Trump like Jobs Reports now

Sep. 7, 2012
"Unemployment rate only dropped because more people are out of labor force & have stopped looking for work. Phony numbers"

Oct. 19, 2012
"7.8% unemployment number is a complete fraud. Real unemployment is at least 15%"

Aug. 11, 2013
We can rev up this economy like it should be, not with false numbers like 7.4% unemployment."

May 31, 2014
"Unemployment is a totally phony number.

June 16, 2015
"Our real unemployment is 18 to 20 percent. Don't believe the 5.6. Don't believe it."

Aug. 11, 2015
"Then you hear there's a 5.4% unemployment. it's really -- its 40% if you think about it."

Aug. 30, 2015
"They show those phony statistics where we are 5.4% unemployment. The real number, I saw a number that is 42%."

Sept. 28, 2015
"I hear 5.3 percent unemployment, that is the biggest joke. That number is so false."

Sept. 29, 2015
" I have seen numbers of 24 percent. I saw a number of 42 percent unemployment... that number is so false."

Oct. 9, 2015
"They say 5.3% employment. The number is 32%."

Oct. 11, 2015
"Nobody has jobs... it is not a real economy. It is a phony set of numbers."

Jan. 17, 2016
"Look again, you hear these phony jobs numbers? people that gave up looking for jobs?"

Feb. 9, 2016
"Don't believe those phony numbers 4.9 and 5% unemployment as high as 35 -- as in fact, I heard recently, 42%."

March 12, 2016
"The numbers are phony. Numbers given to politicians to look good. These are phony numbers."

May 24, 2016
"You hear a 5% unemployment. It's a phony number. That number is for presidents and politicians so that they look good."

July 7, 2016
"The phony 5% that we hear about with the unemployment."

Aug. 8, 2016
"The 5% figure is one of the biggest hoaxes in politics."

Nov. 4, 2016
"The terrible jobs report that just came out... you can see phony numbers."

Dec. 8, 2016
“The unemployment number, as you know, is totally fiction."

Mar. 8, 2017
"Great news from jobs report! We are only just beginning. Together, we are going to #MAGA!"

Other urls found in this thread:

>someone is different from who they were 5 years ago
News at 11

Wow it's like you almost don't understand propaganda.

>job growth = unemployment number

>trump exceeds expectations
>wow good job report

Whats the problem op?

Almost all of Obama's economic numbers, unemployment rate, jobs, etc, were fabricated. If he had really gotten unemployment down to

>why do politicians scew stories to their benefit?
>hello I have the mental capacity of a child

OP just wants to see if Obamachartleaf is around.

I don't see a contradiction. He never said the job is done.

This was months ago, fuckwit

Do you know how math works? There's not a single contradiction in his statements. Open wikipedia and look up how job creation != unemployment != labor force participation.

lmao i hope you didn't type this up

ITT delusional Trumpfucks that can't see obvious Orange Agent hypocrisy.

Literally all those tweets are about the unemployment rate, not the number of jobs added.

Nasty woman right here folks

All of these quotes basically just speak to his ignorance. Or the ignorance of his voter base, for that matter

Trump still keeps using the line that their are 96 million unemployed Americans


It's not wrong, it's just that it includes people who are retired or in school. Which could still be a useful number, because all those people cost money.

Honestly it's fucking hilarious how hard Trump cucked his own supporters.

He tricked his right wing retard followers into believing his bullshit for years, and then immediately embraced Obama's 4.7% unemployment rate.

Can't will till right wing retards dindu the Trump economy 4 years from now tho

Do you guys seriously not understand the difference between absolute number of jobs added and unemployment rate?

I do. It's right wing retards who think the unemployment rate falling when unemployed get jobs is a conspiracy.

Lol wut. No one thinks that.

>You're an idiot.
"Mhm. Yup, that's me."
>America isn't exactly as bad as you said it was!
"You're absolutely right."*finds work for 300k people*
>Obama was a better president! Jeff Sessions! Milo Yiannapadopadopadus is a pedo!
"You got any cement you can spare for the wall?"

Dinduism. The right wing retard go-to.

>take one full time job and cut it up into 2 or 3 part time jobs
>wow look at how many more jobs there are!

They laugh at how stupid you right wing retards are

But the numbers are accurate now right?

95% of Obama job creation has been full time.

How fucking handicapped do u have to be to think that Obama magically chopped jobs in half?

Have you retards ever even bothered once in the past 8 years to look up the jobs data?

Here's all full time and part time workers under OBama.

>inb4 a fake news headline with 0 research

fuck u retards just parrot debunked talking points.

You just claimed that people on the right don't know that the unemployement rate goes down when people find jobs.

Some people don't like the methodology used to find it, but no one doubts the correlation. Also, I'm not sure if this is a specifically right wing thing.

Obama was a faggot, but it's only been fucking 2 months since Trump has got in. Not all of this job creation is due to him

Guess he's really assimilated well into being a politician

yep all the sudden just like that. That's how easy to manipulate these right wing retards are. Really makes u think.

That's a good video. It's probably 15 percent ... I've heard as high as 42 percent!

> People you don't know are laughing at you!

Lol your dinduism is off the charts.

For the last 8 years right wing retards have been saying the unemployment rate is fake.

Yes I do contend that right wing retards don't know that the unemployment rate goes down when unemployed get jobs. I've been saying that for a year on here.

watch the video and shut your mouth

that video is hilarious. Americans elected a fucking autist.

nuke england as we should have in ww2 making deal to be friends with hitler n stalin

I think the idea was that it exceeded expectations.

Golden! Kek!

lol if your so smart and we are retards why is canada so poor?
is your brain frozen solid?

What did he mean by this?

Your attempt to dindu the last 8 years of right wing retard talking points is hilarious and sad.

I honestly can't wait till right wing retards completely dindu the Trump economy 4 years from now

hey autismo back at it again I see

Based Leaf

If you keep it up maybe Hillary will win the election.

He seems fairly consistent that he believes it to be 20-25%. He only claims to "have heard it could be 42%" or something along those lines.

>highest stock increase in US history following a Presidential win
>literally billions being invested from other nations
>predicted job growth is off by a hundred thousand within a month
>hasn't even enacted the policies that will speed up this effect

Btw leaf job growth going to domestic manufacturing that produces capital rather than service jobs that are minimum wage and under 40 hours a week requiring workers to get two jobs to compensate for one isn't a great way to say people are getting the work needed to have a middle class life.

I think most ring-wingers would think "correlation" is a faggot word used by elites and mudslimes to take our guns and make them gay and have sex with kids in public toilets and impose health care on those kids after they have been raped. And make them keep the rape-baby.

lol okay, I don't see what your argument here is

Lol this idiot went on and on last thread about how sure he was that the President passes the budgets in the U.S. Just stop, Obamaleaf

Comrade Putin thanks you for supporting Trump

No one thinks that, but okay

Democracy was a mistake. People treat it like a fucking football team. You can't criticise anything on either side lest you get a crew of useful idiots accusing you of being "on the other team".

It's almost like these people didn't mature past their "world is black and white" stage.

>take up politics as a hobby
>learns a thing or two in 5 years
>wants to be president
>is president.

Did he say "right wing retards" every other sentence?

It works pretty well in some places

Bingo. He's actually just copy and pasting his responses from last thread. No wonder he couldn't actually respond when he got BTFOd repeatedly

>increases in workers no longer looking for work as static unemployment makes workers switch jobs and get secondary ones since part time labor explodes and full time jobs decrease

Job created are also part time positions. Following the ACA most employers only gave part time work to employees to not have to pay for their healthcare costs as employers.

As a result more people are hired at low hour jobs and high levels of static unemployment occur fluctuating people through multiple jobs, resulting in the count number of 'jobs created' being high but not exclusively providing the full support those job should be providing.

What Obama created is a part time job market with high turnover rates and static unemployment, while taking off unemployment statistics by using a 'discouraged worker' clause to make the numbers seem better.

Posting two graphs with numbers and not looking at how the numbers are created shows your ignorance of economics. If you lived in the US you'd understand.

True. I don't support a one government solution but this type of "you criticised [insert Trump or Obama], fuck off [the opposite one to the first] supporter" is retarded. It's not a new thing either nor is it just young people.

This isn't even taking into account the "I voted for him/her because they look nice/they're hot/they seem like someone I would be friends with" vote

How do you shield against this?

Is this bullshit then?

>adding more jobs than projected is bad because Trump thinks unemployment figures are misleading

This is the exact logic you used. Are you retarded?

Now he's embraced the 4.7% just like that.

Trump is a con man, bullshit artist who dupes right wing retards into believing his bullshit.

And splerging out the things "he hears" is not a virtue. It's a sign of autism.


Yes. Here's an actual breakdown:
>inb4 Zerohedge. Check his sources. It's all legit

Why do your graphs not correlate yet you post both of them as evident fact in your argument?

Either your numbers are off and your claims are wrong or the studies are faulty because you don't look into how the numbers are generated.

95% of Obama job creation was full time.

Here's a chart of all part time and full time workers under Obama Pic rel is just full time under Obama.


Trump changed the methodology, those are the real numbers now.


That's really just a made up ZeroBrain headline. Why don't u retards actually pull up the data?

Obama job creation was 95% fulltime.

I'm giving u retards the charts.

Here's a chart of all part time and full time workers under Obama (You)

Here's full time workers under Obama And pic rel is part time under Obama. SEE THAT? Basically no increase in part time.

Wow reallly makes u think

You retards just make shit up

This. So much. President Trump literally just reduced the unemployment rate from 42% in February 2016 to 4.7% in March 2017 and he's only been President for 2 months. Why are libtards still whining? Libtards hate a strong Republican Businessman President who knows how to handle the economy unlike the Socialist Obama.

>You retards just make shit up

You decentralize power. We have 7 "presidents", each in charge of a departement. Were even talking about going up to 9 "presidents" cause theres a lot to do in each department and we need them to be on that full time.
And have more parties, so like 3 or 4 of the biggest parties have 2 or 1 president depending on size. Theres a lot more team work necessary and theres a lot more chances fore small parties or opinions to get something done.

A lot less salty people and that breaks the cycle growing differences

>highest stock increase in US history following a Presidential win

thanks obama

They probably got data that was corrected later.

The rising market at all time highs and large investment in domestic manufacturing already occurring shows we are in a starting boom period of economic reversal from a stagnant economy which centered on low time service jobs rather than higher paying capital producing ones that pay much more into taxable wealth.

It kind of amazes me how little you know of economics and how much you post the exact same things over and over with little detail into the aspects of it people like me have to go through when combing these reports.


>a report by Harvard and Princeton economists Lawrence Katz and Alan Krueger, confirms exactly what we warned. In their study, the duo show that from 2005 to 2015, the proportion of Americans workers engaged in what they refer to as “alternative work” soared during the Obama era, from 10.7% in 2005 to 15.8% in 2015.
No. It's a writeup about a paper done by two prestigious economists.

That poor guy. Are you harassing him?


Yeah really like the word retard...

We've had negative job growth. The population has increased by 17.9 million in the past 5 years. Obummer is a total failure. Sad

day of the rake cant come soon enough

No they just made up bullshit. Obama created more jobs a year ago and right wing retards shit on it. >The rising market at all time highs

Thanks Obama

Wtf leaf why are you so xenophobic

lol butthurt faggot

Explain yourself leaf

The economy performed so well under Obama, Democrats took the house and senate, as well as appointed a Democratic majority to the supreme court, and kept the whitehouse

Also all of their voters have health insurance now, and they really really like it because they got to keep their doctors and plans without their deductibles and premiums increasing

These are all things that happened

now you're just making it obvious that's not me

unemployment number is phony
job report is not.

how is this a hard thing to understand? The reason we are doubling the number of actual jobs per month is because people who gave up hope of finding a job are now finding jobs

Right wing retards shit on the OBama economy for 8 years, then suddenly try to take credit for it. Now that is fucking degenerate!

Even Republicans call it the Obama economy.

Why do you deny that obvious proof? You can't seem to ever admit to lying, even when caught in the act?

Did he change his position on unemployment rates specifically?

that poor guy. i feel bad for him.

Come after me but leave him alone.

>group of 10 friends
>only 4 have jobs
Rly makes me think

Trump embraced 4.7% unemployment

So that's why markets hit all time highs even with the Fed threatening to raise interest rates after Trump won the election?

Love how the arrow stops at the start of 2016 and only comes up when Trump is elected, as if he knows basic economics rather than pouring trillions into the economy to keep it afloat and thus inflating savings which damages all consumers potential investments.

No. This dumb Leaf is to illiterate to understand the difference between unemployment and jobs reports

Fuck yes he did. It went from 42% to 4.7% overnight.

>Ignores me
Left wing retard. Obummer has had negative job growth. He is a failure

Look at the huge arrow and how Obama nearly tripled the stock market.