Any one from Sydney hear about Fairfield Police threatening industrial action because of the influx of refugees pushing the Police to breaking point?
Australian Thread
fuck me, is this a thing? I really hope they do it because the ensuing chaos 'caused by the "Peaceful refugees" taking advantage of the lower number of police during the action will only harden the public's anti-immigration stance.
Hell, we here in West of Melbourne are so sick of lack of action in regards to the "Peaceful Refugees" here in the west, Labor are going to lose a 20+ year stronghold to either Liberal or even One Nation at this rate.
Did the land down under get a ton of rapefugees? I've always thought of Australia as a white country but apparently you've got issues with a chinaman invasion. Can't be worse than Canada, we've fallen from 90% to 70% white in less than 25 years.
Fuck, you guys are full.
wait I thought melbourne was a "rapefugees welcome" city like all of germany
Really? I thought Melbourne's only hope was nuclear fire. We can only hope it becomes less fuckin gay
jinx/ you owe me a beer faggot
This happen few hours ago check the link out mate, refugee gangs like what Melbourne is experiencing is starting to form in Sydney.
It is except for the West, mainly because we are the ones that have to live with the fuckers unlike the CBD or the Inner suburbs.
Their only experience with the "Refugees" is with Wealthy Economic Migrants which I have no problem with as they usually have some civility and kinda want to integrate
>my state just elected a Labor government
That shit better not come over here.
Mate the Greens are trying to allow an additional 50,000 migrants extra a year.
Australia has always been a haven for migrants, both legal and illegal.
Originally it was the Irish
Then it was the Greeks
Then it was the Vietnamese
Then it was the other Asian immigrants
Now it's the Arabs.
White is still the single largest ethnic group, as well as the largest if you compare "white vs rest". However, that is quickly changing.
Inb4 Australian Martial Law.
>beating down immigrants to the tune of "tie me kangaroo down, sport".
I know, fuck I hate those cunts.
Called them commies when I voted yesterday.
Wonder when it's my turn to get raped.
Thanks, virtue signalling eastern suburbers.
Oh it will if it's not filled with Conservative Unionists. If it's the lefty side of Labor that have power you are fucked mate, more than you already are anyway.
Honestly neither party are good options because they'll both fuck you over but in different ways. If One Nation matures a bit they may be a viable option in the future but as they are now they seem a little unstable.
>tfw western suburbs
I'm suprised Melbourne coppers aren't contemplating something like this. Although vicpol is noteriously incompetent & corrupt.
Refugee rapes & crimes just = overtime to them.
I agree with you on that one, One Nation needs to grow up if they want an actual chance at winning an election.
>If it's the lefty side of Labor that have power you are fucked mate, more than you already are anyway.
Of course it is.
We need a right wing worker's party, far too many people are giving their votes to Labor and it's progressive faggotry solely because of workplace issues.
The working class doesn't want gay tranny bullshit in schools and cultural enrichment, but it gets through on the back of workplace issues.
I really can't picture One Nation ever being taken seriously.
Fairfield is an utter shithole. I would daisycutter that place in a heartbeat and salt the fucking ruins so no-one could ever return
And now migrants are turning up in Canberra. Fuck. I moved here because it was white. Cant you Melb-fags and Sydney-fags take in a few more?
Melbourne isn't as pozzed as you think
Click the first result
You get what you voted for, including teaching primary schoolers about tranny fucks via a degeneracy program crafted by pedos.
Mick Taylor for PM
I didn't vote for this!
Jared Taylor for PM
cannot bloody wait cobber
East Melbourne is a rich man's paradise where they all drink refugee semen. North Melbourne is a trendy faggot cunt place where they all vote wank off refugees (I live in this part). South Melbourne are junkies. West Melbourne is the ghetto.
I do that also.
Call them Communist scum, they try not to attack you but boy do the leftists struggle.
Nope. Ameri-fag. Gotta be a native
>tfw I live on the coast and my uni is in the outskirts of Sydney (aka safest from rapefugees)
UTS and USYD eternally BTFO
Deal with it. The fuck these cunts think they're fucken signing up for the fucks ?? Fuck off. Till our crime rates reach those we see overseas, they have the right to remain silent.
Would anybody object if we wall in the eastern suburbs of Sydney and everybody in them?
>Till our crime rates reach those we see overseas, they have the right to remain silent.
I don't know if you realise how much crime that is.
A LOT. Fuck off.
>Now it's the Arabs.
Arabs (generally) make good immigrants and haven't really been coming here in large numbers since the 90s. It's Afghans and Somalis that are coming here now, and they are pure trash.
Relax senpai
>Wealthy Economic Migrants
Only ok if they are white desu senpai
Imma direct them to your nice beaches for family days out and hope your women get raped :^)
>Lived in south west Sydney for 10 years
>Lived in west Melb for 5
Oh yeh, its the fucking ghetto for sure but I'd still rather be here than fucking Liverpool, Parramatta or anywhere in-between any of that shit. Melbourne is full of weak cunts, when you've been tempered in the fire of SW Sydney nothing phases you, never had any trouble here
Parramatta is fine. It's just Indians who are harmless.
Fairfield, Merrylands, Auburn etc are the real shitholes.
>but I'm a woman user, I deserve to be using the woman's restroom!
I'm in Canberra running your life fagot - they cant afford the petrol to get here
Liar. No one will ever admit to being in Canberra.
Last time I was back and forth to Parra regularly it was infested with little opportunistic tryhard lebo cunts everywhere, this was a while ago however. I assumed it had only gotten worse over the years
Shows what you know.
>cucked lefties with centralist mask leading big business kikes
How will we ever recover?
I'm in Canberra as well. Fag.
Not only do I admit it, I brag about it because Canberra is still mostly white. Despite the efforts of Liberal and Labor to fill inland Australia with rapefugees like Sydney and Melbourne
>talks about eastern suburbs
>hurrr me no live dere
Of course the govt state residents are retarded.
More likely to be our children's new Safe Schools teacher.
Good to see another western suburbs aussie here with a similar viewpoint
Brag about Canberra ?? HAHAHHAHAHAHA
Mostly White imbeciles with little or no aspirations or ambitions. A lot of Lebanese there, Muslim mind you, that have blended well into your shallow kind. You won't see them coming.
That's right, you're getting it - I want to wall the eastern suburbs in. I don't want the occupants getting out to fuck the rest of the country. Stay in there and audition for bigbrother or masterfag you worthless cunts
Considering a police accountant got his head blown off outside Parra copshop by one of those little cunts and all terror raids come from suburbs not even 20mins away from Parra I'm inclined to believe its indeed much worse and you're delusional living in fear, enjoy.
Hello fellow Australians, how are things?
Hello shitposter master race
We were just discussing how quickly the eastern suburbs of Sydney could be walled in for the betterment of the nation
Of course a govt retard thinks it's logistically possible to do that :^)
Get enriched, eastern suburbs.
Fucked. Nuke the major coastal cities
Radelaide bros, how do we do it?
So now that fuckin WA shit is out of the way which state is next for elections?
Also any SA fags excited for this Elon Musk battery farm thing? I think it'll be pretty good for our state.
Go back to doing what was working before. Cut red tape and taxes for industry, cut them cheap power.
How many times do I have to tell you to fuck off ??
>most gibs-dependent state of the nation
You don't do it.
Which State Government party would be best voted for to ensure this?
Huh? You've never told me to fuck off before.
Ugh, the federal election can't come soon enough...
"2 party preferred"
Jews up to their normal tricks. Where is One Nation?
Quality joke.
1) The percentage of African American serial killers is 40.3%.
Serial killer, Wikipedia
43% of murders committed in the US were committed by blacks.
FBI Uniform Crime reports. 2010-2014.
Chicago, 71% of Murderers are Black.
New York, 90% of Murderers are Black or Hispanic.
89% of rapists are Black or Hispanic.
Race-Based Crime Statistics released by NYPD for 2012
St. Louis, blacks is responsible for virtually all the homicides.
St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department Annual Report to the Community (from 1999-2013).
38% of police killers are blacks.
FBI report, Officers Feloniously Killed, Profile of alleged known assailants.
Blacks killed by blacks: 90 percent.
FBI, Uniform Crime Reports data, for 2014
2) Civil wars In Africa, in Asia.
1,000,000 people were killed during 100 days, constituting as many as 70% of the Tutsi and 20% of Rwanda's total population.
Rwandan genocide - Wikipedia
If Libs want to get re-elected they will reduce immigration, cut foreign ownership, deport more african/arab cunts violating the law and cut 457 visa abuse.
but they won't. I'm sure many of the LNP cunts are thinking "sweet, just a more years then I'll sell my investment properties and this country can burn for all I care"
It wasn't a joke?
>the blonde girl will never be my gf
also pepe irl is cringy and gay
I would just love to say how much I love this country and it's people !! I am Muslim of Lebanese background and unfortunately it's rarely ever heard from people like me. Trust me, we, the majority, all love it and will always put it first, it's just that sometimes it needs to be said.
I would also like to say how wrong it feels that whenever there is a serious discussion about immigrants/refugees, the Aboriginal view is seldom seen.
Warmest regards, love you all. Even the racist among you, my parents know real hate and they do not see it in you guys.
Multiculturalism, is white genocide.
1) Population
White population was about 1/4 of the world population.
Now it is about 10%.
In the near future it will be only 7%.
2) Demographics - America, Europe, Australia, NZ
2.1) UK
In 1990, white population was 80% in London.
In 2010, white population was 60% in London.
In 1950, there were 10,000 British Pakistanis. Now there are 1.2 million British Pakistanis.
2.2) USA
In 1950, white population was about 90% in USA.
in 2014, white population is about 60% in USA
In 2050, white population will be less than 50% in USA.
In 2100, white population will be 1/3 in USA.
Latinos have passed whites as the largest ethnic group in California in 2015.
Texas, in 2015, white population was 43%.
The Majority of American Babies Are Now Minorities (2012) - The Census Bureau
Fighting age.
In the USA, whites having the oldest median age, 42, Hispanics have the youngest, 27.
Non-Hispanic whites, Wikipedia
2.3) Australia
In 1970s, white population was about 90% in Australia.
In 2011, white population was about 60% in Australia.
Demography of Australia - Wikipedia
2.4) Russia
Analysis: Russia's Far East Turning Chinese.
Peter Zeihan
2.5) Germany
Germans will be a minority in Germany by 2030.
The ongoing Third World invasion of Germany will create a nonwhite majority in the 20- to 30-year-old age group within just four years, and a nonwhite majority within one generation, a new statistical analysis based on official German census figures has shown.
Green politician Dr. v. Berg: Germans will be a minority in Germany, this is a good thing!
2.6) Canada
1870- 1970, white population was 95-98% in Canada.
In 1980, white population was 90% in Canada.
In 2010, white population was 60% in Canada..
European Canadian, Wikipedia
2.7) New Zealand
In 1961, white population was about 92% in New Zealand.
In 2006, white population was about 67% in New Zealand.
Demographics of New Zealand - Wikipedia
Oh shit, where are my manners ?? ^_^
Fuck off ya cunt.
A lot of Lebanese and Muslims in Canberra? Ah ha ha ha! Not only are there fuck all of them, we told them they couldn't build their fucking mosque in our fine state. Enjoy having your sister raped on a Sydney train faggot!
They're all shit mate.
LNP sells the means to cut industries cheap power, ALP chokes it with red tape and tax, Greens are just babbling retards and xenaphon is the worst parts of labor and the liberals.
I want to say vote LNP but it isn't like you can just undo privatisation like you can undo retarded taxes.
>I would also like to say how wrong it feels that whenever there is a serious discussion about immigrants/refugees, the Aboriginal view is seldom seen.
You were doing so well.
Smart, backyard Mosques are the way to go ; )
I'm Lebanese, so if anyone is going to be doing the raping, it's me. Anyways, you gunna keep up the charade of being from Canberra or nah ??
Surely there has to be one party out there still looking out for our interests and future?
Don't worry, you'll just put your taxes in welfare towards them so they can travel there and take their rightful vengeance for insulting Allah.
You have to go back :)
LMAO !! Sorry man.
Probably to get married but then I'll be back. Fuck that.
>Where is One Nation?
In the trash where they belong. ON is a joke. Pauline Hanson is a fucking moron and nothing but an opportunist. Australia desperately needs a real conservative, nationalist, right party and ON is NOT it.
She's an absolute Buffon. Has no charisma whatsoever and makes a joke out of herself.
Nah man, I do live in the 'berra because of the clean air, white demographic and uncrowded roads. But I've been holding up this thread all on my own - I'm gonna leave you middle eastern boy-rapers to it and I'll go have a beer.
you're not going to marry a white australian girl?
lets be honest the LNP, "National" party and ON are all absolute trash parties. Which leaves centralist "better than LNP" Labor or the ever increasing lib tard greens
not proxy guys just currently travelling
I've been there. Perfect location to rape since it's so deserted :^)
Hey, your churches were already attacked, just give it time, breh
Yes and No. Pauline is indeed an opportunist, nothing wrong with that really, but her heart is in the right place. Australia does NOT desperately need a conservative nationalist right. There's no evidence whatsoever of the need for one.
No, not a conservative party. Not even a right wing one.
We need a progressive (not the modern definition of progressive. Progressive as in has a vision of progress for Australia), centrist/left-wing, workers nationalist party.
Sort of like Labor used to be before the 1970s.
There is so much we could achieve if we stopped voting for big business cucks (Liberals) and neoliberal SJWs (new Labor).
Second Canberra fag here, Franklin repping