Communists had the best anthem.
Nazis had the best salute.
If only there was a way to combine them...
Communists had the best anthem.
Nazis had the best salute.
If only there was a way to combine them...
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you idiot, the only relation to national Bolsheviks and nazism is nationalism, and its a different kind anyways
t. national bolshevik
> An American National Bolshevik
Kill yourself
which anthem?
I prefer the Internationale to the Hymn of the Bolsheviks. Red Army, Black Barron is also pretty damned good song
>not wanting a red america
you are fashy scum
You could start with killing the communists, and then drinking bleach.
Drink some bleach.
which party are you in comrade?
>Communists had the best anthem.
>implying Deutshland Uber Alles isn't the GOAT of anthems
soviet anthem isn't the best commie song, it's not even the best soviet song
Arbeiter von Wien
Werin barîkadan
oh. Absofuckinglutelynot
Das Deutschlandlied is damned good, my school's alma mater is the same tune
but listen to Arbeiter von Wien, it's hard to top
assume we can all agree, US anthem is the FUCKING worst
I find the East German national anthem to be really good too.
The only difference is one is nationalist and the other is global
I torrent a few GB of Axis-related music a few months ago, great shit - this is one of the standouts
soviet anthem is nationalistic too, it was a major difference between Stalinism and real communism
dat Aesthetic is nothing on thread referral
Dude communism fucking sucks.
And the anthem sounds like shit.
Tbh senpai you don't know what you want.
Brand new Pol prank call discord. We do prank calls nightly. Just set up this discord. Feel free to join, it can be hilarious. We resume tomorrow night.
Isn't Nazbol in Russia basically just people wanting a return to Stalinism? I mean many of Stalin's advisors were Nazbol anyway.
"Communist anthem"? That would actually be The Internationale. That song sucks. Gay as fuck.
The USSR National Anthem however is very good (except for the lyrics), same melody as the current National Anthem of Russia (much better lyrics).
Horst Wessel Lied is awesome too.
fuck off shill
reminder that communists from REDDIT are raiding Sup Forums and spamming
go back to russia you fucking pinko commie
you dont belong in the americas
lmao into the trash with this post
>still scared of communists
>He thinks it wouldn't fail, again.
Planned economies never work you drooled-faced fool. I guarantee you live on the West Coast and your single mother gave you a faggot name like Brindyn.
sage and report raiding threads
Fuck you antifa homo
good night alt-lite
In case you're wondering where National Bolshevism came from, here it is
Sounds like a church Christmas choir.
nazi uniforms were actually fashionable af
>tfw no qt3.14 fascist waifu in your RWDS