Imminent Happening

Isn't invading an embassy an act of war?

Also has /hwndu/ meme magicked this?

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who invaded whom?

some minister from turkey visited netherlands, got deported.

she didn't even have diplomatic immunity, she just thought she had a "lmao fuck you im going to the embassy" excuse for not being arrested.

So when do we Europeans Maidan Holland and start this shit and end once and for all?

maidan was rigged and started by western countries, so never, unless russia wants revenge

She does have diplomatic immunity!
Stop spreading lies!

Diplomatic immunity is an international law concept that originates from the idea that it is necessary for diplomats in order to perform the functions of it's accompanying state abroad, thus it is directly related to the function of the person claiming the immunity. International Law considers the diplomatic immunity an extension of the diplomatic/ministerial authority abroad. However, this also means that immunity is limited to performing the accompanying functions of the state. In this case we talk about a minister of family affairs claiming diplomatic immunity in the Netherlands. Speeching for a rally to gather support in a referendum isn't really vital for performing her fiction as a minister of family. Claiming diplomatic immunity in this situation is bullshit.

Were they deported or just denied entry altogether?

It was perfectly legal. If she comes back it's even legal to sentence her to 6 months in prison and then deport her again.

She was denied entry, but they sent 3 decoy convoys and a real convoy to Rotterdam, from Germany. Then the police blocked her entry to the embassy, and after a 5-hour standoff she was ""escorted back to germany"" (read: dragged into a car and thrown over the border by elite marines anti-terror units with her security detail)

Blocked from entering 30 meters away from the embassy. Eventually escorted back to Germany

In the meanwhile she called all Dutch people fascists, tried to rally all Turks in the Netherlands to riot, claimed the Netherlands broke all international treaties including the ones about womens rights

Typical mudslime sperging whenever they dont get to do what they want

http s://en.

They took down the Dutch flag at the consulate of Istanbul and replaced it with a turkish one

Am I the only one whose respect for the Netherlands rose extremely after this incident?

Interesting. So it amounts to nearly denying the diplomatic status of Turkey.

We will take back Jerusalem! And Istanbul!

>claimed the Netherlands broke all international treaties including the ones about womens rights
that's rich coming from a bunch of muslims

It amounts to calling a halt to Turkey overstepping it's boundaries literally and figuratively

The Dutch have earned my respect. Your country on the other hand is as pathetic as ever.

thats pretty fucking bad

It was a clear signal to Turkey that their provocations and threats were not tolerated.

Well I know the WHY of it but seeing the gears turning in the more-serious-than-discussion-but-not-yet-war portion of the diplomatic process is interesting.

Your country is literally a watered down version of the netherlands.

>Not yet
There won't be a war, NATO members won't fight a war between each other, but expect sanctions (both economical and diplomatic)

We tried discussion, our Prime Minister was on the phone with Erdogan almost constantly yesterday. But the Turkish started openly threatening with sanctions. That's when we denied their first minister landing rights, because a discussion was impossible in that context. He then went to France instead.

Later that, the mayor of Rotterdam had contact with the Turkish consulate in his city, and the Turkish told him there would be no more envoys coming. Then they sent this lady from Germany, and that's where they sent in the police.

And then even the police tried to politely ask her to leave, then gave her the firm advice to leave, and when she refused that, the only thing left was to declare her persona non grata.

The official statement of the Netherlands explaining the decision to block entry says that a ton of effort was put into finding a political solution to this problem, but the ongoing threats (quite literally, threats) from the Turkey side made a diplomatic solution impossible.

After that the Netherlands took this action

This is how it happened, looks like one guy climbed on the roof



Took the Muslim back to her rightful clay... Germany. -___-

time to exterminate the roaches

Sorun mü, memur bey?

Lel, kutturk, diplomatic immunity only applies to 1. diplomats who have been 2. recognized by the host country.

Obviously, but I mean within the limits of the NATO treaties nations rarely get to flex their political muscles between each other.

Totally understandable, even without the threat of sanctions working with Turkey now seems like trouble.

I guess the left has already called for a demonstration against islamophobia, please confirm.

No. It has to be an organized armed attack by regular forces.

>For the purpose of Article 5, an armed attack on one or more of the Parties is deemed to include an armed attack:

>on the territory of any of the Parties in Europe or North America, on the Algerian Departments of France , on the territory of or on the Islands under the jurisdiction of any of the Parties in the North Atlantic area north of the Tropic of Cancer;
>on the forces, vessels, or aircraft of any of the Parties, when in or over these territories or any other area in Europe in which occupation forces of any of the Parties were stationed on the date when the Treaty entered into force or the Mediterranean Sea or the North Atlantic area north of the Tropic of Cancer.

Makes me even more proud not to be German.

>Obviously, but I mean within the limits of the NATO treaties nations rarely get to flex their political muscles between each other.

I wish it wasn't necessary, but we shouldn't take the Turkish government shit. And we didn't.

>Also has /hwndu/ meme magicked this?
wew lad never thought about it that way but quite possibly now that you mention it

Why did you steal Aquafresh's flag though?

>Isn't invading an embassy an act of war?

islam has been in war with everyone ever since
mohammed lost his virginity to his uncle.

let's only hope mecca is a green-glowing glass field by the end of this generation

Turks gonna sanction us with a kebab
and turkse pizzas oh no what are going to do now without them

gore kankertroep

Be united, euro. Stand by your germanic cousins, for the real trial is yet to begin. The enemy has sown its seeds of division in your heart, do not let it take root. If you falter, your grandchildren will be eurabian.


I'd be shocked if you don't see some grey wolf inspired terrorist attacks in netherlands soon. Well, not grey wolf per se but rather Islamists either supported by grey wolf Turkish nationalists or grey wolf terrorists masquerading as islamists.

Shit, now Im starting to think Obama's warning to Trump of who the greatest threat to the US was wasn't Russia or North Kroea or china or Pakistan but rather Turkey.

What pissed me off the most was the absolute silence from our """European friends""" who let him land in France and didn't have our backs.

Fuck the economic setback, time to leave this Union.

Some Turkish anti-Erdogan user pls use the /hwndu/ method to put a Swastika there.
>call the dutch nazis
>see flag

hahaha geweldig

Give me a quick rundown on what led to this, why was aquafresh kicking roach ministers in the first place?

>even the lions look scared

how will the roaches ever recover?

>But the Turkish started openly threatening with sanctions

What could they possibly do? Not accept the money they get from the EU?

>An error occurred during validation.
>This video does not exist.
>Sorry about that.

I guess it is. It was not done by the Turkish state though, so I doubt there will be consequences.

Happening cancelled.

Can we use this opportunity to get rid turks of your countries? Start a hastag on twitter, in 3 different languages, something like #GoingBackToHomelandTurkey or something, to encourage turks to move back to Turkey? Make it sound like it was created by turks who want to move back to turkey

Based Luxemburg, decent place to visit on holiday but isnt your economy like deep down in the shitter?

They won't go on they're own accord. It's way too comfy here. In Turkey they would have to actually work.

No idea, stop buying tulips or something.

ok so seriously, wont there be any consequences after the roaches took down your flag?

I think the general strategy today is to de-escalate the situation. A flag on an embassy is not really worth further escalations.

Plus, we need to show that we are the civilized party here.

T. Muhammed

Elections are scheduled next week. King toothpaste wants to pander to right wing voters by acting tough

I'm pretty impressed they didn't go farther, I wonder what Roach media is saying about it. Turks could go way too far and bring the fire.

REE why don't you guys use orange flag!? Way cooler than aquafresh. Also stanfs out more when compared to luxembourg, russia

Because it hails from the time of colonialism and thus is racist

Nothing is sacred

It's actually briefly used before the colonial times, in the eighty years' war against Spain. But the Dutch nazi party accepted it as their symbol, that's why it's controversial today.

I have a healthy amount of patriotism, but germanys recent behaviour (thanks to fucking merkel) makes me really sad. Every fucking country in the world is laughing about us thanks to our stupid politicians

Turkey was caught red handed interfering in the election by inciting the local Turk immigrant population to protest Wilders and other parties. They then told the diplomats to get the fuck out until after the election so Erdogan's family member or something rode in from Germany to try and stage some propaganda claiming the Dutch embassy is "rightful Turkish land" and all this bullshit.

>forgetting this is Sup Forums and implying that anyone ever reads an effortcomment

bmao nah


United europe my ass.

The Turks threaten to open the floodgates of migrants from Syria, Afghanistan etc. They've stopped the flow for a few months now in exchange for money and the promise to let turkish citizens roam the EU without visas.

Then why don't we go the other way around, #TurksBackToTurkey ? Get it trending, maybe we'll see some action

Holy shit that is embarrassing





Yes Hans. Dutch bro appreciation has risen because of this incident.


reeeeeeeeee we'll be superpower by 2020 you'll see - t. pajeet

This is a great way for the most anti-mudslime politicians to grab summa those sweet sweet votes


Discussion about what? What started all this?

Based curry?

Wait wait wait. Whoa. Netherlands woke up, saw the Muslim machinations, and found its balls? Muslims are 100x clumsier but maybe one day the Jewish machinations will be common knowledge.

It was already going on in Germany and Austria. Turkey wants to send their politicians to Europe to campaign for a referendum that renders more power to Erdogan, and Europe doesn't want this.

Except the other countries all gave in. Netherlands didn't.

Great extortion racket if you think about it. Merkel fucking designed it. Goddammit Germany stop being so fucking stupid and impotent and kick that bitch to the curb.

Man, if tolerant Netherlands is tired of muslim bullshit... Wow this is good news.

I'm actually surprised rutte had the balls to say no, it's probably to get more votes during the elections but still.

It's not so much islam or anything. It's mostly Erdogan personally that we're tired of.

They also hacked Rotterdam airport, which is an attack on a countries infrastructure, which is an act of war.
Remove cockroach.

100% this. It looks good to act all hard this close to the election. I wonder how effective it's going to be.

An embassy is sovereign soil to the hosted country. An ambassador is the highest ranking representative of that country-- a virtual president or king, if you will.

An attack on a embassy is an attack on that country. Then again, "what difference does it make?"

Article 5 only is relevant to armed aggression by parties outside of NATO.

Extremely effective. I'm lying if I said my respect for Rutte didn't increase a lot, even though i'm fully aware that he only did this because of the elections.

He did show he has the balls to stand up to foreign blackmailing.

yes it is and why did the guards not shoot the retards?

What if it was ISIS?

Ajax,Feyenoord and PSV better hope they dont draw some Turkish team in Europe because that away leg would be rough.

HAHAHAHA, roaches are waking up and realizing they'll never be admitted into the EU.

get ready for Erdogan to give the EU a warning that either they pay Turkey X amount of dollars or let them into the EU or they'll allow rapefugees to flood into Europe.

get ready for Libya 2.0 this is exactly what happened with Mummar Gaddaffi.

Actually make that an Armenian flag

>get ready for Libya 2.0 this is exactly what happened with Mummar Gaddaffi.