

>worship a jew
>hate jews


They simply rationalize being cucked by Jews
>Jesus wasn't a jew
>but Jews hate Christianity

christians love jews , what are you talking about

Jesus was an ethnic jew.
My hatred for Jews is behaviouristic

>worship a jew
i dont think jesus is god, what now?

The jews hated him and killed him.

>jews killing jews
>a bad thing


Biblical Jews stopped being a thing after the destruction of the temple. Modern Jews are heretics, which is why we dont like them.

You can be a Monophysit and accept only divine nature of Christianity, discarding human one.

Jesus was a Samaritan. Fuck you.

A). I am Biblical Unitarian, so while I am a Christian I do not worship Jesus, as I do not consider him God. I only worship the Father YHWH
B) I don't hate Jews
C). Why is this on Sup Forums take this shit to Sup Forums.

user makes a good point. I personally don't hate Jews, but I suppose on Sup Forums that makes me the minority opinion.

Jews hate Christian's more. That's why they force feminism, race mixing, gay marriage, and other degenerate things to a society on us. We have to fight back and create our own Isreal. Thats what MAGA is all about. Anyone with half a brain knows if Obamas agenda was pushed another 50 straight years the US would be Venezuela.

Jesus threw the money lenders out of the temple now they run the world.

I don't hate Jewish people anymore than I do nonjews, I pity them because they're damned. Without Jesus Christ everyone is lost to Satan, it's not a matter of race, sex, or anything but salvation! Everyone who hasn't found Jesus is a part of the Synagogue of Satan, the modern Jews aren't the Jews of old.

Born again Christian Jews are just as holy as any Christian, but the Judaist Jews blaspheme against Christ's sacrifice with every lamb and dove offering. With Christ's sacrifice, all humanity was made equal, but Jews still believe themselves above all others, a blasphemy to God. Judaism is no more blasphemous than any non-Christian religion, everyone who isn't saved is enslaved to Satan, and we need to do all we can to show them the Truth!

There is only one God and Christ Jesus is His Lamb!

Amen Amen, if any man loves not the Lord Jesus Christ, let him be accursed. Amen.

I don't hate jews

1 john 2:22-23
1 thessalonians 2:14-16
rev 2:9, 3:9


Samaritans were kicked out of the Jew pyramid scheme a few years before Jesus was born. Thus Jesus was not a Jew... Jews feared him.

>race mixing

Are you fucking retarded its literally the one religion that does not want your dumb ass
Also why would Jews push feminism and gay marriage? Turn your hate away from the jews who make your life livable and focus the hate on the SJWs and far left cucks