I voted for him, and overall I think he's doing a good job.
But holy shit, Trumpcare fucking sucks.
I voted for him, and overall I think he's doing a good job.
But holy shit, Trumpcare fucking sucks.
Other urls found in this thread:
Its true trumps healthcare is trash.
How else is paula going to run for re-election again without getting all the goodies from big pharma?
i dont rlly know what his plan is
but odds are its better then niggercare
He needs to tell Ryan to fuck off and take up Rand Paul's plan while maintaining the pre-existing coverage part.
He could always earn money the honorable way by delivering pizzas or sucking dick. Oh wait he already does the latter.. nvm.
Brand new Pol prank call discord. We do prank calls nightly. Just set up this discord. Feel free to join, it can be hilarious
Well nobody is rushing it through to law, non of that "pass it to see whats in it" shit. Most of America doesn't realize that the gov't used to debate and compromise on bills. The back and forth is good.
It's better than Obama's healthcare, but not by a whole lot.
Rand Paul is the only true hero in Congress. No wonder the other republicans wouldn't even let him see the bill.
as long as it abolishes the mandatory element of Obamacare Im fine with it.
Dont see why I should be forced to pay for healthcare I never use.
>but you might use it someday!
I have paid for years of Obamacare and not used it once.
What Im actually paying for is niggers/spics health care, and I dont care to do that especially when I am a lowly wagecuck.
are you a gun owner?
How to identify a shill.
>Claims to have shown prior support for the God Emperor to prove they're one of us
>Mentions current topic is cause for buyers remorse
>Supporting shill accounts agree with op to display convincing group mentality
how to identify a trump cuck
>calls him god emperor
>defends every single thing he does
you are like the moms with the fucking screaming brats in the supermarket
I don't regret voting for him. His healthcare bill is just really bad.
this desu
fuck off CIA niggers
sage goes in all fields pollacks
This isn't even about a Trump action.
This is a retarded bill written by Paul Ryan and his pharma buddies.
It's pretty simple. After all his promises, hes gotta pass something or hes done. Senate and House RINOs will only go so far. Plus he said he wasnt going to dump the poor on the street. Best bill possible - maybe some tweaking. If they get competition across state lines later (need 60 votes in the Senate) its a win.
>After all his promises
Well tbqh.desu.senpai he shouldn't have made promises he couldn't deliver on
He's a Republican president, wish a Republican House, and Republican Senate. There is no excuse for having such a terrible bill.
You would prefer Hillary?
There is no excuse for Paul Ryan, John McCain, Sen. Collins, Lindsey Graham..... you get elected President and get a bill through the Senate.
fuck yourself shill
sage goes in the option field when posting, anyone bumping shit like this are shills or supporters of these shills
sage and hide
I could if it was a good bill. There's a reason that even other republicans hate Trumpcare.
Yeah we can't let him get his hands on the nuclear codes
Whats the alternative? Dump the poor? He said he wont. The states that took the cash and expanded medicaid wont play ball. Sorry friend.
>while maintaining the pre-existing coverage part.
You CANNOT have insurance where people can buy insurance IF THEY ALREADY HAVE SOMETHING WRONG WITH THEM. That defeats the entire fucking purpose and any company that doesn't discriminate is going to spiral into bankruptcy in no time. This doesn't apply to just healthcare, it applies to literally any kind of insurance.
You cannot force force insurers to cover "pre-existing conditions" for healthcare without it collapsing unless you force everyone to buy coverage, which is what Obamacare rather intelligently did.
People on here have legitimate, hardcore brain damage.
Agreed. But no bill repealing that provision will get 45 votes in the Senate.
>*sips tea*
>mrw this thread
>Waaaah I can't get free healthcare while still being a jobless fuck in my mom's basement!
cry me a fucking river snowflake
aye yo former MC here, i really enjoy watch this track crash and burn, but seriously we cant let this wack flocker get his hands on samples
It has to be better than "All whitefolks spend a shitload of money cuz we gotz kidz and sheet that need feedin" care
My problem is that he doesn't go far enough with repealing. I don't want socialist healthcare.
>the latino economy
cut it off and let the fat fucks die already
I heard a burger tries to sage this.
>Agreed. But no bill repealing that provision will get 45 votes in the Senate.
Then it's retarded to bother. The healthcare system is going to collapse in the US, and if Trump foolishly attaches his name to Obamacare 2.0 then it's him and the Republicans who can be (perfectly reasonably) blamed for destroying healthcare in America.
You could actually fix healthcare somewhat and become the hero in all this if you
>Made competition across state lines legal
>Curb the FDAs regulatory authority over approving drugs + making generics
>End the tax incentives that ties people's employer to their insurance
>Break the AMAs grip on medical licensing and allow nurses more authority to perform procedures
I know Trump really isn't a free market guy or even a conservative by most measures but holy shit I wish he would do better than what Paul Ryan is proposing. Hopefully Rand Paul actually manages to implement at least one or two of the above if nothing else because if not this is going to be bad both in the direct sense and strategically for Trump's reelection.
Is Obamacare really that good to begin with?
>Premiums going up for people with insurance
>Get fined if you don't have insurance
>Several new taxes created to help pay for it
>Businesses cutting employee hours for it
How can it get worse than that?
>You cannot force force insurers to cover "pre-existing conditions" for healthcare without it collapsing unless you force everyone to buy coverage, which is what Obamacare rather intelligently did.
Insurance is a scam and a red-herring. The rise of healthcare costs is just faggotry.
If you can't remember back far enough, R's sent bills to Obama's desk multiple times to just REPEAL the affordable care act. Now the R's have free reign and don't have the balls for this all of a sudden.
I think the best option would be expand medicare and in doing so eliminate the ability for patients to sue for malpractice. Also for any govt medical plan, work a deal with pharma companies and if they won't budge import drugs from overseas. Get the garbage poor who get free healthcare right now ANYWAY off of the market. As much as I hate gibsmedats, the only outcome I see in 10+ years is a full medicare for all system or at least 50% of the way there. You can't subsidize the free market, it just turns to shit.
>still not realizing Trump is a democrat plant whose job it is to take the fall and discredit the Republicans for eternity
>How can it get worse than that?
It's not worse, but it's only marginally better.
Trumpcare will crash the system and that's a good thing.
Insurance for health is a fucking stupid concept. It encourages exploitation from all parties at all times.
>being this delusional
Nice try shill, but we are not divided so easily
Former nuclear codes here, it's hilarious watching trump supporter crash and burn. But in all seriousness we cant let this man get the Trump
>If you can't remember back far enough, R's sent bills to Obama's desk multiple times to just REPEAL the affordable care act. Now the R's have free reign and don't have the balls for this all of a sudden.
This pisses me off so badly. It was always REPEAL Obamacare not
>lol let's tinker around the edges
its gonna be a bit before 4 years pass, so lets just see what happens. at this point i've given up on media because everything is just insane hyperbole
he's already done so much in just 2 months, if he cant fix this in 4 years than yeah he'll lose the election
>Insurance for health is a fucking stupid concept. It encourages exploitation from all parties at all times.
No it's actually a perfectly reasonable concept and worked really well until the government came and made it better.
He really only has two years, because he'll likely lose the House or Senate in two years.