Hey Sup Forums jew here. Just wanna ask what do the jews get out of wiping out the white race. Just never got that memo
Jew question
I think it's either a long held grudge or just a side effect of (((their))) plan to turn everything into money.
grudge for what? And how can you get money out of genociding a race
>brown the population into rootless, consumerist cattle
>not profitable
Only white people are conservative enough to drag the US into a two party system. The brown hoards just vote for gibsmedat and more government power
It's their plan for the apocalypse.
Force everyone to race mix, strongest genes survive the nuclear war, etc.
Russia already noped the fuck out and has underground cities ready for their population.
Now the rest of us will follow most likely.
get out of here alex jones
you know im right you dumb kike.
russia already kicked out the red shield and other jewish companies like monsanto.
they're pretty much a whole country off the grid.
you need to get out of your basement. What ur saying is way to far fetched
level 6 jew detected
Kek, bottom bitch jew. You dont deserve to know.
Because there is no such conspiracy. no one was able to give me answer so far
They're trying to level up. When you kill another race you get all their souls and humanity.
like i said no alex jones on this thread
Fine to sum it up, the answer is money. I'm sure you can figure out the rest.
The white race hold the greatest ideological differences to the globalist jew.
White western culture is inherently diverse and free, true belief in men as equals of opportunity for anyone to prove their worth.
It's about race mixing, not just white people, but all races, all beliefs, all culture, easier to control for the jew.
First the whites, than the Asian (most traditional) all the weak brown races will fall suit.
how can you make money out wiping out all white people. No one can give me an answer yet
if whites are superior why dont they stop it
The Jews ultimately have to cull the numbers of whites if they ever wished to be on top. Creating a race of easily manipulated beings seems to be the long game. As we all know, the Jews have shown time and time again that manipulation is their game.
It's not about wiping out, it's getting rid of race through race mixing. you don't loose people or workers, you just breed all races into a brown sludge.
I gave you the answer you are looking for.
white western people first. Asians second
Saged this thread. There are lots of other threads with infographics, quotes, pictures, and other explanations you could search for.
In case you're not a troll, here's the gist of it: they want a world with little to no national sovereignty and national culture, except in Israel of course cause that's their homeland. Since Jews lacked a homeland for much of their history and a coherent historical national culture, the only way they can become powerful is by undermining that of other races and pitting them against each other to the point where every nation is a borderless, cultureless mixed pot that they can easily seize control over, as they've already started doing to other nations.
but why make people into a brown sludge. dont see how you can financially benifit from that
They can benefit completely because they'll be the only ones intelligent enough to be placed into powerful positions with massive monetary control.
where do you people get all this stuff
Jews are basically parasites feeding off the host of western civilisation. They want us all to racemix so that we never pose a threat to jewish interests. It's a textbook example of divide and rule.
They get to keep their homogenous, expensive gated communities and we get to live in third world, non-homogenous, dumbed down communities. Eventually they'll just pull the plug on the welfare state/economy and watch as the goyim starve to death from a distance. They would rather be rulers in hell than servants in heaven. It's not a coincidence that all the most prominent Bolsheviks have been jews. Jewishness IS Bolshevism. The two are inseparable
>what do the jews get out of wiping out the white race
Apart from removing all opposition to their world communism, not much.
I kinda find the whole jew blaming to be hilarious desu
Because less significant diversity = less major disruption to production.
Have the mindless brown sludge with low IQ have nothing to be proud of, no history, nothing but consumerist filth who are obsessed with there iphone or whatever is worse than that in the future, top that off all the power you can hold over the lesser races, they cannot make anything for themselves, so the jew has all the power without competition. and there you have it.
Jews get to turn non-whites into slaves like old times.
Mental gymnastics gold medal
Lurk moar nufag
A world of half retarded mud people to rule over.
Admit it Sup Forums, you wish you were me.
To keep the degeneracy out of Isreal. To keep us at bay and let us fuck our own lives up. You don't see anyone whining about too many whites winning awards at the Grammys in isreal. Don't see race mixing. Don't see teenage pregnancy problems. Don't see shit economy. Don't see feminism trying to weed out the male race. Don't see fags trying to one up you. Etc. I don't blame the Jews honestly. I'd rather live in isreal or the middle East and have multiple wives that do as I say. Instead I'm an American piece of shit who the media controls. Oh look beyonce is preggo.
Your people have been engineering the strategies for completing this end goal for god knows how long. You really find it hard to fucking grasp how getting rid of your closest competitors history and people wont be profitable?
Either you're a low tier jew without ties to your own people, or you're to smug in the notion we don't really know what's happening.
the best part is knowing how incapable the jew would actually be on their own, no one to leech off of. If that day ever comes it would be great to watch. never will though
>Hey Sup Forums jew here. Just wanna ask what do the jews get out of wiping out the white race. Just never got that memo
You get to run the world!
They remove the only competition for and threat to Jewish world domination.
please, anybody could wipe out the jews. the only people stopping is the us
>how can you get money out of genociding a race
Ask all the Nazi hunters trying to get back stolen treasures.
are you sure you're actually a jew and your mother isn't a shawarmaburner? you're too retarded to be jewish
How was any of what I said complex you fucking simpleton?
The only people in modern time who have shown capable of harming Jews are white people.
Saw this book in the Barnes and Noble at my university bookstore
It isn't about destroying, it's about exploiting. It isn't worth exploiting any other race of people
The memo was called
Is audio version on youtube.
>burger education
This image would be great if it weren't for the fact that it was made 3 months and completely out of date, not mentionioning the fact that the 3 steps are actually either in motion, or completely irrelevant to what's being conveyed. It also takes points from one of the biggest Trump critics out there that has so far shilled quite unsuccessfully against the Don.
>They get to keep their homogenous, expensive gated communities
While I think that the malfeasance of Jews is undeniable, the "Jews are homogeneous" isn't exactly true... Liberal or progressive Jews aren't breeding, just like liberal whites. There have been some serious laments from the Jews that most of their kids no longer practice or care about their religion, and the only Jewish group that's reproducing above replacement rate are Hasidim.
Maybe it's not a conspiracy, but rather a weird distortion of the tragedy of the commons. The ship is sinking and they look to be going down with it.
First, I should note that "Jew" in the modern sense does not denote a race, but a person who has chosen to deny Christ for whatever reason (opportunism, ease of loose morals, in-group benefits, etc). In essence Jews are, at their core, spiritual cowards with no unifying lineage other than the occasional Turkic genetic markers (which are not Hebrew).
With that said, the only race that has successfully expelled kikes from their lands, put them in slums, and held back their lust for usury are the various white races.
Kikes have only succeeded in fighting back by pitting whites against one another, usually via financial influence and control of the press.
It's a matter of course that whites will slowly coalesce into a superstate, and inevitably there will be an expulsion at some point. At this point it will be the end of the Jews as we know it.
This is because whites are the driver of human ingenuity. Whether or not you admit it makes no difference. If Jews align with any other race whites will win in the end, because without the weight of the eternal parasite, whites are destined for greatness.
Jews think dynastically in very long time horizons, and as such have identified this problem. They aren't so much seeking to wipe out whites, as make them so marginal that they can never effectively rise up and overcome everyone else.
This long-term planning is what led them to identify the Catholic Church as their #1 enemy, because the Church is the only other isntitution that thinks in such long time horizons. As they have slowly undermined the Church, and most Christians abandoned it when they saw problems rather than "deus vult"ing and strengthening it, Europe is now flagging. The Church always was Europe, and vice versa.
I could go on by why bother. You anons are mostly purple pilled at best. Rarely are any of you red-pilled in any way but the most superficial.
This site is currently providing me with a lot of good insight into why Jews act the way they do:
>Strong genes will help you survive a nuclear blast
>implying we don't wipe you out first shlomo.
They would be the most powerful ethnic group remaining
they lost, whitey woke up
we have the name israel back
no more novelty for them just desolation until the gog & magog war
What's going on in this video?
god bless user
Well, I see the long term plan. It took whites to create the technology necessary for an automated society that can furnish all the creature comforts.
Once that's complete you'll have the manufacturing system to go post industrial. Then it's just a matter of having an exploitable population of proletariat. We are too organized and cynical for that to work.
Que the swarms of ignorant brown people. They're going to make a great host society, and will keep birth rates high to extend the debt economy well into the future.
That way you need never work
Unification of all goyim to one mixed race makes them easier to control, to jews the goyim are the slave race while they remain pure.
this looney is non-typical and exactly zero assimilated american jews, going to public schools and unis and such, would support him
i hope
being mixed doesn't do that
i know this because you're fucking mixed
because everyone is fucking mixed
even jews are fucking mixed
nobody is tying your cock to brown pussy you useless distracted baby
Jews hate white people because they are mostly Christian, Jesus was the antithesis to their Jewish religion
He was anti greed, anti "muh chosen people" birthright bullshit, anti jew in every way
Guess which race of people practices Christianity? This is why Jews have historically allied with muslims for 1000 yrs, when the caliphate took over southern Spain, Jews were their allies and let them in and helped, same with Byzantium
>The ship is sinking and they look to be going down with it.
I suggest you read the tale of the scorpion and the frog
It's basically white civilization and jews in a nutshell
>A scorpion asks a frog to carry it across a river. The frog hesitates, afraid of being stung, but the scorpion argues that if it did so, they would both drown. Considering this, the frog agrees, but midway across the river the scorpion does indeed sting the frog, dooming them both. When the frog asks the scorpion why, the scorpion replies that it was in its nature to do so.
The real redpill is the realizing the way jews act is simply their nature and that 99.99% of jews are gonna jew. When people ask, "why do jews want to do this horrible thing," it's like asking why do crickets chirp