Richard spencer

Prove your not ignorant and can tell the difference between a white nationalists and a white supremacist.

Other urls found in this thread:

right to exist without burden
and the rest are lesser

Richard Spencer is literally George Lincoln rockwell without edgy LARPing, they have the exact same arguments.

There's nothing wrong with being a white nationalist as long as you respect other peoples boundaries. Go out and have kids, but minorities also have the right to exist and have sex with white women


>but minorities also have the right to exist

yes, in their own homelands, not in any white country.

>and have sex with white women

Seriously, I can't tell if this is bait or not. Sup Forums is that garbage these days.
If you're honestly saying this, fucking kill yourself..

There is literally nothing wrong with two people of different races having consentual sex.


Yes, there is something wrong with people betraying their own kind for their own lusts.

A white nationalist believe that all people have right to self-determination, therefore his race must be preserved. A supremacist defends that caucasian people are superior and must subdue all others.

There are around 40 sub-species within the Caucasian race, and not one of them is ''white''.

Technically, white doesn't exist. Are you Italian? Nordic? Anglo? Iberian? Persian? Slav? or are you a mix between a few?

It's almost impossible to work out who's ''white'' as it's just a lost term. Only thing you can round it down to, is a Caucasian person who's western.

But yes, ethno nationalism is the way forward. Racemixing with Blacks, East Asians and Abos should be banned.

There's only one race that matters, the human race

Yes, there is. If they keep inbreeding both races will become one horrible thing without identity. Go shill somewhere else.


>Not being a white nationalist identitarian
LMAOing @ ur lyfe silly civics

racial identity is a spook

No, race is genetic. Forensic scientists can tell a person's race through a single drop of blood, a bone fragment, or a strand of hair.


What is a spook? I don't understand those american niglet slangs.

This news is showing how hard it is to find a bone marrow donator compatible in my country because of miscigenation. It proves that race exists.

"Consentual" sex without a final intent for creating a perpetual bond with someone (that will be the first stone to the creation of a family) is detrimental to both men and women.
If you plan a multiracial family out of "muh feels", your kids will have a harder time. Especially since the future doesn't seem bright for multiracial ideals.

A spook is like a meme that's taken too seriously

Liberals seem to be able to quickly figure out who's "white" and who's not when it comes to things like affirmative action
