First results of CRISPR gene editing of normal embryos released
Genetic Engineering Will Change Everything Forever
First results of CRISPR gene editing of normal embryos released
Genetic Engineering Will Change Everything Forever
once we get designer babies it just means better genetics for everyone.
It would end all racial supremacy
>tfw when you're the last generation of Westerners that won't live to 120+
>it just means better genetics for everyone.
They want you to think that but the elite would just make themselves superior to us by making us like shit
You just know the Japs and Chinks will make a race of White anime superhumans.
Niggers will probably make their kid 8 feet tall and have a 15 inch dick
They will give themselves elastic limbs so that they can nick shit away from security cameras, just like in the good old days.
>tfw you are one of the last manlet/small dick/short lived/allergic/otherwise inferior people on earth and probably last generation that will not get to experience some crazy breakthroughs, space colonisation, strong AI, VR and other science fiction transhumanism tier stuff
>White anime superhumans.
I think you mean loli fox traps with unyielding lust for beta jap dick
Its all about accessibility. I dont think they could cut off an entire market like this either. It might not even be in their best interest. Could make a helluva profit off genetic modification industry
CRISPR is a program designed to edit the DNA of already living things, these are just test trials. They make a virus (which already by design edit dna) and make it do something positive rather than negative. So its pretty likely you'll be "reborn" through gene editing. We already have embryo gene editing during the cytosis process, this is just a different method to test if it would work on living things.
>It's the year 2075
>NBA Basketball hoops have been raised to 35 feet
>Be a Frankfurt School kike
>Spend half a century trying to genocide whites
>Almost achieve total victory
>Whites push back
>Regroup for round 2 once they're off guard again
>Asians start shitting out billions of Aryans due to being r/AsianMasculinity-tier insecurity
Still, it doesn't fix the real problem. You can take the Asian out of the slant-eyed body, but you can't take the slant-eye out of the Asian.
2 billion 'Aryan' Asians will still grow up with an Asian cultural mentality. (No respect for domestic innovation, no concept of not being authoritarian, and no desire to push the boundaries.)
Preserving Western culture at all costs is the real goal.
>born too late to explore the world
>born too soon to explore space
>born just right time to explore dank memes
>Its all about accessibility. I dont think they could cut off an entire market like this either. It might not even be in their best interest
Its not, its actually in their incentive to make sure as many people get access to this as possible. Then again Jews might get their claws on this and they're just Chaotic Evil so.
No if the christ cucks in your country can make abortion evil I have no hope for genetic engineering making it into the mainstream
We're all going to be Bogdanoff babies, infused with their superior genes with Bogdabots in our bloodstream.
they can't even make abortion illegal
>no authoritarian
you retarded or something, most asian countries are under a pseudo dictatorship
It depends on how long that will take to become mainstream, and whether or not his entire body will be able to take it.
It'll probably take 50 years for it to be available to him, and he'll have to have it done on a slow burn over 7 years until his metamorphosis was complete, a process that could kill him.
He won't make it.
Hell, I'm in pretty good shape in the genetics department, but I'll be considered inferior to the gene-warrior ubermensches as well, so I'll need to go to through that shit as well.
And I also probably won't fucking make it.
Did i just see rick and morty in the video?
>It'll probably take 50 years for it to be available to him
Nah, the Chinese have been experimenting with this platform for about 2 years now, we just learned this and immediately started our own trials. China is in a Genes Race with us so expect Space Race style results. I expect the first commercial product by 2030 and the first affordable one but 2040. I'll be about 50 but I'll have been steroid cycling since 35 so I'll be able to handle it.
>Premium Gene Pricing
>determining the ideal genes for your child, wether you want them to be build to be a super soilder or an artist
>extra $ for 80% cancer resistance
>literally Bethesda tier character creator
You made a mistake in your English reading
Steroids aren't going to make your body more capable of taking the strain, instead you're going to be extra fucked up, not a good plan.
Anyway, it's not really about the affordability, because I'd honestly go a million dollars into debt for immortality. It's just THAT good.
The problem is you REALLY don't want to beta test this kind of thing. You need to see some of these people grow up before you go in, or else you're going to get your genes fucking raped to pieces.
Re-read my post Spaghettibro
I said
>no concept of NOT being authoritarian
That was my point. Asians won't be able to utilize being genetically European nearly as much as Europeans can because all Asians know how to do is roll over for whoever is in charge.
Well duh.
He's a Mexican.
>You were born just in time to metamorphose into a superior version of yourself
>Steroids aren't going to make your body more capable of taking the strain, instead you're going to be extra fucked up
>He bought the all drugs are bad meme
If you cycle properly and have no pre-existing heart problems. The only consistent side-effect is varying degrees of lower fertility when on cycle.
>The problem is you REALLY don't want to beta test this kind of thing
>implying they already aren't on CIA agents
Sup Forums this is a critical question for white nationalism. Are sythentic whites (designer baby), white? I mean let's say a nigger saves up all his money so that his son is genetically modified to have all the requisite white genes. Would his son be white?
>I mean let's say a nigger saves up all his money so that his son is genetically modified to have all the requisite white genes. Would his son be white?
That kind of metamorphosis would probably kill the child or at the very least be impossible.
The fertility thing is from long term use.
I cycled on and off for over 3 years and conceived my first kid while I was on 1000mg a week of test
>yfw 99% of people convert to white and self-genocide
the future looks bright
>wanting to be a cumskin
never has there been an insult which has completely revealed its user's envy.
I love how you idiots think the elites are actually going to allow immortality tech trickle down to the peon masses.
You're going to be culled.
>Really don't want to beta test this kind of thing
Dude there are many, many people who would be willing to beta test it, anyone with a rare disease for example. I have Marfan Syndrome, and even though it's technically "treatable," the threat of sudden death makes it attractive to fuck with your genes. I did some research on studies done on Marfans patients, most of them said they keep it a secret from ALL friends and some family, as do I. People want to feel normal so there's not going to be a shortage of guinea pigs.
TLDR rape my genes to pieces, this is my last resort.
>vegetable crisper
that's all that ever comes to mind when I see your shitty postings about
>muh hurritage
widespread genetic "engineering" aka fucking with shit you know absolutely nothing about is exactly equivalent to shooting every white person in the head, as far as conservation goes
You are the only idiot here thinking the elite can shut down every fucking scientists on earth
muh elite is not a fucking magical entity, even (((they))) have limits
DNA is a jewish lie
prove to me that DNA exists, oh wait, you can't
Been shilling this here for a while, glad a thread is up and healthy, we need to get our hands on one of these through any means necessary so we can get shit done, right fucking now
Damn I wonder how much brain power it takes to think of the statement "genetic engineering will change our society"? I never ever dun thunk o' dat.
>tfw when arabs or other people start editing their genes to appear as nord/german to get into our countries and leftists start pushing even more for open borders because ((they)) are like us
I wonder if we'll get space marines.
you know nothing about how the scientific establishment works, how they're funded, the sanctions against "heretics" and how independent researchers are at risk of """""suicide"""""
so shut up. you're the one who thinks science is magical and immune to corruption and tradecraft
>what is gene therapy
keep calm its all good
we can be rebuilt
Science exists outside of the establishment nigger, when someone finds something every fucking scientists know about it in less than an hour so tell me how you can prevent knowledge from spreading
>I love how you idiots think the elites are actually going to allow immortality tech trickle down to the peon masses
>implying I'm not part of the elite
how did someons as gullible as you even find theselves on pol
If anything, Japs will use CRISPR to create Elves.
This is how Middle Earth started.
Our current age predates Middle Earth.
cat girls (male) soon?
are you white if your black parents want a designer baby (read: 100% white like all non-whites wish they would be) and have you gene edited to be aryan?
Yeah like how only the rich elite have access to cars and the rest of us are stuck riding horseback
i can see this
>Science exists outside of the establishment
>every scientist knows about it in less than an hour
I don't think thats how sekrit club information works, nor would they all just suddenly know it.
You can literally do gene editing at home you fucking morons
Why are you responding to me ahmed, you gullible fuck
they have plateforms, journals and shit. They all are closely linked because their researchs highly depends of the results of other scientists researchs
So you're talking about circles, not the entirety of scientists?????
Circles can both be public or keep their findings private to their own circle.
and that does not prevent other circles from discovering what they have discovered
you assume there's any need for a ton of healthy and intelligent people who will consume lots of resources over long lives
coerced population reduction is just a matter of time
I wouldn't expect someone coming from a people whose greatest achievement is the art of plumbing to understand anything about science
That CRISPR stuff sounds exiting.
You guys honestly think that stuff is available in my lifetime? I'm 30 now.
Somebody got a link beside the on in OP for more information?
>You guys honestly think that stuff is available in my lifetime?
It's available right now m8
The Chinese already have a generation of children they're monitoring growing up with this genetic manipulation. The 2024 Olympics are going to be historic.
It would exacerbate classism since it likely wouldn't be cheap.
>the rich create the great
What could go wrong?
>Would his son be white?
a better question is, would that make him a cuck?
Sure, but reliably I mean to stop or reverse aging.
I don't even know how society would look like if people stopped aging. Maybe space exploration would skyrocket because we need space.
The real question is:
Catgirls when?
I'm curious to see if there isn't an explosion of funding.
The article says the US National Academy of Science want to put it on hold except where there are "no reasonable alternatives", but the fact is certain other nations won't restrict themselves on moral lines.
I'd rather have neural implant vr catgirls desu senpai
They do have shinier cars. But still first it will be for removing defects (actual defects), eventually full on designer babies (in the looks/body shape department), this might give them an advantage, but only if the child is raised/breed/groomed in the right manner to use that 'designed body' to their advantage. By the time they isolate the magical genes that make you super smart or what ever, it will be commonplace and cheap enough for common use.
If things go sour and it's banned in some countries or the research is blocked, you'll have people pack up their research and move to SEA or elsewhere. You already have plastic surgery/gender surgery checks in place (to make sure you're 'sure' you want it) which can frustrate people and they just go get it cheaply done in some 3rd world country, because no questions will be asked.
Ya ain't gunna stop this shit, it's going to happen eventually.
boys from brazil when?
That was a great movie
He looks a lot better with dark hair!