What is your guys opinion on guys with small dicks, do you think we should keep them out of the gene pool? srs question.
What is your guys opinion on guys with small dicks, do you think we should keep them out of the gene pool? srs question
Make the guys with small dicks be with the women with loose pussy.
I don't nor does it matter.
Define small.
Under 6 1/2 inches im not a size queen.
less than 8"
woman here btw
tits or gtfo bitch
Looks gross desu
Get your loose sideways yellow pussy out of this thread
nice skin lmao
no, why?
a small dick gets the job (making children) done just as well. dick size obsession in men is nigger tier and only whores care about it on the female side. if you only had one partner, you wouldn't know any difference
really, 6 and a half is small? Wew. Most men are under, but anyway I'm 7, we'll bang okay?
Yeah you are. Small is under 5". Also Mom thinks you've been watching too much porn. She called Varg and sounded mad and then she cried a little.
Guys with small dicks should be with chicks with tight pussies. So it's satisfactory sex for both of them.
neg me more dd.
What social media do you use slut
this, i dont really understand this fuss about dick size, why should anybody care? this is board of politics and peace, not board of sexual degeneracy
Tfw you are white with blue eyes and not asian or "yellow" but ok lol. Ever heard of fake tan?
Mixed race?
force them to take hormones and become traps
Probably all of them.
Turn them into traps and give them to Jamal
Man this is so fucked up.. women posting this shit on Sup Forums? makes me fucking cringe.
Well having a small dick is like having a disability. Guys with small dicks arent able to please the same way guys with bigger dicks are. Just like loose pussies dont do the job the way tight ones do, but luckily theres so many surgeries and remedies for that.
ugh, just absolutely gross
I bet you won't even show us your ass
who cares what women want?
Why are people bumping this shit?
Could you please show me what vagina looks like? I've never seen one before i'm 11
Get out, dumb degenerate shitskin
That is what women do. Sup Forums isn't safe from tinder-tier attention
Mods will ban you for off topic and attention whoring. You are a fucking degenerate.
this desu. women are basically kids who need a provider. just get money
Most red blooded men. Only guys who are highly insecure act like they dont care what women want, or gay guys. Which is it dad?
Less than 13" and smaller in diameter than a Pringles can will never please a woman. Sub-13" dicklets BTFO by superior blah blah blah the memes are wearing thin
you should post tits and vag
Compared to men with blue blood or green blood? You do what is right and women will follow, simple as that.
For what purpose would you need this
everything i do in life i do for myself, provide for myself, live for myself, not for any other person. what women prefer is not my concern, because i am not one.
Its not off topic, its about building a master race.
I'm gay and I find small dicks on slim, smooth guys absolutely gorgeous
Tits or gtfo also if dick size is what makes women happy they'll just become wretched hags who can't settle down.
lmfao what in the fuck
Men only "care" when slaying pussy.
Cum screen
No, some women have small vaginas and need small penetrators.
i want to viciously rape you then choke you to death.
>Master race
>Having something to do with the size of your penis
Yes sure mom, but when you wake up single or with a wife who cucks you then what? True Life 'im a cuck'.
nature already did
You've probably been with so many dude you can no longer contribute to the master race.
>that picture
So is the purpose to allow you to read saucy erotica without getting jizz on the pages?
>this triggers the salty polack
i should get my girl to do one of these. never seen so much genuine outrage in a Sup Forums thread, it's hilarious
>Under 6 1/2 inches im not a size queen.
top bantz
phew looks like i made the cut.
>but luckily theres so many surgeries and remedies for that
>implying they actually work anything like having a naturally tight pussy
>implying jelqing isn't how most guys get their dicks huge
>implying a guy with a small dick can't easily get his cock over 6.5" by using this technique, among other things, if he cares enough
Not only have you lived up to the shallow degenerate west coast slut stereotype, but you're ignorant as well.
Also, for the record, a woman's pussy is tightest a few months after giving birth. It resets completely and she's tight a virgin. The vast majority of women, at least. They get so tight it's painful.
But most women these days self-select out of the gene pool and for this reason are in essence sterile, as I'm certain is the OP.
how is a chick so redpilled and still has a good body? i'm confused now
Girls will always prefer above average, regardless of that fact. Less than that feels like less of a man.
Guys with small benis can just use their hands, and make u come 30 times in a roll.
and link here
not all women are evil or shallow, then again i prefer to live my life alone
Im a virgin, not kissless, but a virgin.
>Only guys who are highly insecure act like they dont care what women want
T. degenerate decadent faggot who sleeps around
you're part of the problem m8.
What do you consider small? Under avarage?
what do you consider average then, cause i'm a 6 incher and fit girls usually never complained if you get my drift, anyone larger is usually fitting for girls who are open like hallways
Wtf is that jerk off tent?
Awe is it so evil to want a guy who feels like a man? A guy who can fuck you proper.. how evil and absolutely vapid on my part.
Then what's the point of making a thread about dick size? I'm a little above average, but it's not like women will just fuck me because of that.
Elliot Rodgers penis size was 3 inches let that sink in for you.
qt dropping redpills on Sup Forumsacks about family and marriage
>nothing is beyond our reach
im going to hunt you down and rape your tight boipucci you faggot kike. larp and get what's cominng to you.
6 is a bit low...but not terrible, not terrible at all. A bit low though.Sorta like how 6 foot isnt short...per say but unless a guy is 6'4+ he isnt tall.
If you replied to this thread to say anything about dick size you're a retarded dicklet
Holy shit, get your nails did, Cruella.
it is evil to cheat
this desu senpai
>tfw 7.5 masterrace
Yeah, not just an attention whore who just lurked enough here.
Let me get a tape measure. be right back.
Exactly, and this is why I never said yes to that date with Elliot I could tell by the way he was so breathy that he wasnt packing.
You sure? :)
>7.5 masterrace
Yeah but you're still cut lmao
what do you think of a 6 foot 1 guy with a 6 incher who's lean, and a little muscular but not a body builder
not really sweating it just curious of your opinion
If you post on Sup Forums you want attention, if politics is your whole identity you are a fucking one dimensional loser who wants attention. :)
that's the point... if you don't want your offspring to be cheated on, better make sure they don't have micropenises.
>what do you think of a 6 foot 1 guy with a 6 incher who's lean, and a little muscular but not a body builder
>believing it's actually a girl posting without shoe on head
>attention whore
They arent mutually exclusive user. Of course shes an attention whore, shes a woman after all
Take note permavirgins, Ive been trying to tell you faggots forever now that these women are on your side. You wouldnt fucking listen.
>daily reminder its you, not them
Cut is hot. Why arent more guys lining up to get their tips sliced off?
5"11 with an 8x6 master race
would trade height for height
You must be emotionally and mentally unstable, and overly addicted to strangers if you need attention so desperately by putting photos here. Kys
Why indeed? :^)
this answers a lot, I've never met a girl who liked uncuts, they've told me it also smells rank when they fold the skin back kek
That should be the average, nothing to strive for, but nothing to be shamed.
But you replied. Also it's a "drop bear" dumbass.
so kill all the men of the west, so Sauron has nobody to rule over? Answer to evil is not adopting it.
Yeah I'm sure 6.7inch penor doesn't make women magically want to sleep with me. I live my life investing in stocks and programming. Sup Forums is what I do for fun or before sleep. Also find something better to do then fantasizing about guys dicks.