isn't. Caucasoid, yes, but not white.
How can they be "blonde-haired, blue-eyed" whites if those Nordic features arose as a result of divergent human evolution due to migrations into Europe by the same Indo-Aryan ancestors from Central Asia? It's the same as saying the child gives birth to the parent. It doesn't make sense. They weren't dark-skinned, but they weren't pure white, unless you can source what ancient Indo-Aryans looked like. Caucasoid is not synonymous with white, and just because populations look like one another does not mean they are genetically identical, as phenotype is not equivalent to genotype.
Gita Hadizadeh
Because Persia has always symbolized the East and Greece the West.
It's like asking why the japanese are always depicted as the bad guys in american WW2 movies.
>I am a decedent of Cyrus the Great
Cyrus is the GREEK name, dipshit.
The Persian name is Khourosh.
If you were really a descedant you'd know that.
Jews run Hollywood.
They're bloodthirsty warmongers but too pussy to go to war themselves so they shill us goys into hating their enemies. They can't even accept that Cyrus the Great did Heebs the ultimate solid when he let the lost tribes of Israel return to their lands, they just have absolutely no honor.
>that whole story is fucken gay.
Kek. You aren't even trying to refute it because you know it to be true.
1) The Persians were the aggressors in the region, Athens and Sparta came to aid the Ionian Greeks that were subjugated by Persia.
2) The Greeks are the founders of western thought civilization and thought, more important to us than you.
3) The Greeks embody the underdog spirit facing an Empire far more powerful than themselves.
With Alexander the Great its more people admit what he did than picture him as a good guy. But Greeks are definitely the most important civilization to us as westerners.
All Slavic languages are connected to Sanskrit.
>oldfaggot guide to spotting someone samefagging changing their IP's
Go back to your shithole roach
>Europe's attempt to integrate mudslimes is failing
>Revisionist history lesson to try tell us to bend over and accept them invading our countries
i'll tell you why, because he's the big bad in the jewish tora, not even kidding.
u wut m8
There were very few mentions of Persia, and those came in later scriptures which mostly glorified Cyrus/Khoresh as the liberator of Jews.