>muh geert
>muh no foreign rallies in muh country
Worse than Hitler
>muh geert
>muh no foreign rallies in muh country
Worse than Hitler
Fuck off nigger
tfw we live in times when literally everyone is Hitler
Why would you conduct rallies in other countries?
>implying you wouldn't
Semazen is hot as fuck
god bless erdogan
btfoing (((secularists))) and k*rds since 1997
Reminder that ataturk was gay jew
to give yourself more power in a referendum (rigged?)
Why are Turks chimping out?
Also times where poland is accused of being nazi's, strange world freind
dutch nazis told their ministers they couldn't go to the netherlands to have a rally with t*rks in favor of voting to give erdogan more powers and basically turn turkey into a presidential republic, then when they showed up they had the nerve to not let them into the country
>Why are Turks chimping out?
Like they need a reason to be chimps.
This dumb bitch says that conventional policing techniques are the same as Nazi Germany. lol ok
> they do something I don't like
> damn Nazis!
>tries to attack us
>just gives us a cool flag
Thanks desu senpai
shots fired against sweden too
is this at all comparable to anyone who supports trumps travel ban being labeled a racist-nazi, in american politics?
>im a retard
But won't the referendum be passed through MP votings, what's the point of a foreign rally
and american kiddie diddlers
it must be popular vote. Since turks abroad can vote he wants them to
>Polish death camps
Dailly reminder that Poles gassed themselves during WW2 :^)
what does the tweet say?
google translate says pregnant 15-19 year olds by 1000
birth rates from 1000 girls between the ages of 15-19
>west and USA are rapists
>No, Turkey, you're not allowed to treat our country like a Little Turkish colony
>You fucking Nazis
t. Genocidal State
I swear to Christ, Turks made me racist
The most he should be allowed to do is tv ads abroad the governments aren't expected to give a foreign leader a platform in their country
Like turks care
It's funny considering Turkey is actually bordering on becoming an Islamist pseudo-Fascist state meanwhile the Netherlands is probably one of the most liberal and non-authoritarian countries on the planet.
completely different situation. The nazi card can be used everywhere, anywhere.
Turks lying in order to preserve their own image?
Thanks for the flag roach
all muslims hate mans best friend because all dogs hated muhammad
This power plant runs on live communists who are dumped in the maceration chamber
Why do I have this sudden urge to punch this woman?
>Nazis had dogs
>Dutch police have dogs
>Nazi guards also wore pants. Face it.
Piss off subhuman huehue
Holy shit, just reading this:
When shtf last night 01:00 AM, Dutch residents threw shit off of their balconies to the Turks. "One big plant pot just missed the protesters, people could have been killed".
>Reductio ad Hitlerum
Wow, really makes me think
Because she's white and pretty and a turk?
Kek Brazil
>Tropical shit skins fucking sand shit skins
Holy shit, she even looks like that annoying co-worker that I want to punch all the time.
Cool story
Dutch people are the master race, all very tall and woman are gorgeous.their political parties are competing with many other parties
Literally an average girl 7/10
Id rather fuck some premium bundas than her
Just because dog shit turns white does not mean it stops being dog shit
Turkish government calling us nazi's.
Turkish protesters calling Dutch police "Jews".
Make up your fucking mind already
are the dutch nazis or being painted that way by libcucks?
Libcucks in the form of angry sub niggers
But she's a (((based nationalist))) tho. Make Turkey Great Again? Or something. Had to use googlw translate but apparently she lovea Erdoshit
She just wants the d.
And probarbly lots of "kanker" thrown in between. Fucking bondkraagjes.
thought i was reading between the lines, but no, that does not compute.
same, same - but different faces. got it
ja rot dan toch lekker op, kut
The Nazis walked on two legs! Down with two-legged humans!
hahahaha sunday morning top kek
i say op de trein dr mee!
Nazi Jews , I like it
Geert won last night.
nice. wish it really was the new flag
Someone seriously needs to sic a few rapefugees on this autistic slut
Might as well just go ahead and call the argies and Jews white while you're at it
Has any other.immigrant class even had so many international rallies as Turks have in recent time. My mind goes back to the Dresden 60,000 rally from last year. Do Turks do shit all the time? If they are so fucking obssesd with Turkey why did they leave. Same shit with Mexicans in US. They celebrate Mexico after they fled Mexico. Are Turks just asking to be hated?
So is Geert going to win now, lads?
i dont know this female, but if shes like any of the women in western civilization, she pry would love to take a brown cock. maybe even two at a time.
Erdogan want them to vote in a referendum which allows him to go miniPutin on the country. He is touring the diaspora to ask them to vote for him to be littlePutin and EU wants Turkey to allow more freedom not less.
So at this point it's a race to see which European nation will stop giving a fuck and take up the mantle of 4th Reich? because that's what it's sounding like.
Shitskins really think we will bend the knee if they simply call us Nazis, wow.
Yes. White people are very angry after last night. My left wing family will vote Geert now.
Thank you, Erdogan.
>kick out sandnigger
>get cool flag
>get erdoodoo's panties in a twist
How am I losing again?
What kind of Turk would be named Semazen Deruni? She's an Ottoman-wannabe.
>If they are so fucking obssesd with Turkey why did they leave
My sentiments exactly. Turks here only used to wild out over soccer matches but now they're getting overtly political. The theory that when an immigrant group gets too big they get their own little society with their own support networks etc. so there's no need to immigrate into the host society anymore, holds up nicely again. Shit is getting out of hand and the MSM has trouble covering it up; like I said, Geert won last night.
We are ALL Hitler.
Edit this new flag a little bit and it would look great.
Not yet but turkroachs are so brainwashed by Erdohitler that they really believe the shit he tells them
What do they wanna do? Most of European Turks never been to Turkey or lived there. It's a corrupt pile of shit and if they will start riot the gov is ready
They shall go back to Turkey if they love it so much and learn what nazis are, bc if they would have known they'll that there wouldn't beem ANY TURKS ALL OVER EUROPE
The worst thing is even the ones who came here aren't safe because of it. The family of my turkish friend fled because political reasons (Ataturk supporters), but last year they were warned they could still be targeted by erdogan supporters in The Netherlands.
lmao no
t. turk
All turks should have their possessions seized and be permanently deported
It'd be national-socialist netherlands, not fascist.
These fucking kids are beyond stupid.
They say dogs can sense evil stuff
Admire the turkish discourse
if only this was true