Roaches are declaring war
what happens if 2 NATO members go to war with each other?
>UK agrees to lend soldier to Netherlands
>France and Italy also agree
>march across Europe into Greece
>attack Turkey on 2 fronts with Russia
>then pincer attack Islamic State with Syrian forces
The one who declares the war first gets nuked.
Take back Constantinople
May Kek cause chaos due to this event.
Praise kek, may he rain misfortune upon the shitskin turks
Article 5
The Parties agree that an armed attack against one or more of them in Europe or North America shall be considered an attack against them all and consequently they agree that, if such an armed attack occurs, each of them, in exercise of the right of individual or collective self-defence recognised by Article 51 of the Charter of the United Nations, will assist the Party or Parties so attacked by taking forthwith, individually and in concert with the other Parties, such action as it deems necessary, including the use of armed force, to restore and maintain the security of the North Atlantic area.
Any such armed attack and all measures taken as a result thereof shall immediately be reported to the Security Council. Such measures shall be terminated when the Security Council has taken the measures necessary to restore and maintain international peace and security .
Article 6 1
For the purpose of Article 5, an armed attack on one or more of the Parties is deemed to include an armed attack:
on the territory of any of the Parties in Europe or North America, on the Algerian Departments of France 2, on the territory of or on the Islands under the jurisdiction of any of the Parties in the North Atlantic area north of the Tropic of Cancer;
on the forces, vessels, or aircraft of any of the Parties, when in or over these territories or any other area in Europe in which occupation forces of any of the Parties were stationed on the date when the Treaty entered into force or the Mediterranean Sea or the North Atlantic area north of the Tropic of Cancer.
Attack first and you are probably fucked
so the tulips should provoke the roaches even more, god i hope wilders gets elected
Can someone tell me what the hell happened between Holland and Turkey in th past 48 hours?
In my understanding Turkeys ambasador got deported, but why?
Wow, I just read through all this stuff. I'm going to sleep. There's nothing substantial to read here. Go to sleep guys, it's nothing. I don't think we should be reading this, maybe we should sleep. We all must be so tired. It's time to rest. Aren't we here for keks and laughs not this serious mumbo jumbo, time to sleep guys. It's nothing. Please, let's rest. We are all so tired. Drink some liquor and take some sleeping medicine, we are so tired. It's time to sleep. Please, do not worry.
turkish minister got deported after the Tulips decided that those campaigning trip are illegal. And the dutch roaches obviously lost their shit in Rotterdam and around the dutch consulate.
It's Istanbul, not Constantinople
>pretending the west wont immediately side with the dutch and against the roaches
stop being a faggot
happened before, Roaches invaded Cyprus
Do the Dutch even have a military?
God wills it!
why did you let the roaches into NATO in the first place?
Is this correct?
>turk campaing in netherlands for a turkish party in Turkey
>its illegal to do it Netherlands
>Erdogan calls dutch racist
>turkish + liberal mob gets rallied
>police takes care of the more agressive ones
>dutch frag from turkeys ambassy in Istanbul gets replaced with turkeys flag
Pls correct me.
>france already gave the ok for roach speakers to speak, like germany
We'll be made the bad guys here by leftist cunts.
[spoiler]No.[/spoiler] Or more specifically a hopelessly starved for funding one, which essentially means the same.
Nexit when?
beats me
Our minister of defence is female.
Take a wild guess how effective our army is.
I will hurt you.
Soon my friend.
We could maybe invade Luxemburgh.
It's Byzantium, not Constantinople.
t. REAL greek
>leftist cunts control NATO
not anymore they dont
It was that or Ivan scoops them up. Their location is strategically important.
That's nobody's business but the Turk's!
Wilders victory CONFIRMED
There are no real Greeks anymore, just Turkish rape babies.
I have no problem going to war. But not with the military we have right now. Besides if a war starts all combat able men in the kingdom must serve. But we don't even have enough weapons and ammo for that.
Made my day.
Luxemburg army ~ 1000 men
The entirely of Anatolia is nothing but Turkishcised Greeks and a small minority of Mongols/Arabs/Armenians.
Master Race TURKS are burning ass... again
At least we don't use broomsticks on our tanks, Hans.
> it is legal to do so, but severely unwanted by us
> back chamber talks were still being held when Turks suddenly declared "if we cant land our plane there, we will impose sanctions, political and economical"
> we think: fuck you. OK, you cant land
> Turks send another member of cabinet by car from Germany to consulate in Rotterdam
> they actually send different cars to confuse Dutch authorities
> Turkish consul keeps on lying through the night that said minister is still in Germany
> said minister's car convoy is hold up at gasoline station
> they let them go to Rotterdam, Dutch government uses this time to re-think options
> at consulate, minister is physically held back from going into consulate; declared unwanted person, being thrown back into Germany
> turks lose their shit; riotd
> dutch people living there throw shit off of balconies almost killing roaches
> Turks raid Dutch consulate in Turkey
To be continued
I want to get back to Constantinople,
But I can't get back to Constantinople
'Cause it's Istanbul, not Constantinople.
Why did Constantinople get the lurch?
That's nobody's business but the Turks.
Well we have a lot more soldiers then that. But hardly enough equipment.
I never said that. The Roachs will loose their shit and then get glassed
So do we finally get to genocide roaches?
erdogan called the dutch nazi's.
what do you think the dutch should do to turkey?
Disgrace, half-naked woman drinking alchocol. Perverted stuff
Nope we had some Hellenized Hittite people than we exchanged them with Turks living at nowaday Greece
we flip a shekel to see which on wins.
Good luck with that, we're already here you infidel scum. Your own people will protect us until it's too late for you to fight back :)
He called us nazis
The roach protesters called the Dutch police "Jews"
Yeah, roaches.
Turks are nationalists, I thought we respect that?
send back all immigrants that arrived after the Turkey-Deal,
remove them from NATO
send back EVERYONE with a double Turkish-Dutch passport
close all trade deals with turkey
remove peacekeeping units from Turkish border area
Remove Patriot rocket installation from Turkish border area
remove every Turkish ambassador/diplomat
terminate all foreign political relations with Turkey
basically pretend they do not exist
>Burn all mosqs
>Sucker punch turks on the street
we need to send them back were they belong
Turkey is pretty based DESU famalams
tell me would the same happen in the nederlands??
based Turk bros literally btfo feminists cunts.
If you'd have actually served you'd know that we don't have enough M2's to equip all of our Dingos. So yeah, we neither have tanks, nor do we dont have to use broomsticks.
high energy digits confirmed
no worries, you have (((allies))) who are willing to ((((help))))
It's MiklagÄrd, not Istanbul
Ay yo we got turk'd!!!!
The Netherlands will bow before the Turkish and Maroccan Muslim overlords. Wallah ik zweer het!!!
turkey needs to fuck off.
i swear those vermin cunts will get what coming to them.
kick them out of nato and cancel their EU shit.
They are -may Tengri forgive me for uttering this word- c*mmies
Quranist Islam is better than any right wing releated thing
Nigga you can't just ethnically replace the entirely of an area as large as Anatolia, there was some heavy Greeco-Anatolian-Sematic mixing in the creation of the Turkish race.
Good day to you, Rare-user.
The place is fucking called Miklagard.
And it is Nordic clay.
>turkey comes out with it's arms swinging
>doesn't get fucked into oblivion because it got an exception once and it'll get it again with ease
seriously, fuck turks
when can we rid them from the face of the earth, they're worse than niggers and their sand dwelling variant
Schnell Gestalt any1 ?
Man i didn't want to say that but we genocide them too
>being thrown back into Germany
Thanks, dude.
if erdoroach gets his way chicks like this will be executed and you will have to behead children.
Turks are a primitive and savage people. Why do you think they were never let into the EU? The amount of money it would take to bring any infrastructural significance to anything 100 kilometers east of Ankara would ruin all countries in an afternoon.
They beat up old kurdish women who protest in taksim square for their dead sons in kurdistan.
Erdogan is the embodiment of this primitive and more conservative islamic ideology, and the nazi and facism irl shitposting is fucking hilarious to me. Time and time again has Erdogan shown he has no interest in a free press, an educated population or any opposition politically at all. The irony of his statements are just too much to handle.
Nationalist of the country you live, work and have citzienship in.
Not a 5th colum waiting in foreign land, that is called a traitor and should burn like a turkcroach
But it Will be renamed Constantinoble very soon
The fact that this is even a possibility shows us that Turkey should have never been accepted into the alliance.
Which UDO you served? Did you have to clean the rooms with the mop all the time?
T. Went through Offizeier Ausbildung in Belgium but let it slip because the pay is fucking shit
Germany could learn a thing or two from you blokes.
>> dutch people living there throw shit off of balconies almost killing roaches
Based dutchies
meanwhile we invade the UK more and fuck their ugly snaggletoothed women
>> dutch people living there throw shit off of balconies almost killing roaches
Kek, source?
>tfw nothing will come out of this
>They beat up old kurdish women who protest in taksim square for their dead sons in kurdistan.
Lol when that happened but whatever she deserved it for letting his son to join pkk
You forgot Spain we have a bitch too
Why did Netherlands started this retarded dick-vaving contest in the first place? THe last thing europe needs right now is to push Turkey even more into the Russian side.
Turks started. And if they want to play with the Russians, that's fine. I can't wait till they leave NATO...
I don't see why the Netherlands can't just give their country to Turkey. I mean, they settled there and started using the fridge. I think it goes against Human Rights to not give the Netherlands to Turkey.
Strategic location, they control the Bosphorus Strait where Russia has direct access via the Black sea to the middle east/Europe. By getting Roaches into NATO it was assumed we could puppet Turkey into closing and opening the straits at will to fuck with Russia.
Turns out they are the shittiest allies though
Kek vult !
shut the fuck up roach
I witnessed this for my self when i went there a few years back. It was when Galatasaray played at their old stadium.
They were mourning and protesting the kidnappings and killings of their sons.
PKK aside, maybe their boys did fight for them, maybe not.
Civilized people do not order the police to physically remove old ladies with force and pepperspray when they mourn their kids.
>You forgot Spain we have a bitch too
They're like 20 of them, Africa has some of the best...