isn't that a comedy channel?
bumping with trump girls
I'm lmaoing at your newfagness
you can't bump your own thread anymore, only others can
let me correct myself you can only bump it after a certain amount of time
also I sage denying your precious delicious bump
you are literally KEKED by me aussie
your thread will die without anyone ever noticing it, but me and even then I didn't bother to bump it without writing sage
rip i haven't been on sense the great meme war of 2016
how does it feel? how does it feel that i could bump your thread and let it survive, but I wont? I will deny it's will to survive till it reaches bump limit?
it's going straight to page 10 and there's nothing you can do about it
>calling trump supporters a bunch of dumb dogs
These people are so full of themselves it's still unreal.
tenth page and you call me a newfag kek not using catalog pathetic!
are you retarded? 10th page is the last page
it's the page where threads go to die
well it doesnt seem like we are on the tenth page in the first place
on our way
does it even really matter? all threads slowly fade away and die.
yes, your thread will never reach bump limit
it's a virgin who will never have sex, like you because I am denying it
I am cucking your child
i honestly cant take that seriously from that flag
nobody takes australian posts seriously either
Ever been on Sup Forums?
it's been done
what about the movie up?
More like deez nuts
>Scarlett Johansson's voice getting more and more jewy grandma everyday