When will a war break out against Germany-Netherlands VS Turkey?
Who will win?
A german mobilization is way bigger than a turkish one, turks already have a conscription army.
They both have high tech equipment. Who would help whom?
Would the UK-USA-France help germany or will they stay out of it? WIll israel help the germans or the turks?
Also keep note that germany and turkey both are close to civil unrest
When will a war break out against Germany-Netherlands VS Turkey?
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I think the war has already started, at least on Turkey's end. We elected Trump to get the mexicans in line. Are you voting PVV?
I think Erdogan is fucked up enough to actually provoke something.
The Russian factor would be big too.
Putin wouldn't take a side at first, but I think he would try to 'enable' a conflict to break out.
No, i donated 25 euros to the forum of democracy (party) and i will vote for them. 3 more days and we will see. Although VNL (For Netherlands) is a funny party too, but they wont have alot of seats. (pic related is the leader of VNL)
pretty obvious who will since mama merkel would simply cut the EU trade deal gravy train erdogay is on
Very true. Turkey will just simply fuck up their economy and people wont want erdogan anymore
Russia would step behind Europe
only if its -Germany
I'd like to share my experience with you user. I voted Trump in the GOP primary in Texas because I thought he was the guy who could kick ass, take names, and win the election. Every one of my friends voted Cruz because he was the 'principled Conservative.' I like Cruz, I voted for him to be my Senator. I don't think he could have won the election, and I think that Trump was the only one who could push past hillary's bullshit. Cruz wouldn't have won WI, MI, PA, and maybe even OH. Cruz was more /ourguy/ than anyone else in the election.
I hope you think about that when you vote, my friend. Wilders is the only guy who is willing to say Muslims Out, but also have enough populist appeal to get enough votes to form a good coalition in parliament. I don't like his economics, I don't like his social issues, but I like his "Muslims Out" approach. Maybe I'm wrong, and maybe I'm thinking about it incorrectly, but I see a vote for Wilders like I see my vote for Trump in the primary. He isn't the guy I want to be President, but he's the guy who I think can beat the left. I like Cruz more than Trump because he best represents what I believe in, but I didn't think he could beat that jewpuppet hillary. Does that make any sense?
the system is different here. No party is willing to work with him, to pass a law he would need 76 seats. He CAN win with 76 seats if a terrorist attack or war against turkey appears. But Without that i dont see a difference coming in the near future.
If PVV won 40-50 seats, though, wouldn't they be able to make a coalition government with someone? I realize the difference between our system and yours, but surely there is at least some other party who can recognize national interest and work with them.
I really hope that Europe can repeat what we did here and get a 'Trump' in office. Even one would make all the difference. Wilders, Le Pen, who knows? It would be interesting to see the political dynamics change and have us working with Orban, Havel, etc.
Even if they worked together with SGP and VNL, they wouldnt have enough still. the PVV is the only far right party with that much seats
Turkey because they already have millions of troops forward-deployed in Europe.
PVV isn't even really that far right with the exception of immigration. Even then they really aren't far right, just in favor of the law. I hope for the best for you, my friend, I really do. I can't imagine Europe will last much longer with a combination of socialist welfare and limitless refugees. I lived there a long time ago, and it was a different place than it was today. I'm sorry you guys aren't strong enough to fight off what is coming.
anything right of liberalism is far-right these days
>Germany not allying with Turkey
pretty much. Even the liberals aren't actual liberals. They are more authoritarian than anything I've ever studied in my life.
Well Germany has lost it's fighting spirit and will probably serve as an auxiliary to the Dutch. As for the Netherlands, they will lead the charge and reclaim Constantinople for the white race
it already started.
30% less european tourists in 2016 when europeans make up more than 50% of all turkish tourists.
gdp growth went down by 1%
gov gives out very cheap loans to hotels to buffer and hope for a bounce.
money is the only way to defeat erdogan.
in the mind of his followers he made turkey and the turks wealthy.
the turks who are in europe are beyond salvation.
they believe in nationalism when they are unwanted by their host countries and turkey alike.
I suspect the Turks will be the thing that finally pushes the krauts over the edge. These past few days most of my shitlib friends have been absolutely redpilled about multiculti . This + pewdiepie drama is a very strong mix and i believe it will have a strong effect on euros everywhere
Those terrorist attacks really fugged their economy up and erdogay is too busy enabling the radicals because muh pkk (which admittedly are shit - islamist commies lulwat?). I guess he's seeing the end coming so that's why he's pushing for a full usurpation of powers so he gets to stay in place. At least the "turkey will join the EU" meme will finally die.
>WWIII could potentially be started over Turks
It's about God damn time we took that city back.
>born too late to kill turks in WW1
>born too soon to glass the middle east
>born just in time to retake constantinople
Turks lost the majority of their tourism last year. They are coming to Greece instead. Millions and millions are lost. Now after yesterday not a single guy will go to the turkisk coast. TURKEY U ARE FUCKED
Salty Turkey!
Turkey has a habit of blindly murdering its own military officials, though. That coup was pretty good proof of that.
Like that fucking rabble could do shit.
We are already cutting the development aid for Turkey, they will be back at our feet soon. Although I wouldn't oppose a large scale cleansing in Germany and the Netherlands
>millions of troops forward-deployed in Europe
Those fucking gastarbeiters
Fucking Kek
Turkey really is going full-retard
It's actually closer to 60.000 plus immediate support from all neighboring NATO countries.
>A german mobilization is way bigger than a turkish one
More like Nederland vs Germany-Turkey
>Cuckmoney siding against any brown muslim
How can a single person breed so much? It's like they're doing it on purpose. This takes a lot of dedication.
protip: You don't have to be willing, just able.
Jesus Christ, Japan.
Turkey has some factories and produces a few weapons, but turkey still depends on imports for it's supply. Germany can still switch most of it's manufacturing base into weapons production, which makes it more able to sustain a war. Turkey will have a hard time to replace it's losses.
Worked real well here during Vietnam. We didn't even draft that many people and they started fragging officers and NCOs.
They dont, they have a low fertility rate themselves, Germany just got to the meme first
Should be considered an act of war. Nobody should be allowed to have more than 5 kids without going to jail or being exiled
They don't understand our languga so they can't watch tv all day. And you have to do something to kill time
> Spain talking about other countries getting fucked.
Turkey really is pretty fucked though.
Turks trying to Trigger through a meme which is fucking false
the kebab goes a step further in the video and says all german women will mate with bearded hajis.
we need a clone army
They all have satellite dishes and watch turkish or arabic tv.
>boasting on a questionaire form is the same as doing it IRL
I'm suddenly reminded of the courage of syrian men
>Liberalism is a political ideology and a branch of liberalism which advocates civil liberties and political freedom with representative democracy under the rule of law, and emphasizes economic freedoms found in economic liberalism which is also called free market capitalism.
He's an idiot because he's doing it to fast, if it's true. Saruman was to confident as well with his urukai army.
>an army with no bullets
>hasnt been in a war since the big one was dropped on Hiroshima
>an army gutted of all NCOs and flag staff becaue of a shit coup attempt
>had to rely on using dumb fuck jihadists to capture al-bab
>lost over a dozen tanks to do so
> Spain talking about other countries getting fucked.
Im from Greece just live here
the problem is they're so smug they brag on video.
if they kept their mouth shut nobody would have known about this.
but germans aren't doing anything about so it doesn't matter.
maybe their tv program isn't that good
Classical liberalism is dead m8. The self-identifying modern "liberals" are actually progressives on speed.
>lost over a dozen tanks to do so
do you ever heard anti-tank guided missile?
Let me tell you a secret. Behind closed doors germans are already whispering about stuff and if you meet them on the street there's this subtle look of quiet anger only a german will notice. This isn't good, not good at all. You don't realize how pissed people are.
yeah, you got fucked by the ATGMs real hard.
on one hand, im glad the Leopard 2 finally lost it's battle virginity, but im sad you got them blown out by sandnigger muzzies.
turkey's population consists of mostly young people. and it's growing.
the fertility rate is going down but it's above 2 at this moment.
i'm not talking just about turkey.
i'm talking about all arabs/muslims/blacks.
their countries haven't even reached the phase when their populations start declining.
that will be in 50 years.
europe's population is in decline since the '90s.
>Behind closed doors germans are already whispering
>army so mighty it needs desert thugs to beat the pkkfags
50k german army could easily take you on. Not that it's ever gonna happen of course, erdogay is simply grandstanding to earn votes in order to cuck your constitution.
You clearly didnt look at the Link i provided
Get your Facts straight, we are on pol not some Romanian kindergarten
Believing in memes aint the smartest Thing
If only France England and Murica stops giving them weapons
Shut up you stupid German faggot you won't do shit. Eternally cucked. It's always been Germany's destiny to be eternally BTFO by the rest of the world.
You were only able to win against us because you outnumbered us 20 to 1.
i don't get it.
everything i previously stated is backed up by the article you linked.
are you a special kind of autist?
Doing everything to destroy the White race
Killing the British Empire
Killing the French Empire
Killing the German Reich
Helping the Commies buttfuck all of Eastern Europe
Feeding the Niggers to Quadruple their Numbers
Being proud of yourselves
Fucking USA always the Jews of the White World
at least we captured isis stronghold and we will fuck murikan backed kurds
go nuts and kill all the kurds for all i care
just stop fucking with Assad and stop chimping in Netherlands
Where do I sign up to join turkish army?
German thought police are coming to take you away. Bad goy
Look at thís if you are too stupid to find it yourself, now tell me where fertility goes up ?
Nowhere ?
It is called Generational Flux, Populations de- and increase based on hundreds of Facts Europe has gone through the bellcurve and will see a rise of native european births in 5/7 years
Holy shit incompetent People trying to Sound profound, if you dont know what you are talking about shut your mouth
did you know that george friedman, in his book "the next 100 years", predicts a war will be fought between poland and turkey?
the turks will advance through the balkans, seize budapest and march into poland.
poland will be crushed but the americans will come to their rescue eventually.
>not wanting to lead an offense into Germany to get revenge
To me this just says that immigrant communities are a permanent fifth column
Saruman was more successful than them 2bh. Or at least, he was.
i said their population goes up and their fertility rates go down.
their fertility rate is still above 2.
you're so stupid, lol.
>american backed kurds
The burgers back the syrian and iraqi kurds, not your kurds. Which you still can't beat even though they literally are tribe-tier.
Mate, If Turkey went to war against Netherlands/Germany, it would be WW2 all over again.
Russia is allied with Syria, who is allied with Turkey.
The only difference in the ww2 lineup, is that Germany and Russia have swapped sides (Germany is now allied with US/UK/CAN/AUS/NZ, and Russia is now on the opposing side).
German people aren't procreate. Mixed or pure arab,turks will replace them and of course system that in place today will not gonna work. All the europe will become like london. Only bureaucrats are european, others, othe ethnicities.
Hows that failing Empire of yours going lately ?
Iraq ? ah yea failed
Afghanistan ? failed again
French needed 160k men to hold Vietnam for 100 years
You lost it with 500k men in 10 Years
a fucking loser trying to be the bully, top kek
We should forbid all travel to Turkey in response. They'll suck our dick to come back to us. Who the fuck do these roaches think they are.
We still need that Constantinople ffs.
Fuck you niggas
The problem is, those kurds back our kurds so any aid US gives to iraqi kurds also end up in PKK hands.
are you really THIS fucking stupid ?
A child takes 15 years to be of Age
Jesus Christ fucking Gypsies dont get how populations work, who is surprised
>German people aren't procreate
Go back to fucking your mom you inbred roach
If Europeans decide to kill each other again, USA should stay the fuck out
Putin can't wait to bomb the roaches.
It would a short world war, if that.
same shit different name
it will be one final rurrah for the globalists. they'll drag a bunch of European countries into a war with "nazi turkey" but in the end all the nation states will be stronger and more independent and the globalists will be fucked
when's the last time Germany won anything? LOL
and why is this bad?
the bulk of their nation will eventually go old and die.
you stupid piece of shit they don't just drop and die like flies.
>A child takes 15 years to be of Age
wtf does this even imply?
he's considered a citizen upon birth.
he's counted when he's day one of age.
what don't you understand?
>Putin, Erdogan Agree to Expand Russia-Turkey Military Coordination in Syria
Well that sucks if if happens. But what are you gonna do, they're better fighters than you are so they're not gonna withdraw support anytime soon.
That's not accurate.
Turkey doesn't crush Poland. Poland holds them at bay until the Americans come kick their shit in while simultaneously restomping East Asia.