Claims to be redpilled

>claims to be redpilled
>eats red meat

There's literally no reason to eat over 250 g of fish or chicken a day if you're concerned about bodybuilding, average joes don't need any meat desu, not daily anyway, if we did this there would be absolutely no reason to worry about fossil fuel emissions.
Also for every $5 of meat sold, you are taxed $7 because of government aid to beef farms and the like.
Red meat is the Jew of the food world.

Other urls found in this thread:

fuck off kike you just want us to ship all of our meat to CHYYNA

>eating chicken injected to the brim with growth hormones
no thanks

Tbh I don't eat it but its hard to convince people without giving them an option

>Claims to be redpilled
>Doesnt understand human evolutionary dietary patterns.

Do you know what else humans don't need, user? Clothes. Shoes. iPhones. Apartments in huge complexes. The internet. Music. Entertainment. I could go on. Do you like or use any of those things? Oh. You do?

>Claims to be redpilled about what people need

Aussie jew telling me not to eat meat while fat ass niggers and spics eat like pigs for free. If we stopped feeding them it would solve 99% of all problems.

>red meat is bad both for you and for the earth as a whole
>"yeah I bet you like entertainment "

Where is your argument?
Why purposely hurt yourself and the planet so Jews and special interest can get paid millions?
Why do people get so angry about facts when it has to do with meat?
A lot like how people get mad with facts about the Holocaust or other inconvenient truths.
Really makes me think who could be behind the meat industry.

>>there would be absolutely no reason to worry about fossil fuel emissions.

Take your global climate scam back to the Soviet Union.

>claims he's redpilled
>not vegan
feels good being a god amongst men with my higher testosterone levels

>"red meat is bad for you"

If hitler were alive today you'd be sterilized for being this autistic. Red meat is the foundation of the human diet and necessary for far more than just "muscle growth".

possibly the most obvious reddit tourist yet

enjoy colon cancer, heart disease, Alzheimers, and ED retard

Being able to eat red meat everyday just shows how economically powerful the nation I live in is.

Also meat is the cornerstone of american food

>muh tradition above logic and health

Wasn't Hitler a vegan though?

towards the end of his life, yes

this guy yes
men: careful with iron intake
also yes

Hang yourself
/fit/ here, 10 years lifting
Protein defiency is UNHEARD of in modern countries.
Keep consuming all that whey and meat instead and skip on vegetables dipshit

I'll eat what I want you piece of shit. Meat is sweet, why should I listen to some limp wristed vegan such as yourself?

>vegans have higher free testosterone than meat eaters, clearer arteries for harder erections
top kek meat fag

Meat is a very important part of your diet. Your body can't absorb protein as easily through plants, and as you grow older any protein you may have been getting from a vegan diet won't cut it anymore, as it'll grow harder and harder for your body to process it. Thus, your muscles grow weaker and weaker.

I do not care, my erections are hard enough and I'm quite lean. A balanced diet shits all over those stupid vegetable only fad diets. I'll eat what I want fag.

>believing protein is the most important macro
kek, 80% of your calories should be healthy carbs, 15% fats, 5% protein

No, try 50-60%. Over saturation of carbs with low protein is how you get fat/skinny fat. Protein intake should be around 20%.

If your diet was 80% healthy carbs you'd be shitting 8 times a day from eating 5 pounds of insoluble fiber.


Fuck off, modern/postmodern faggot

are you going to eat (((pills))) when you get dis ease in the body from eating too much meat?

you wont be needing testosterone or a digger bick if no one wants to get under your clothes to begin with.

This is the correct answer

Tell that to my girl, feels nice having nice lips around a healthy dick

So many posts by this ID

So few arguments by this id


You don't know her, she goes to a different school,

Is being redpilled caring about what other people eat enough to make a thread?


>he doesn't eat chicken tendies
It's like you're not even from here, lad.

Human are frugavorious by nature anyways. not needed at all to eat teh red meatz.

>red meat