How do we save white men?

How do we save white men?

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Is that white by your standards? Looks latin or a Muslim rape baby

you can't save wh*te people, sorry.

What needs saved?

looks pretty r*ach to me

It starts with - one thing

>I'm here for the job interview

Prediction: Thread death in less than fifteen

Ban porn
No plastics


There's not many white men left, and those left don't need saving because they're not cucks.

White fag here:
Even I think that person needs help.

this is obviously a """beautiful one"""

save what faggot?

Stop being united with them. Segregate them from other groups on street and media.


when was I suppose to laugh at that?

Shit skins cause more damage to society than whites ever will


Are those faggots for real or being ironic?


Why the hell is he so skinny?

>pic not related

Why do the American OP threads sink less quickly? It is fucking racism, that's what it is!

Stop letting women raise them.

Other races may as well just exist to serve whitey desu

dont eat food with reduced fat, reduced sugar, etc. dont eat food free food

its less nutrients and more food so you have to eat more of it to get the amount of nutrients your body needs so it makes you a fat retard or if you have high metabolism to absorb the extra calories you become a normal retard: and do retard things; and conduct retard activities; and have retard moments; and inspire retardation; and say retard things; and construct retard ideologies; and invent retard rules; and involve in self destructive retardation rituals; which leads to retarded outcomes

My fucking sides

How true can this be, though? Are they really dumber than a gorilla in practice? Or is there something else at play that means they can have a lower IQ than a literal ape and still function beyond chest-beating and poking sticks in ant nests?

No, it is because Americans still have the freedom of speech.
For now.

That's a bingo.

It's not. The guy who came up with those numbers purposely excluded Africans who would habe scored well on the tests and 100 other studies were unable to replicate his results. Africans do have lower IQ scores, but it would be closer to any Western country in the 1950s, not retardation.

Is this what a white man looks like to an American?

I don't know why

if shitskins hate whites so much, why don't they just fuck off back to their own third world shitholes? If these liabilities all ceased to be, we would be exploring the stars by now.

>a vast majority of gorillas can properly look after and provide for themselves and their young

Meanwhile a majority of nigs don't

Got me there

>tfw no sissy bf to fuck and cuddle

>Nigs can function beyond chest-beating and poking sticks in ant nests


Ultra Authoritarian Patriarchal Islam Communism

Don't you have a war to loose?

>roaches having an opinion about anything


Doesn't really matter how hard I try

Pic unrelated tho
he's standing behind the curtain and holding this thing


Implying they need saving.

thats a guy

You don't.

and their women are ours now

that's kinda the point you know

I 100% agree

u always lost.

>a bitch whiteboy is speaking to me
listen faggot, you only speak when spoken to. fuckin bitchass.