/polder/ Goede morgen, final push edition



EXPLANATION OF PARTIES: pastebin.com/rM2x5tqQ




THIERRY INTERVIEWED AT RTL (Dutch, no subtitles):


>Donate, flyer and spread the word

Other urls found in this thread:



3 days to go....

So how will this fake, staged and directed Turkish controversy influence the election?

I am excited to see how Baudet and Hiddema will confront Wester

Hiddema said he is going to rek the baldie.


Rutte will look tough and win more than 30 seats

No, this completely backfired

"Een gast met idealen"

Letterlijk een 30 jarige puber

Rundown? After this Turkish stuff, is Geert Wilderbeast's PVV going to be the largest party?

I have a betting pool with some friends of mine on this. Is there any real likelihood of Geert winning by a good margin?

I'm pretty ignorant burger about things other than the broadest strokes of what parties exist, the controversies around Geert, etc.

I wish you all the best in getting out from under and away from the agenda to decimate Europe

You don't understand Dutch politics do you


jesse klaver is the literaly definition of a moron

Als hem op wonderbaarlijke wijze iets overkomt voor de verkiezingen dan geef ik echt een feestje, zelfde bij Pechtold

I think they need to make alliances and shit, I wish I knew more after the Turkish shit im very interested now.


He really looks like a roach version of Trudeau.

>I'm pretty ignorant burger about things other than the broadest strokes of what parties exist, the controversies around Geert, etc

Pretty sure I prefaced my positive and friendly post with the blatant admission of ignorance.

If you don't have any wish to provide info or insight that's fine, but don't be silly.

"Een Dude met dingetjes"

Read the fucking OP
Also whats with the spacing?

We will see.

He is, well Moroccan

Reminder that black pete is a racist tradition. The Spice Girls pointed that out in 1997.

Godverdomme kunnen Amerikanen niet gewoon meer op zichzelf letten dan op anderen?

Thats the same thing as using Britney Spears's 1999 opinion on the president

His mother thinks she's impregnated by a Moroccan.

Is for anyone else the fucking pic in the op is not showing unless I click on it in the thread. I couldn't go to the thread from the catalog. Maybe better to make a new thread?

Rutte op WNL. Ebru en Weird Duk zijn er ook.

>The Spice Girls pointed that out in 1997
This explains so much, the anti black pete people are literally spice girls tier in their arguments. "It's the 90's, this isn't culture", and they call themselves intelligent, the protesters, not the spice girls.

Reminder to give Harry Mens some extra page views when the Hiddema interview is online.


Harry loves shekels and when his ratings explode he will shift further to the right.

Hoop dat Duk het nog even over de ingehuurde mensen bij jinek gaat hebben. Ik en andere hebben het naar hem getweet.

The PVV will in all likelihood be one of the largest parties in parliament. Excepting the unprecedented and extremely unlikely event that Geert will somehow acquire the absolute majority of seats by himself, there's not really much Geert can do from that point on. It all depends on whether or not other large parties like VVD will enter a coalition with him.

Considering the stigma that surrounds PVV such an event would be unlikely, since pretty much every major party has declared their unwillingness to work with the PVV, but then a politician going back on their words would hardly come as a surprise to anyone. So, whether or not PVV will win is still up, but I wouldn't hold my breath.

How about you answer his question you stupid Dutch faggot? Sack of shit from the Netherlands.

>a fucking maxi pad

His secon name is Feras.
His first official name is Yasser.
And if you see that hooknose, you can't conclude anything else. He is part Moroccan, I know he didn't knew he his father, but still all the signs are there.

> implying the Netherlands are relevant in any way

They used to have good weed, but by now they are buying from us.

Fuck off genocial maniac, your sushi is overpriced and I emulate all your games.

Because weed is degenerate.

At least I am not having Turkish riots in my cities.

Die fucking kanker Rutte mag ook optyven.

That is a other turkish whore who always sits at dwdd.

It teks to to tanko

So what else does your folk have left to offer? Tulips? 12 yo Gouda? You're done.

Wat zegt hij, ik kan even niet kijken

You roach muslim parasite. You expect me to sit here and listen to your drivel?

Since yesterday we export Turks to Germany.

We still have an international harbour that feeds over 25 million Germans...

The True Believers of multiculture will be even more convinced - they won't change their opinion. The change will come from the fence sitters. VVD can be seen as tough in a sense and that would gain them votes. But it can easily be spun into 'not tough enough' or 'too little too late' by Wilders, or FvD perhaps?

The net result will be a shift to the right in preference, the fence sitters moving to the right that is, but it will not necessarily translate into a shift of votes from VVD to PVV or FvD, that depends how this is brought up in the coming days and which party appears 'right' enough to get that vote-shift. If the riots continue, then VVD / Rutte will seem out of control.

International law seems to be in favor of the Dutch, see
for a quick rundown. So if played out by Rutte, he would come out victorious in that sense. But I'm not sure how persuasive that will be.

>turkroach minister deported to her land of origin
>fucking germany
You're a security hazard.

Conspiracy : Erdogan is actually the good guy, who wants nationalism to rise up in Europe and is allied with Putin to destroy the fascist EU , Trumps probably standing on the sidelines allowing it to happen because he too can see it will help the European cointries

You don't even grew those Turks like we do.

With what? Cheese? Duisburg here, we got our own harbor. Thanks.


Kek is with us

No. Erdoroach just wants his Islamist shit to spread. Amazing how he calls for riots and the little roaches do it. He's basically the leader of a cult. If only the military didn't run the most incompetent coup in history.

>Anglo's complaining about a millenia-old tradition that has roots in Odin's wild hunt where they believed that the dead were black and the dead spirits walked with Odin.

In battle they would paint their faces and shields black to terrify the enemy.

>thinking that coup was real instead of a staged one

Reminder that nearly all roaches have a turkish passport.

Reminder that this means they can be called for a draft.

Yeah, you have a harbour you can only access through our country. But Rotterdam receives, repackages, and redistributes all imported foods that are shipped over the Rhine.

That goes for PVV too, desu.

Bout those shields... I noticed your popo has round shields which looked pretty cool, but improvised like they took random circular objects and duct-taped them. Any comment on that?

There is an argument that a minister has the right to talk to his or her people, especially in the consulaat, which is Turkish soil. Since the Turks here can hold a double passport they are Turkish and Dutch, so the Turkish minister has the right to adress his or her people.

Basket weave. Very strong and light.

>imported foods that are shipped over the Rhine

There's a lot wrong with our country, but if push comes to shove we can feed ourselves.

Reed shields are sufficient to protect against sticks, stones and bottles, and easy to detach in case of fire. When stuff is thrown at you, you want a shield you can easily move around.

We don't have enough money to have normal shields and a functioning army, one politician (Pechtold) made fun of this, because he wants the Muslims to take over

I don't think Erdogan is in it for anything beyond self interest. His subjects love the european gibs, so he needs to keep that door open. Putin however does not like an Islamic Europe.

I'm no lawyer, but I think that depends on the function the minister was in at that moment, and campaigning is not included so that right would not apply. They can't deny it wasn't a campaign speech, at least.

What happened to the Turkish minister who was in the car ? Did they tow it all the way to Germany ?Did the police get her out ?Will there be more demos today ?what is the mood in Nederland today ?

I don't know who is in the right, but I heard this argument also. I hope Theo will clarify it.

Stuur hem terug naar zijn vaderland: Marokko

/BaudetRaket/ and /Theocraat/ in 30 minutes


Sure, if all you want to eat is sauerkraut, pork, potatoes and onions. Of which there'll probably not be enough, since most stuff you grow in Germany is grown inefficiently (= organic/bio).

But no more rice, no more pineapples, etc.

Uh huh.

Yes... that sounds more plausible.

Alright, there's the explanation.

Contrary to popular opinion, an embassy or consulate is not foreign soil. Instead there are agreements barring the host country from search, requisition, attachment or execution, meaning that the host country has limited recourse on what goes on inside.

Thanks. My countrymen are very poor in diplomacy. Recently we even had leftist jew Jinek complain to our female defense minister that we are underfunded in regards to NATO.

I feel very bad that we're not meeting our share of the defense of the free world burden. The conversation was then hijacked by our Obama/Trudeau.. Klaver who then shifted the discussion to the fact that we don't meet development aid quotas either.

As to Geert winning, that is unlikely because he's barely been campaigning. The big winners will be FvD and Groenlinks. The latter is recovering from earlier defeats and is being pushed by media in popstar like way. A left party that will absolutely destroy us.

And FvD is maybe our last hope to uncuck ourselves with good leadership, willingness to get things done and a desire to close our borders, build our defense, leave EU and improve trade with non-EU countries (like US, but also China and Russia)

Ah, Holland... The land of Rice and Pineapples!

Sure, in a non-cucked country. But I sadly think our frite eating brothers have too many Swede minds. This will want them to welcome more shitskins.

More shitty tuner BMWs for you!

Ultimately the the host country does whatever the fuck they want. Which we are witnessing right now. Not that I blame you, this shit is hilarious as hell.

Waarom is hier niets, maar dan ook niets van te zien op Reddit? Verbaast me.

10:30: Forum voor Democratie in Business Class, RTL7
12:00: Forum voor Democratie in another live Q&A session on their FB page.

I am going to skip the Q&A, wasn't that intersting yesterday



The whole top 10 is present I understood

Theo moet stoppen met roken. We hebben hem nog lang nodig.

Wierd Duk is /ourguy/?

Redpill me on the election, can the PVV can partial power ?

Please exterminate all the roaches, because Goymany is cucked to hell.

Live streamed? i do not own a (((T.V)))

thanks in advance

Most of the time, yes.

Been reading last night's threads, absolutely top kek material.

Erdoğan is looking to the large number of emigre Turks living in Europe, especially in Germany and the Netherlands, to help clinch victory next month in a referendum that would give the presidency sweeping new powers.

German chancellor Angela Merkel has said she will do everything possible to prevent Turkish political tensions spilling onto German soil. Four rallies in Austria and one in Switzerland have been cancelled due to the growing dispute.

On Sunday a venue in Stockholm reportedly cancelled an appearance by the deputy chairman of Erdoğan’s party, according to the Dogan news agency.

>Both Baudet and Klaver are attractive young men that wouldn't look out of place in Hollywood
Seems like your politics are all about who can make pussies drip, toothpaste

Klaver looks like a fucking retard

>still voting for Thierry "pretty fuccboi" when we need brute force (Geert)

How gay can you be?

FvD commercial on rtl 7

PVV will only take power if they get a majority of the seats, which isn't happening. Almost no other party will work with them aside from a few fringe parties that may not get any seats.

PVV already has partial power and very well could double the seats it already has. If so, it may form part of the ruling coalition.
