Was it the CIA?
Was it the CIA?
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its was the deep state, so yes
It was you, Mason
We may never know. But I'm hoping, given that Wikileaks stated they only released 1% of their documents and classified information, that it has damning evidence linking the CIA to his death. Imagine the ramifications of such a revelation being brought to light. And considering what the password for the first batch of the leaks were, we have a good chance that can happen.
At the very least, the password was nice homage to his legacy.
What? It's a well known fact that Lee Harvey Oswald killed JFK, shooting him from the Texas School Book Depository. I really don't understand why you'd think the CIA was involved in any way.
t. CIA
Nope. Carlos Marcello.
What evidence do you have, aside from your middle school teacher saying it was so? Were you there?
Even if it was Oswald, he was surely just some disgruntled nut with a gun... no ulterior motive whatsoever. And it was a complete (((coincidence))) that he was executed on the spot.
He wanted to end the deep state as we know it and release alien info to the public
It isn't surprising that such a hated man would be killed by some nut. That goes for both the president and Oswald. Not everything is a super scary conspiracy, you silly bastard.
Probably. Read about how Allan Dulles (the man JFK fired as head of the CIA) was on the Warren Commission, then read about JFK being the sole veto for operation Northwoods, a false flag operation to get us involved in Vietnam, then read about the House Select Committee on Assassinations disputing the findings of the Warren Commission in claiming that there was a fourth round fired that was likely not fired by Oswald (regardless of if it hit JFK or not), then read about the high ranking officials who were supposed to testify before this committee who mysteriously died shortly before it convened. Spoopy shit right there.
It isn't surprising the shadow government murdered the president because he wanted to dismantle the military industrial complex that controls US foreign policy.
No, not everything is a conspiracy, most of these aren't:
But JFK was.
They got his whole family too. Is that all a coincidence as well?
The Kennedy family was just profoundly unlucky, don't make it into something more than what it was.
Nobody is that unlucky they were culled because they were a nuisance place crashes are easy to rig
>the shadow government
Get a load of this guy
Will you start ranting about the Illuminati next? How about the ways the Freemasons and Rothschilds are controlling world finance? Retard.
Watch the Zipruder film, the driver explicitly turns around once, then again after the first bullet doesn't do the trick.
It's so fucking obvious that his head would go back and to the left if shooting from that angle.
I hope your family gets that unlucky as well you fucking gay canuck
Shadow government/CIA/(((them))) call it whatever same thing
The Rothschild do control world finance. Is this your first day here?
> the driver
You mean Texas Governor John Connolly? IIRC he was the one driving the car, and he was actually struck in the should by the of the two rounds that hit JFK.
I just watched the JFK movie
Really hate how the film was put into the Liberal presuppositions of anti-fascism and pro civil rights. I found myself sympathizing with JFK's assassins who thought they were working under the guise of far-right/neo-nazism.
But I remind myself Jack, a catholic, hated kikes and knew about the banks, and their kike wars.
I guess the lines weren't as clear as they are now..
and yes OP it was the CIA
this is the kind of crap the puts people off JFK theories.
Theres just no way it was the driver. Its retarded. WHen you say retarded stuff like this, you discredit other theories and make questioning the official story look kooky.
Typical response from your kind, wishing violence upon me because I don't agree with your disgusting views.
I'm not in the habit of believing unfounded conspiracy theories.
>and yes OP it was the CIA
No user, it wasn't. There's no proof.
>I'm not in the habit of believing unfounded conspiracy theories.
Rothschild central banks control finance not even a conspiracy just facts. Look it up. No more (you)'s from me leaf.
(((Rothschild's))) have nothing to do with anythi-
I'm a scientific man, I believe in scientific evidence. Not this nonsense.
Oswald did it. But it's everything else that's fishy.
quality leafposting everybody
>muh science
>muh rationalism
>muh empiricism
>muh logic
I wish I could throw every smug shitlib redditor like you into the ovens.
No he was riding in front of Kennedy SS was driving
How about you give a little context, before you textdump so people know what the fuck they're looking at?
>Science and logic is bad
Conspiratards, everybody!
I just googled it, you're right. Secret Service agent Robert Greer was driving with Agent Roy Kellerman riding shotgun (as the agent in charge of the detail). It is kind of spooky how well Kellerman was able to control all of the evidence (the body, x-rays, etc.) and kind of control the conclusions reached during the autopsy. He also did not do his job and tackle JFK and shield him with his own body as procedure dictated he should have.
No, really, a simple Google search will show you that Rothschild owns the central banks of pretty much the entire world.
Only a handful of countries don't and they have been pressured to do so for years.
Maybe, before you start calling everyone else idiots, you should actually research the content of your argument.
>Some website claimed it, so it must be true!
First, everything you need to know, from Doug Horne who served on the ARRB - youtube.com
P.S. it was NOT the driver.
Wasn't JFK shot from multiple angles?
He certainly looks likes he's holding his throat as if he can't breathe before getting shot in the head.
Also isn't it quite hard to hit a moving target in a vehicle as an amateur sniper without a spotter?
yes completely was them, they are the operational clandestine army of the military industrial complex/deep state
he wanted to get out of vietnam and wanted to end the cold war, they had other plans; as soon as he died McNamara and General Taylor completely flipped US policy on Vietnam
the veil of secrecy they operate under hides their money contracts/interests and who they really operate for, they are a rogue agency
>pic related, good book on the topic
you've been lied to, the US has been a corporatist/fascist country since November 22nd, 1963
official american history is a complete fabrication and eisenhowers warning fell on mostly deaf ears
Yeah... that's false. The Rotschilds do not own the vast majority of the world's major private banks and don't own central banks (I only technically know in the case of the Federal Reserve). Because they don't own the major private banks, they don't own the Fed because the Fed is 'owned' by member banks as shareholders (though they don't control what it does, the governing body of the Fed, the Board of Directors, is a federal agency). This is one of the stupidest conspiracy theories I've ever heard and it boggles the mind that people capable of finding HWNDU in TN are this stupid.
He's thinking of the Bogdanoffs
Hmm, that rings a bell. Could you give me a quick rundown on them?
How many times
do I have to tell you FUCKERS
that it was the COMMUNISTS?
Doesn't it start to itch at you though, just how often you have to respond with
> It was just a coincidence
Take 9/11 as a prime example, more than half of the official story is composed of elements which have to be brushed off as a coincidence because the official explanation paints no more detail on it.
>Rothschild controlling world finance
That's not even a conspiracy... that's literally their business
See, thats the problem with conspiracies. Theres valid evidence for every single one. You can put up JFK, 9/11 and the Flat Earth in the same line. Just google the flat earth society forum and look at the mathematical equations they bring. Do you believe the earth is flat? Of course not, because it doesn't make sense at all
Thanks ameribro
>and it boggles the mind that people capable of finding HWNDU in TN are this stupid
What is this? Can I get a quick rundown?
JFK Assassination Secrets Scheduled for 2017 Release
Cool timing huh?
>You can put up JFK, 9/11 and the Flat Earth in the same line.
No, you've decided to do this. You group all conspiracies together and labeled them as insane because thats how you feel it should be.
Both JFK and 9/11 theories are not impossible, regardless if you believe they are truth or not. A rational person is able to say that they are at the very least realisticly possible scenarios. The flat earth theory is completley unlike that
Sup Forumsacks found the secret location of a anti-trump (HeWillNotDivideUs) flag in Tennesse (TN) and hissing a MAGA hat on he pole,using jet streams and stars at night. Clou is that the guy who set the flag up (actor Shia LaBeouf) already tried to this in Nyc and Albuquerque
Thats not what i wanted to imply, of course they are Possible. But the evidence is weak, very weak and doesn't make sense in the end for me
I thought when E. Howard Hunt did his deathbed confession, that pretty much settled it
>h-he was clearly suffering some sort of dementia!
The sort of dementia that lets you clearly remember an event from the past, the complex organization and everyone behind it, the timelines, etc
why is it always fucking leafs that post dumb shit. the day of the rake can't come soon enough
now it's become an unstoppable juggernaut.
Based Eisenhower tried to warn us....
>The time is up on Oct. 26, 2017. About 3,000 never-before-seen documents, along with 34,000 previously redacted files, are scheduled for release.
>Oct. 26, 2017
>just when the 7 year trib begins
get ready boys, we are about to take part of the biggest happening of the yuga
yeah, like there's gonna be anything significant in there....
> evidence is weak, very weak
If you think you have properlly looked into the topic with an unbiased attitude then so be it. I'm afraid however that we will have to agree to disagree on that note my austrian friend
If it was, I can't imagine why the culprits would not destroy every piece of evidence that would prove what really happened. Except for blackmail purposes. But then the only people to blackmail with that would be other deep state people so what's the point. Maybe I'm just too dumb to see all the lines at play.
Some have questioned the relevance of the unnatural and suspicious witness deaths related to the assassination, but 68 were called to testify in four investigations: 30 testified at the Warren Commission, 18 were sought by prosecutor Jim Garrison at the Clay Shaw trial, 9 by the Church Senate Intelligence Committee, 25 at the House Select Committee on Assassinations (14 were sought in sought in two investigations). These witnesses were indisputably relevant – as were others who were not sought to testify.
The probability analysis is straightforward; it is not a theoretical exercise. It is a mathematical proof of conspiracy based on historic mortality statistics, death rates. The probabilities are calculated using the Poisson formula. This is a challenge to those who claim that the deaths do not prove a conspiracy: To substantiate your claim, you must refute the witnesses cause of death, unnatural mortality rates and the Poisson formula.
tldr; Too many people have died for red flags not to appear on your mind. The head of the CIA was fired by JFK, JFK especislly hated the CIA after the failed coup in Cuba, and this same disgraced former head of the CIA was put on a Gov
funded investigation panel that said the guilty party was a loony sniper without a spotter partner capable of killing people in moving vehicles at large crowd gatherings. He too died from a mysterious cancer that only develops 30 days before a court hearing on the charge of murdering the head of state.
Makes you think.