Should parents be forced to vaccinate their children?
Should parents be forced to vaccinate their children?
I've been vaccinated like 4 times and now I'm like this.
No, doctors should be forced to vaccinate their kids.
Parents should have no say in this at all.
Absolutely not. allowing yourselves to have vaccines forced upon you is begging for your populous to be experimented with. if you think the folks adminstering them are above it, youd be dead wrong. remember the people who were infected with syphilis and left for it to develop for "research" purposes, completely ignoring the people inflicted.
Hahaha NO
everyone here is autistic
everyone here got vaccinations
prove me wrong
>Absolutely not. allowing yourselves to have vaccines forced upon you is begging for your populous to be experimented with.
To be fair, every experiment requires a control so technically mandated nationwide vaccinations would prevent any related experimentation
Vaccinating yourself benefits no-one but yourself.
Funny, that's objectively wrong.
You would only benefit if you would get sick without the vaccine, but if you would get sick without the vaccine, you simultaneously benefit everyone who either wasn't vaccinated or whose vaccine wasn't effective that you would expose after getting sick.
So you either benefit yourself and others or nobody.
They're not being forced (in Australia). They have a choice - if you want your kid in government subsidised daycare or schools you get vaccinated.
You're free to look after your own kid and not get vaccinated.
Better autistic than dead
>freedom's enemy
Who said freedom from responsibility is good?
In the U.S pharmaceutical companies are not liable for vaccine injury because Congress ruled that they are unavoidably unsafe. Vaccine injury is real. Not just muh autism. We now have a separate court for vaccine injury paid for by taxes on vaccines and it's hard to prove fault when developmental delays aren't immediately apparent.
Manufacturers should be held responsible so they will produce a safer product but they have no incentive.
Herd immunity doesn't work with vaccines because older people were never vaccinated for it or it has worn off which is why we have added so many boosters.
The producer of the MMR is being sued for fraud and mumps is turning up in 100% vaccinated populations - because it doesn't work.
They also use fetal cells to make many vaccines including dtap. So there should at least be a religious exemption.
>Not having public school enforcing mandatory vaccinations
But you take from the collective to shape your own life.
Roobro has a point here.
That would violate the NAP.
40 year old slag has a child. It has autism. mother denies that it was her fault. blames vaccines. many such cases. SAD!
If they're safe and effective then why no double blind placebo controlled studies? Also whooping cough vaccine makes you an asymptomatic carrier so you pass it around getting everyone else sick. At least if you got the natural disease you would stay home and not spread the illness.
The U.S. has a crazy high vaccine schedule and also leads in infant mortality. Why do we give a vaccine for hep b to all newborns? They're not having sex or sharing needles and the vaccine wears off by the time they are of age to do so so literally wtf is the point?
Counterpoints: Polio is on track to go the way of smallpox next year and even if herd won't bring a disease to below sustainable transmission rates, increases in vaccinations reduce transmissions where the vaccinated and the diseased interact.
>That would violate the NAP.
So would you giving me some disease cause you were a retard and the vaccine wasn't effective on me. Speaking from actual experience here with whooping cough.
>It's good for me
No, it isn't. Even if you argue the individual should be more important than the many, that doesn't make actions by the many to prevent the individual from hurting itself wrong. As you have said, the individual is important and thus should be protected, even from itself. No ethical system would promote self harm to the benefit of no one. That is the definition of cutting off your nose to spite your face.
You say it's about individualism. I say, shut the fuck up, if you cared about your individual you'd get a vaccine.
If it's a law, you may have to point guns at parents, which means they might die.
How far would you go?
I'm comfortable with cops shooting abusive parents.
>i want resistant bacteria
Lol no thanks
that's antibiotics, not vaccines, m8.
And I think they're outlawing antibacterial soap outside of hospitals over that shit IIRC.
Democrats always are, if they get to define 'abusive'.
Should have used this pic instead.
so it does cause autism
Yes. Fuck you autism.
That's antibiotics you're thinking of. Vaccines train your body to fight off an infection, so the disease had to evolve into a new form with different markers to counter that.
Or die off if it can't do that fast enough.
All parents, werent they like it or not need to be forced to vaccinate their children, furthermore its better to prevent death with vaccinees than getting autism
They give Hep B shots to newborns
And do those newborns get Hep B?
In Texas, Gov Perry mandated shots for pre-teen boys to immunized girls they laid against...some kind of chick cancer.
Is that legitimate?
If by is that legitimate do you mean can certain kinds of cervical (and throat/mouth/anal/vulvar/penile) cancer be caused by exposure to a virus for which there is a vaccine, yes.
On the plus? side, as should be obvious, while women are more vulnerable, men can get cancer from this shit too. So the policy doesn't only benefit women.
Some untermensch fat soccer mom's.jpeg ignorance of science shouldn't risk the return of polio
If you vaccinate you are fine, if you don't you risk getting infected by other carriers. You are risking nothing but your own skin.
Yes if you are getting vaccinated against serious diseases/Illnesses such as smallpox tuberculosis hepatitis.
But if you get "vaccinated" every "flu season"
Then you are a puppet for the jew.
Should people get vaccinated for the flu? Give reason why please.
I think flu shotshot are important but I'm a pussy and don't get them
definitely, unless you want your kids to be potentially killed by smallpox and other shit that is already on its way back to being widespread problem thanks to uneducated retards
it boggles my mind how Americans are behind so much of the scientific progress and yet have all those anti vaccine and flat earth folk
>Human or Animal Blood is also known as vaccines, toxins.
What did they mean by this
no, you shouldn't be forced to do anything
if anything, the children should be the one deciding
The oral polio was actually spreading polio, nice job. So now they're trying to switch to all injections worldwide to prevent this. Now what will they do with all the live doses? They're just burying them.
Smallpox was handled in a lot of places more effectively than vaccines alone by using quarantine.
Polio is transmitted fecal to oral route so improved sanity conditions and indoor plumbing has helped. In the U.S. they renamed polio when the vaccine came out so polio disappeared but other diseases with polio like symptoms increased. They never used to test for polio, if you had paralysis for a couple of days they would treat you for polio but now you need paralysis for much longer to qualify.
Also they used to spray DDT everywhere and that pesticide actually caused paralysis so they stopped using it at the same time of the vaccine coming out. A lot of those kids were actually poisoned with DDT and they just called it polio.
Don't play in foreigners poop and put it in your mouth, problem solved!
High risk people. The eldery can perhaps benefit from it. But mostly for people who come into contact with disgusting, dirty and infected things.
Doctors, nurses, prostitutes, childcare workers, etc
Forced medicating is fucking insane, what spathe fuck is happening to the world I doubt there is much time left things are moving faster all the time
I've never been vaccinated.
Feels pure man.
>It's safe, goy
Yes, Sup Forums needs more users.
this, polio is gone because of sanitary standard upgrades, not vaccines
and smallpox died off because it killed people faster than it infected them
I have egg allergies
Can't get vaccinated without more expensive vaccines
>muh autism
Children have no basis to make that decision. They would probably say no just to avoid having a syringe stuck in them
To be fair, you're completely retarded. Why can"t half get jabbed with a placebo type replacement and the other with whatever's being tested.
>2.8 billion spend on vaccine injury
What did they mean by this
>Consulting obese autists on immunology related issues
56% faggot
ie you're not free to leave your kid unvaccinated and access government services you pay for with your tax dollars
>Thimerosal is a mercury-based preservative that has been used for decades in the United States in multi-dose vials (vials containing more than one dose) of medicines and vaccines
What did they mean by this
I'm okay with penalising parents for not vaccinating - restricting school/daycare enrollments to protect children around them, and some financial penalty to counteract the potential increased cost to the healthcare system - but no one can reasonably propose 'forced' vaccination in the sense of court orders mandating vaccinations or vaccine police kicking down doors to jab kids in the arms.
I've never understood the autism meme about vaccines, that shit's obviously just shit quality genetics because we lack natural selection
what does fucking make sense is that shit causing permanent brain damage, like fucking seriously, why do they use mercury based preservatives when that shit literally is some of the deadliest shit to man and there's better alternatives like silver based preservatives
only if they're nonwhites
>There are people in this thread that are actually stupid enough to advocate for forced medication
>In Texas, Gov Perry mandated shots for pre-teen boys to immunized girls they laid against...some kind of chick cancer.
Yes. HPV or human papilloma virus is a viral infection responsible for the vast majority of genital warts, cervical cancer, penile cancer and iirc vulval cancers and some throat cancers (the virus fucks with your DNA causing cancer etc. We give it to boys primarily to stop women getting exposed to the virus and developing cervical cancer. It protects the boys against penile cancer but that's already so rare that if that were all it did we wouldn't bother. The genital warts protection is also a good benefit for boys but that's not the main reason either since warts aren't lethal.
They don't vaccinate for smallpox anymore and places that only quarantined without vax actually had lower death rates and it was eradicated by a combination of quarantine and vaccinating.
Why do newborns need a shot for hep b which was designed for prostitutes and IV drug users. I don't know what newborns are into this shit but their parents have more to worry about than vaccine status. They screen blood now so there's no reason to do this. Vaccines don't last for life. When those kids grow up and may actually start being promiscuous or drug users, the vaccine's effects are long gone.
Some of the vaccines are for non-communable diseases so it doesn't affect anyone else even if you believe the herd immunity Bullshit. There's still the acellular pertussis vaccine which causes carriers to incubate whooping cough and spread it without showing symptoms which is much more of a problem for public health if someone with a weak immune system is exposed to it because that person didn't stay home or they just spread it to all their classmates. Whooping cough keeps coming back in highly vaccinated groups so the vaccine doesn't even appear to be effective.
Vaccination does not equal immunity which is why they give boosters because some people are completely unaffected by the first dose. There's also waning immunity, even with boosters.
They had to change DTP to the DTaP because it caused a lot of problems including SIDS. The DTaP isn't as effective clearly but you can die from the vaccine and still get the disease anyway so why take a risk with that instead of just working on staying healthy and getting good nutrition so your body can naturally fight these illnesses.
>brain damage
Autism is neuropathological
Everyone here is autistic.
Everyone here uses electronics.
prove me wrong
If they're so great why haven't they done double blind, placebo controlled studies which you'd demand from any other pharmaceutical? Why did U.S. congress claim vaccines are unavoidably unsafe, so any harm done by them is not the manufacturer's fault? They would stop making them but now they have free reign to push as many vaccines as they can develop for maximum profit while a vaccine tax pays for families with vaccine injuries including multiple organ failures, autoimmune disorders, autism, death.
Why does the U.S. have a very high vaccine schedule and the highest infant mortality rate among developed countries?
The flu shot still contains mercury, it's a guessing game at what strains will be going around, it's only about 5% effective and it has the most reported adverse reactions. Complete bullshit.
huh, that makes a lot of sense. didn't even realise we had this law.
>restricting school/daycare enrollments to protect children around them
But the children around them are vaccinated so they're already protected
what is i told you you're the only one here who is autistic?
IG Farben
Fuck off, retards
The virus can mutate and render the others' immunity created by the vaccines obsolete.
People don't realize that autism doesn't just mean high function asspies like us. It means adults in diapers, living in group homes, who can never take care of themselvss. Is that really alive? The cost on the system for all those autistic kids who grow up to be non-functioning adults clearly outweighs public health issues where our insurance pays for our own doctor visits and medications anyway so why do you need to penalize people?
If vaccines are so effective then why do the vaccinated fear the vaccine status of others? Aren't you protected? Oh right it's not a sure thing. Kids staying home if sick is much more effective at keeping things under control. Unvaccinated kids can't spread diseases they don't have but vaccinated kids can shed and spread their vaccine strains of illnesses.
>I thought this was an intelligent board
Man, some memes never die
You're so retarded, I had to check what your flag was.
>Should parrents be forced to ...
>Vaccinations save people
>Not better hygiene
>Muh overpopulation
>But save the poor weak chullin!
>Some children may have impaired immune systems or allergies that render the vaccinations dangerous to them
>Some children may not have been old enough to have the vaccines yet
>Vaccines aren't 100% effective so even if you have been vaccinated then it is still beneficial to reduce exposure to potential carriers
How do you think the world's population to 7 billion people? One essential cause is the eradication of almost all preventable diseases. Fucking retards, I hope your children will die because you didn't vaccinate them and wave reddit memes at their grave
>what is linear time
>How do you think the world's population to 7 billion people?
So we've you to thank for the niggers?
>I hope your children will die because you didn't vaccinate them and wave reddit memes at their grave
Only a problem if you have weak cuck genes
What has linear time to do with this? You think that, if there weren't any advancements in science and medicine the world's population would still grow in this manner? You are delusional
There is plenty of stupid things parents can legally do to their kids
I think it would be better to imprison parents who's child gets a disease that's easily curable or preventable by modern medicine
Same thing with parents who feed their kids random new age diets.
I really don't understand how some of you adopt this fucking soccer mom thinking. HURR IS CHEMICALS THEYRERE GOING TO MAKE MY KID AUTISTISMIC
Go load up your chakras to defend against illneses then, and fuck off my board
No, but if a parent requires welfare to raise their kid that is an admission the parent is incapable of raising a child without intervention and some decisions should be taken from then as they cannot be trusted to make them alone.
Accept welfare= the state gets a say. Too bad.
Damn he's good
>Should parents be forced to vaccinate their children?
interesting how quickly people demand this be compulsory after others smell the shit
In Vietnam, China, Cuba, Laos and North Korea, you must vaccinate your children.
All hail communism
As a taxpayer any child that receives my tax dollars should be vaccinated.
cleanliness, namely getting the literal shit out of the streets, is what eradicated disease
there's good evidence that vaccines slow the decline and cause new outbursts (what did you expect? it's injecting disease directly) rather than cure anything
No, but if you don't your kid should not be allowed in public daycare or schools.
Diseases that have been eradicated for hundreds of years in Europe are now reemerging because of third worlders
>What has linear time to do with this?
If you educate yourself, you know it's safer to pass most of the vaccines because they're useless and contain harmful agents.
And no, we're not talking "muh autism", we're talking nano particles changing your cells (cancer eventually) and fucking your endocrine system
It's just a fact
You'd have to be a complete retard goy to think "the more vaccines, the better"
No, and the argument used to shame them is dumb: if other parents vaccinate their children, their children are safe from that disease
It matters not that there is a kid who hasn't been immunized in their midst if vaccines actually work, does it? That kid gets ill, everyone else does not.
Cleanliness was ONE factor.
I say you don't even know what a vaccine really is. The form of the virus is abyssmal small and it's engineered to be inactive. It is practically dead. Think about it like this: a few tanks or other armored warfare units entering a country's space, but with no ammo or fighting capabilities whatsoever