What's his name again?

What's his name again?



>A broken man

His name is Shia. Happy?

cucked by Sup Forums manlets

even stevens


Elijah Wood

Shlomo laBernstein

Oh wow he really didn't age well.

Shia "Pray the Gay Away" LeBouf

"Actual canibus" Shia Leobuff
Shia "he will buy inside us" Leobuff
Shia "steal my flag again you fags" Leobuff
Shia "I'm big n tough till it gets too rough" Leobuff
Shia "Goldstein" Leobuff
Shia "fuck my ass, I'll burn my grass" leobuff

Even "Israel makes fun of you" Stevenstein


Mods are 404'ing pic related and you can't post an OP with it attached.

Boofy L'chaim?

Shia la-btfo

Shia "I'm Hymen Dividin' " LeBeouf

Shia "barren pole cause you drilled my hole" Leobuff
Shia "with her till the end" Leobuff
Shia "the cuck" Leobuff
Shia "divided" Leobuff
Shia "nationwide dumpster fires" leobuff

Isn't that the singer from System of a Down?

Is Shia fucking with us by acting after he was originally in an edgy teenager pop-metal band?

Shoe LaBeef

Lol'd a bit

Shia le'douche

Shia "3 is enough" Labeouf
Shia " I got Hepatitis" Labeouf
Shia "Things are looking tough" Labeouf
Shoa Lakike

Why is kurt cobain behind him? Will Shia shove a shotgun down his throat?

Shit cuck kike ''defeated by internet autists'' LaBoeuf