NZ Thread
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bump for my kiwibros
You guys have the most legitimate government in the world, ranked choice voting, and you even have a lot of proportional representation. You are a shining example of what representative democracy can be. Stay Based, NZ.
What about New Zealand????
Literally the only thing i know/ care about relating to NZ is my aunt lives there
For those out of the loop NZ is a colony of Australia and therefore this is now an /auspol/ thread
We weren't colonised by criminals mate.
Mods are 404'ing pic related and you can't post an OP with it attached.
chinks and poos are ruining this nation.
1st Kiwi to post in this thread. The American and Ozbros for keeping it afloat until I got here
Sunday night and the whole country is being washed away. .. Are all my kiwibros safe?
Who is your equivalent to Tones?
>ranked choice voting
Winston Peters
i beat you cunt.
Based Winnie.
He's never been PM but his party NZ First gets just enough votes to pretty much decide who will be PM after every election. Same expected to happen this year too.
He's against maori privilege (a real thing here) tears the media new arseholes all the time, oldies love him coz he's all about how good the country was before non white immigrants, and he openly says Chinese immigration was a bad thing. What's best is he's a maori so sjws have no power over him.
literal who/what
I fucking hate Kim Hill. Such a whiny shit cunt.
You're probably Moriori. Technically you might have been here first, but we all know you have been forgotten by historians because we don't want to be racist towards maoris. So I'll repeat, despite any evidence confirming you were here first doesnt matter, I was here first.
whats fbi going to do about people in nz. Literally nothing.
NZ government is fucking gay.
Our IDs are even almost indistinguishable in colour.
It must be fate. You brown cunt.
> You brown cunt.
Mfw I'm quarter maori but wanna be 100% white. My maori cuzzies have turned their back on me because they reckon I act too white.
Maori customs are fucking terrible and a danger to kids. I said I'd never sleep on a marae again after finding out most uncles and cousins use it as a child brothel. Shit got real that night.
Hate to break it to you
I'd say i feel you bro, but i don't. Living that 100% white life. I have a 2nd cousin that married a Maori woman. That's as close as it gets.
damn bruh were you raped on the marae?
Wew lad, literally when New Zealand was ruled by Maori. The only exceptions were a few whaling colonies. It was a bit of land chucked onto Australia because they didn't know what else to do with it.
Why are IDs even back?
What's up cunts
>didn't know what else to do with it.
yeah that sums up new zealand pretty well.
Don't deny it. Both our nations fall into the realm of not knowing what to do, but knowing no one else is allowed to touch.
What does this tattoo mean? Has anyone seen one like it before?
Shit no! I have good fists. Punched this random old dude in the cock, he ran off screaming.
But when I said something the next day I was told. 'Keep quiet, it happens to everyone. You don't say anything about it. Uncle Wiremu is a nice guy, he wouldn't have hurt you.'
Spoke to a couple of kids and found out half of them where fucking each other because they didnt know any different. That was the moment I realised my maori culture was fucked up. I found out what was the whitest part of NZ, and made a promise to myself to move there when I was an adult. When I was old enough I left my bumfuck north island shithole and set up camp in the South Island.
Everyone know child abuse goes on in NZ, but its 99% a nigger problem. But all the ads on TV have a smart looking white guy in a suit hitting the bottle then smacking his missus and kids. Whites in NZ need to man up and stop making it easy for us maoris to get away with the shit we do. We are just playing you guys for suckers.
Should rotate it on its side, then it would be super easy to miss.
Taupo reporting in. Just a bit of drizzle here.
you literally sleep next to the dead body before a funeral
yeah thats fucked up. dont hold your breath for whitey to fix maoris problems
>Uncle Wiremu is a nice guy, he wouldn't have hurt you.'
literally this
He's the only person who wantsent to stop the flood of immigration that's is fucking up so many things.
Stop the mass immigration and stop the foreign ownership of residential property and watch so many issues disappear
For three days!
Did it for my great grandfather when I was four years old. I wasnt freaked out by the body but scared shitless by all the random old chooks that rocked on up and screamed and cried for the next few days.
Australian here, I'm moving away from Hong Kong and am considering moving to New Zealand.
I guess for a few reasons, I prefer a milder climate, scenery, sking. But really the main fact is that you can still buy homes pretty cheap outside of Auckland I'm looking into Dunedin... Any advise kiwi bros?
........... em, I like LOTR
>I'm looking into Dunedin...
the city is about 150k people but aesthetically looks like shit and 1/5th of the population is students at otago uni and its a pretty poor place
Fuck off we're full
If you can kill a few Chinese to make up for it I'll allow it
>Fuck off we're full
m8 he said he's a Aussie living in HK
I'm out for the night. Have got a big day at work tomorrow. Thx guys for the therapy session. Feel better now.
Signing off- maori dude who is triggered by
> old cunts with dreads
> ub40 and Bob Marley
> the billy t James laugh all old maoris have
> Waikato draught
I'm from dunedin and it has plenty of nice scenery and some good areas but lots of shit housing that is starting to get bought up
Oh and ten guitars. If I hear one more maori singsong session I'll fucken start killing.
people in Auckland actually keep there villas and good condition but in dunedin almost all houses have paint falling off them
how are you any different to australia accent wise?
whats her address?
Because they're rentals. Landlords don't give a shit about stuff like that. Another reason why everyone renting is a terrible idea, nobody cares about the properties or the communities.
I can read. Migration is the issue and it doesn't matter where from?
>Migration is the issue and it doesn't matter where from?
who cares auckland houses can be 4 million dollars each if we had only white immigration
Haven't youse jokers heard?
Murray Ball has died.
Yeah m8 i'm 100% white
Not a chink cunt
No thanks to that. I didn't mean to have a question mark btw
>> Your full.. right... like all the kiwis in Australia, don't give me the right to come there?
What cities would you recommend that have jobs +relativly low cost of living...
Is Hamilton any good?
Or you could stop being a filthy inheritance jew and give first-home-buyers a chance?
your alright aussie bro. Dunedin is a good town, the only issue is its run by lefties. they actually have plenty of jobs there and a white man will be easily admitted into the community, which happens to include plenty of broke student sluts.
>Is Hamilton any good?
Hamilton is going to start to get really expensive soon
Hamilton is the best place to go desu
>give first-home-buyers a chance?
its the councils fault for putting a barrier around auckland city and saying no homes can be built outside of it
Yeah Dunedin seems beautiful. I guess I can eventually buy some land a bit out of the way and build a nice well kept house.
land outside of Dunedin is cheap as hell
is invercargill as bad as people say?
can you get a couple of acres for 100k ? 30 mins out of the city?
pretty boring only 50k people doing bugger all
Its the goats Gault for have a net migration of 72000. Mostly to Auckland. That is the prime cause of the demand outstripping supply.
Govts* damn auto correct
>ranked choice voting
We don't actually. You've got me curious though - what makes you think ranked choice voting is a good thing? Not disagreeing, just never considered it.
>NZ Thread
She's a lucky lady. What would you like to know?
Quiet muhammad
100k is probs to low
yeaah nah fuck off we're full.
Did anyone watch tonight's news about the Auckland flooding?
I watched TVNZ, every single person they spoke too- not a single whitey. There was a Tongan, a Paki, Maori guy, Italian, a couple of Indians. What's more surprising they couldn't find a white person was there were no Chinese either. Tbf it was out west, but still Auckland without Asians? My brain couldn't compute.
we are able to meet that demand but council fucks up supply
>but still Auckland without Asians? My brain couldn't compute.
the gooks did not want to talk to the media
Don't watch the news, but yeah my backyard turned into a stream m8. I live on a hill and all the water ran through my fence went into the neighbours.
>Auckland flooding
Who cares I hope they all drown lmao
When pronouncing an "i", Australians say "ee" while kiwis say "u"
e.g. Feesh and cheeps, Fush and chups
Also Aussies tend to sound higher pitched and whinier
Fuck off we could. Look how pathetic building chch had been.
We shouldn't need to anyway.
it took 2 years for my neighbor to get a building consent for there house
World Wars
Fellow Strayan here. I live in Christchurch. Plenty of decent places throughout the country that you could consider. Auckland is Sydney without muzzies but more darkies. Housing is just as big a problem too.
I dunno enough about Hamilton to comment.
Dunedin is OK. Its a real leftist town, full of students. Cheap housing. The uni gives it an international feel so at least you don't feel like you are on the arse end of the end, scumbag. Based Keating reference there that Kiwis wouldnt get.
If you have any specific questions that you feel only another Aussie immigrant could answer then ask away. But tell me, what state you from?
You think the massively increased demand doesn't effect this?
That's a massive number of homes to build year on year, not to mention the infrastructure, when we could cut the numbers and do away with the problem.
if you attack the migrant demand for houses here then it affects overseas assets of NZers because there gov could do the same
Fair enough mate. No one grieves like an old Maori lady. They're the masters.
Gday m8, Cheers for being a sick cunt. I'm from NSW, Sydney. I have been away for a while left for England when I left school then came to Hong Kong to make some money..
Do you feel like the likelyhood of owning a home is far greater now your over in NZ? What about the standed of living?
Shame he's never done anything about it when he could. Just give gold card to his baby boomer base.
Just watch he'll sell out on immigration again and just kick the super age increase out, passing fucking billions of debt to those under 35
>What about the standed of living?
everything is more expensive and wages are lower