Is he dare I say it /ourboy/ ?
Does this mean kids come on Sup Forums ?
Praise Kek Irish Kid on Late Late Show
Legend.. ps your id has enok in it.
Do you fucking come on pol? This has been been high rotation slide shit for days. fuck away.
I was discussing politics and current events with someone, he seemed extremely redpilled for someone who has never been on here or something similar. He knew a lot of fairly obscure, specific history that I was surprised he was familiar with when I cited.
Fucker was 13.
Apparently living in the madness that is Britain automatically redpills white british kids sometimes
kek smiles upon this young memer
could be youtube comments.
>autistic memer with a interest for history
>asked about what you are doing in 10 years
>not conquering Constantinople
Asked what he wants to do in 10 years time
>Not leading the whites in taking back Constantinople
missed shot there by that young meme lord.
Who is this autistic little shit?
damn another autistic kid with military potential outside of USA.
Did you know you can open up those sauce pots to hold more? Blew my mind
I think this is proof more than anything that Sup Forums is a board for autistic children.
I think the more likely explanation is that despite being twenty or thirtysomething, you still have the intellect and philosophy of an edgy 13 year old boy
>sauce pots
It's called souffle cup.
>You love history
>I know you love history right?
He is just a kid, he has time to learn yet. At his age I was still an indoctrinated socialist
you do know autism is a secret redpill and that half of the people here have some form of autism right?
This is some autistic faggotry.
pic is how you truly shitpost irl
And are also children, yes I'm aware.
this little fucker is just being edgy. how are people suppose to take red pill philosophy seriously if you are just being an edge lord.
I question the wisdom of putting an 11 year old boy coached in creating controversy on a late night comedy show. Wonder Showzen sucked.