Stop sending the niggers food!!!The west is literaly fueling the nigger breeding machine called Africa
Stop sending the niggers food!!!The west is literaly fueling the nigger breeding machine called Africa
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Wait until bill Gates eradicated malaria from this continent. Population explosion like you've never seem before.
Famine on a massive scale.
Kaffers eating each other.
Top kek.
>the nigger breeding machine called Africa
Also the Boer-exterminating machine
You know, western Europe needs its regular supply of bulls. Africa is a one large breeding ground.
The best part is all the nigger refugees the west will get once this happens
I've known this since I was like 12. Teach a nigger to fish and you can say you tried when he burns his net and pole to cook a tree root.
Save a hundred million to kill a "Billion later Bill Gates"
apparently it would be better to encourage them to grow and sell their own produce instead of wrecking the economy with foreign corn.
This is what bothers me the most. These bluepilled faggots either don't realize what their doing, or bill gates is evil incarnated and wants the world to burn. Either way, the outcome is going to be shitty for the rest of the world.
Goddamned fucking right. I've been trying to redpill people on this for a long time. This is the reason they will explode in population soon. We need to stop it for the sake of all with a higher than 100 IQ. These things will soon swarm the planet.
If you want to fix the natality rate in africa you just need to stop selling them antibiotics, the population will drop very rapidly.
No, we enslaved them, now we have to repair our biggest mistake.
I honestly believe Gates meant well. You see, normal people, when given better health care, contraceptives and education indeed lower their birth rates all across the globe. However blacks are not normal people, I do not think the same policies that lowered the birth rates in other ethnicities would work with them. Feeding them and curing them of disease would only bolster the birth rate and the humanitarians are too self-righteous to admit it.
they already are
that's actually not how it works. They get less children when we give them food. niggers make kids only for selfish reasons. just like they make kids over here for child support they make kids over there so their children support them. And because a lot of them die early on they make a shit ton of them to make sure they still have kids to take care of them when they are old
When we send them resources, their population explodes.
When we don't send them resources, they come here in bigger numbers.
Top kek.
Do you know which organ kicks in first after you feed someone who's starving?
If what you say is true why is africa only getting worse each year?
I think you need to come down here and see it for yourself. You need to wake up.
But then how would blonde western girls get satisfied?!
Well he did fund Zika
Tell that to idiots like Bill gates who thinks he can industrialize it to lower birth rate
we will be exterminated by nigger hordes my God, we are doomed, our future is doomed.
its not the food god its the medicines who reduces their mortality rate cause their natality rate its always the same, its just that they dont die as much as before so theres an heavy influx of niggers.
Industry and more supply does nothing to lower brith rates, propaganda with the social system currently in place with current system kills birth rate.
I choose shooting them in their boats as they cross
just look at them. you just know they are pro socialism
now you can keep them.
Is there anything we can do to fight off the kikes nigger hordes?
We have no power, we have no intellectuals, we have no name, we have no money, we have nothing but our will.
If we band together as one, with faith, folk we can overcome our difficulties, we must become 1 family.
Not compared to the rates that are expected.
If we banded together we would be unstoppable, only high trust whites are allowed in our community.
Bill saved 122 million niggers. Apparently it's suppose to lower their population.
>Saving children’s lives is the goal that launched our global work. It’s an end in itself. But then we learned it has all these other benefits as well. If parents believe their children will survive—and if they have the power to time and space their pregnancies—they choose to have fewer children.
the funny part is that if you send food aid you actually destabilize their local economies and it keeps them poor
so their population keeps exploding.
been saying this since i was 12......people are stupid
After 2050, Africa is projected to be the only major area that has a continually growing population, meaning that it will house 25% of the global population in 2010 and 39% in 2100.
>In 1950, only 9% of the world's population was African.
>Conversely, Europe is projected to have a smaller population in 2050 than in 2015.
Malaria still kills more.
But yes, if you could stop them from getting ARV's things might be different.
How to fix Africa:
>Teach them how to grow crops
>Let them figure it out from there, let them learn from their mistakes and improve from them
a fucking chocolate river!
We're also feeding the Kardashians. Same thing, really
>How to fix Africa:
Blockade it.
Anyone who doesn't, kill them.
stop being racist!
matches color of their skin. lol
OP is being realistic you stupid leaf.
>>Let them figure it out from there
>Implying this hasn't been tried countless times throughout the ages, with failure every single time.
Watch pic related if you need to learn more.
>Let one generation of African niggers (20 million?) starve
problem solved
>feed the 20 million starving niggers
>the negresses shit out 10 kids each
>30 years later, you have to feed 180,000,000 starving niggers
The most humane solution would be to provide food aid in exchange for permanent sterilization of all who benefit from it.
fucking leaf
What do you expect? You have a population of people that acts like it's the 1500's, get free aid and get their sex ed from christian missionaries. The math isn't that hard.
We sterilize them all for all our money, humane, after all we need less humans right?
Shoot them and take the land.
Make it into a Japanese tourist resort.
humanitarian bombing > humanitarian aid
do not mix
Offer lifetime supply of food for sterilization, they can fikiki all they want and don't have to worry about kids, many people get vasectomies.
Overpopulation is a problem.
Spoken like a true german cuck.
The stupid thing about sending aid in Africa is that the United Nations only send food to victims of famine. If they want Africa to prosper, they would've taught them agriculture and given them seeds to plant.
There's a saying and this is true, "Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, and you feed him for a lifetime."
>humanitarian bombing > humanitarian aid
Why are there no companies offering sterilization?
They are having more children than they can feed in terrible living conditions, also overpopulation, we need to teach them that the earth is getting overpopulated and that they need to not have children and should be offered the sterilization.
You are not a smart man, aren't you?
>t. South Africa
Yeahhh, die of AIDS buddy
Worldwide Fertility rates (2014);
>Niger - 7.599
>Somalia - 6.463
>Nigeria - 5.65
>Kenya - 4.334
>France - 1.99
>UK - 1.83
>Germany - 1.39
>Spain - 1.27
>Global average - 2.453
That's a double negative. What are you trying to say hans?
There's sterilization companies in the west and so there needs to be sterilization companies in Africa that tells them why it's best to be breed responsibily as we have limited resources on earth and more humans means more global warming and eventual overpopulation.
How many people here would donate for sterilization package to Africans?
Guy guys guys, hear me out.
What if we keep sending them water and water purification machines, but, we also put a sterilising agent into it?
Just bribe a few of their leaders and so, corruption ain't lacking there.
The birthrates would drop to preindustrial levels, and from a moral aspect, you aint killing nor torturing anyone.
Besides, you are actually helping those countries because overpopulation is a problem for them too.
Also this should be expanded to India too, they are not different from Africans
A Dr. Harry Fisch, MD , Urology, answered.
Worldwide about 50 million men have had a vasectomy -- it is a commonly used form of contraception in many parts of the world. Each year, about 500,000 men in the US get a vasectomy, with rates higher among more educated and higher-income men.
LMFAO we are doomed, fucking filth, we will restart our clan with the few hundred.
Yeah, but the people in power want an exploded African population.
fucking boers de wet get rekt
steps on how to fix africa
>leave the contitent alone for a hundred years
>come back to see a wasteland
Who cares. No one will listen. Pump the balloon full of air until it pops.
send aid and sterilize them, oops.
That's it.
We need nothing other than our race to built up what we have done.
It kills me how it's always starving children and not starving adults.
These monsters starve their children to feed themselves, and then give birth to more children that they neglect.
Africans, in general, are not forward-thinking at all compared to more developed cultures. It doesn't matter if you think it is genetic or not, but it is a fact that they make decisions in the moment with much less thought to the future.
So your assertion that the high breeding rate of Africans is due to future planning is suspect. They don't plan children out, they mostly have no idea how reproduction (or any physiology) works. It is just something that happens.
Why is that? What is the endgame?
So a genophage? We going all Mass Effect up in here.
We saved them from famine. But who will save us from the nigger hordes?
???? = enslave natives, harvest diamonds, explore oil and coal reserves, harvest prime farmland....
Niggerification of the world and rule over the world as omnipotent masters, Brazil is their goal.
That's why we need /ourguys/ there.
If someone who is on our side works there, we can manipulate the way of distribution.
>feed them, provide medicine
>increase population growth
>destabilize their local economies more and more
>they ascend to higher levels of poverty
>they chimp out more and more
>they kill each other more and more
>within a few generations their population will be reduced to a fraction of what it was before
Yup, mutts and niggers are very easy to control. Blacks are always voting left despite it not being in their best interest to do so, they are a very malleable population so in a sense they never really left the plantation.
dass racciss
Kek wills it.
I once read this report of a young peace corp volunteer who was stationed in Africa. He was devastated to see how short-sighted they were. If you show them how to fertilize the soil and grow trice the yield, they sell it all and spend the money on shit and gifts instead of using it to buy, well, fertilizer. In the end they start at ground zero.
Another case was that of a young man selling bread on the edge of his village. He grew wheat, made bread in a self-made oven and tried to sell it. The chief of his village saw it, took half of the breads because reasons, then his family showed up and took half of what was left. That poor fella couldn't make a profit out of the bread he had left and abandoned the project.
Yeah, that worked out well the last time we tried it.
Africa was a mistake.
The people in power are not a coherent group really.
The most powerful people in the world will never have a common interest for long. I doubt many even care for Africa, some who care are maybe naive people who just help them, while who knows, there might be a few who want the population to explode, but very unlikely. Honestly, it's more likely that they want their population to explode to harm Africa (remember the black plague was caused by overpopulation I the medieval times) rather than some silly conspiracy plot.
You see, it's all business. If we get enough of the business leaders on board, that is, if they see enough profit, it's a winning situation for all parties, even the Africans and Indians because a smaller population means less trouble.
Well, giving tech to a crude primitive civilization of warmongers is basically what happened there and here too.
Genophage now !
You fucked it up. Put some American Manifest Destiny behind it and therein lies results. It will happen in our lifetimes.
Yes, it is posted in over half of Sup Forums Africa threads.
One connecting piece of psychological research that ties into this: Zimbardo's theory on time perspective.
Basically, different people (and groups of people) have different perspectives and will make different decisions based on how forward-thinking they are.
It isn't a given that Africans have the same potential for forward thinking as others. In fact, some Africans may be extremely challenged to conceptualize the effect of their current decisions on future events.
And it should be seen that Westerners (many liberals) will talk about African decision-making as if they are forward-thinking and plan for the future, when it is probably not the case.
Thus, a serious weakness in the 'If we give them medicine and food, their population growth will slow' argument.
sterilize natives, that's it.
Chicken pox comfy blankees.
That's the point. If/When they screw up, it would then incontrovertibly be their own fault and their own problem (ie not ours)
>You fucked it up
We did fine. It was you guys that didn't support us and instead chose to band together against us with boycotts, sanction and embargos.
>You fucked up
>Actively supported the communism regime in africa with supplies
You mistake me for the diaspora jews that run wild in our country. I remember that aint gonna play sun city shit. That was your final toll. I felt horrible about that shit and everybody I knew felt thee same way. It was rammed down our throats like all jew culture. America now sees the error of it's ways. We have that shit on the run. Things are changing.