Gavin went to Isreal and realized it was Jewish propaganda.
Save this shit.
He'll leave (((the rebel))) like Lauren it seems
Gavin went to Isreal and realized it was Jewish propaganda
this shit is a watershed
tide is turning
>Buttplug man goes rogue
I have a feeling 2017 is going to be the year shit hits the fan, in a good way. 2016 was the start of the backlash, this is going to be even bigger
Wait what, buttplug man who pisses in his cereal and loves to show his anus on camera is now officially, 100% bona fide redpill?
What the fuck is this timeline?
I always believed in him. He knows, and Ezra wants to bring the hammer down. But if he does he will have lost Lauren and Gavin his biggest names. Faith will follow Gavin I hope, and truly powerful goy media conglomerate can start.
i like you vmu dream keep up the good vids.
Rebel has been losing subscribers this week. Lots of people woke up to their jew agenda
I always believed in him, and now Ezra wants to bring the hammer down. I don't think its in his best interests since he lost Lauren, but because of his political and religious out look he may very well. I would hope that faith leaves as well and the three of them build a strong goy media army.
Wow... actually surprised Gavin went against (((them)))
Does this dude every talk about the article in Vice Magazine where him and Shane Smith gangbang a chick?
I think it was inevitable.
Having the jews tour you around to make you feel bad is like every time tourists go to north korea. You see the front and start realizing how fake the whole thing is.
Also I have a feeling that once the red pill started it was going to spread far and fast. Despite all evidence to the contrary, people want to be rational and honest, but often fear backlash.
Not me, but yeah, love that channel.
>where him and Shane Smith gangbang a chick?
How do do people gangbang a chick? Isn't that just a threesome?
Catholic hipster
Well, both their dicks were in her pussy at the same time. I think of a threesome more of one dude fucking her while the other kisses her neck or some shit.
Yeah eventually people get sick of hearing about it, like that one song on the radio.
>both their dicks were in her pussy at the same time
Then it's double vaginal. Still, that's gotta feel weird. DP exists so dudes don't have to rub their dicks against each other while their balls are sandwiched together.
What a strange timeline we live in.
First, we made memes, trying to make him the next Ben Garrison, and now he is unironically contemplating the Jewish question.
Wew lad
Hopefully (((Rebel Media))) is going to die already.
They are kike assholes who lure you in with some light red pills, then they sneak in pro-kike propaganda.
I fucking hate kikes.
The ''conservative'' kikes are the worst. They mimic your opinions, pretend to be one of you, and then they ''us conservatives, right? We love Israel and hate anti-semites, amirite????''
They've tricked so many idiots into supporting kikes. Every low IQ Republican I've spoken to has fallen for their tricks and they talk about how much they support Israel, then when you ask them why they support Israel they have no explanation for it. They're conforming to the media outlets that they get their information from.
Imagine if blacks pretended to be red pilled, they'd act like they are the number 1 enemy of leftism, then when the issue of race comes up they start spewing shit about how Africa needs support and how blacks are the god's chosen people, then you have Republicans sucking black dick asking for more foreign aid to help Africa. That would never happen. Only kikes can pull that off.
He was always well informed on these subjects, he just has to keep it down for (((Rebel Media)))
If you work under kikes they do nothing about your degenerate behavior like shoving dildos up your ass, it's even encouraged, but if you even dare suggest that muh 6 million is a lie, you will get shut down.
>controlled opposition puts on a show
>pol loves them now
Three words: Judeo-Christian values.
Kikes have always been on America like a bad rash. Melting pot? Kike. Shitty poem on the Statue of Liberty that leftards love quoting as an excuse for muh rapeugees? Kike. 1965 Immigration Act? Kikes wrote it.
And much, much more.
OY VEY! The ADL must hear about this nazi at once!
Gavin will probably be tweet about being fired tomorrow. Watch.
>one by one alt-light figures are coming home to the full alt-right
2017 will be interesting
ezra (((levant))) is a jew, (((rebel media))) is cucked
He's a faggot confused commie and he shoves shit up his ass and he's a rice cooker.
Faggots who idolize him should get btfo
>I fucking hate kikes.
Careful with that kind of speech, Jānis.
More like alt-kike just falling apart.
The kikes are losing their influence on the right. They've been destroying the right from within for too long.
holy shit this is as worse as Jahan and Molyneux
We're approaching a meme singularity. The redpills will continue to multiply exponentially and all of the wishy-washy Alt-Liters will become fullblown goose-stepping Nazis. By 2018 Trump will have grown out a pencil mustache.
pretty sure its nick from mde
Stop linking your own youtube, there are multiple uploads with
He's alt-kike, not ourguy anymore
Anyone have the full video?
VMU didn't post links.
SeeI'm not VMU, if I was I would have linked to source instead of asking for it.
I'd rather have the full video.
>Lets have Christian settlements
That was a weird response to Zionism. Zionism doesn't seem so bad if Christians are doing the same thing.
HAHA, this nigga really knows what shit is going and how to trigger people
Hahahahahaha holy shit
It's happening
They do worse. They infiltrate your movement and then subvert it with intentional incompetence and undermine everything. Turning it into a parody of it's former self. They also lie compulsively
skrong prediction: ezra levant is behind this, allowing Gavin to say the jew shit
this week, he'll let Gavin post an "anti-jew" video on the Rebel channel in an attempt to catch the anti-semetic wave before the goyim truly wake up in 2017
a tidal wave of change is coming boys
what did Gavin mean by this?
Gavin is a fucking idiot faggot.
>lol look how edgy I am!!! :DDD
>Jackass 2.0 amritie??!??!?! ::DDDD
Now no one can take this idiot seriously.
Was it worth it? Either be a clown degenerate, or be a serious political guy. You can't have both.
I don't think anyone really has a problem with a Jewish ethno state, it's just that Africa is for blacks, Isreal is for jews, Asia is for asians, and white countries have to be for everyone, to the breaking point of our own people.
If we all went back to 96%+ one race, we would stabalize and cohesion would repair, and far left ideals would end.
I luh Gavin
I hate that fat fuck so much.
absolute mad man
I check for Kek.
Gavin is some fucked up dude
Can i save that picture please?
>Gavin gets fired again for the millionth time after speaking his mind
I like this guy
Full video is a 90 minute podcast he does behind a paywall. I'm not sure how much he cares about small clips being posted but he'd definitely shut down a full upload on youtube.
(And I'm not going to give out my link)
Accidentally. He was talking about this on JRE I believe. He was plowin ass and slipped into the wrong hole.
His dick somehow actually got inside Shane's condom.
His defense was "Think of two gangsters digging a hole for a body, and their shovels clink. They just continue like nothing happened" or something like that.
>Not posting coppercabs boi pussy too
You may.
>You can't have both.
I really want Gavin to be /our/ guy
10/10 would drink a beer with and go on a motorcycle ride after with.
yep, (((THE REBEL))) is dead to me.
>I think of a threesome more of one dude fucking her while the other kisses her neck or some shit.
Never change, Sup Forums.
>and far left ideals would end.
Nope, the US would be more like the old Sweden and Germany, but it would work because of less welfare leeches and no jews, who poison the education system and the media.
Whites have the genetic defect called empathy, thats why they will always drift towards social policies, but it won't be as bad as jewish marxism, just healthy fraternity
lol, keep dreaming. You'd have to get rid of half your population to achieve that
Isnt cumia a jew? will he quit that too?
>secretly /our goy/
I don't think he cares
The internet allows unrivaled speed of information and ideas spreading. Once the lies start crumbling there's no stopping it.
Yeah this is why I like him. Him and I have a lot in common I think. Growing up punk and doing a bunch of crazy shit, being super lib then going full blown redpill super soldier.
posting in epic thread
Holyshit. This is the last fucker I'd expect to get redpilled on the chosens. How will Ezra react to this?
Red pills all around these days.
Like this kid
Make sure you note the "wink" at 0:59.
Red Pills aka Truth Pills
We win because we are right
We win because we make this shit fun
>Holodomor was by Jews
tweet him this stuff
nice find, here's your (you)
Is that what's-her-name from Star Wars VII?
Being disgusted by dogshit isn't a bad thing. Antisemitism is the same type of thing.
Want to really end antisemitism?
> stop trying to be better loan sharks
> stop circumcision (and baby dick sucking)
> delete the concept of "goys" from your culture
> delete the Talmud
> stop spreading degeneracy
> stop lying
> add the afterlife concept back to your's why non of you give two fucks for posterity and are fine jewing everyone, even other jews, for short term gains.
> stop whining. Nobody gives a shit. Everyone suffers. Boo hoo.
tldr; stop being pests and parasites to other cultures, and antisemitism will magically disappear.
Directly ran by bolshi kikes, lad. Same as today.
That's the point, dingo.
>Getting redpilled = holocaust denial?
Holocaust denial includes
"that Nazi authorities did not use extermination camps and gas chambers to mass murder Jews; and/
or that the actual number of Jews killed was significantly lower than the historically accepted figure of 5 to 6 million, typically around a tenth of that figure.[2][3][4]
No, it's Gal the Goy slayer.
She'd be nice-looking if she had tits. Why do semite women always have such ridiculously small tits?
shadilay my brothers
satan checked.
>this goy doesn't know about jewtits
oh user, jewesses are renowned for their huge racks
Can't wait for Shapiro to start hailing Hitler too once of these days.
That's because they have European blood.
>Giving yourself a semi before pissing to hide your tiny cock
Gavin McGuiness is a fucking loser how can anyone support a grown man that shoves a dildo up his ass on camera?
what do you think thomas jefferson would do to a man who did that? he would probably shoot him
holy shit