I'm in the pit of diversity hell in Southern California
Planning to flee to Oregon or Washington
Where is Sup Forums going to white flight to?
I'm in the pit of diversity hell in Southern California
Planning to flee to Oregon or Washington
Where is Sup Forums going to white flight to?
No fleeing. You fight.
If all whites do is flee, we will be left on a circle the size of nickel in the North Pole by the end of the century.
How many negroes have you killed?
Shut the fuck up
Based off tinder pics WA is the way to go!
ya i gotta say I do love eastern WA. you can smoke a joint walking down the street. Cops are chill as fuck, Low amount of niggers so crime Isnt that high. Lax drug laws have caused an issue with Meth though, but I help clean that shit up by getting asshole squatting tweekers in trouble.
boo hoo, people don't look like you
>Planning to flee to Oregon or Washington
Stay the fuck out. Nobody wants your cancer here.
Go to Kentucky or Idaho or Oklahoma and be a faggot with the rest of your faggot kind.
shut the fuck up Thailand
I thought we were only 60%? This doesn't add up
where/when is this graph from?
This. Escaping will only make the things worse
Oregon here. Californians have already buttfucked this state to oblivion in many ways. And Washington is even worse.
>people don't act like you
The minority population isn't distributed evenly, it's highly concentrated in a few states
>Oregon or Washington
>Nobody wants your cancer here.
Guess what
You can't stop me
Reminder that shitskins and niggers are like a gas. They will take all the space you give them. Flee the big cities and this will be only a matter of time until they show up in the countryside. To survive, the white race has to reverse the trends. Go en masse to their neighborhoods, show that you're here and that it is your territory. Have a lot of children and teach them to be fearless. Have a strong in-group preference and never stay alone. Individualism and division is also one of the things that are slowly killing our race. This probably sounds insane to you but this is the easiest option that actually works. The best type of defense is that of going on the offensive
I'm moving to the northwest to ensure it remains white. California is already lost
>don't look like you
>talk like you
>walk like you
>act like you
>they hate you and want you dead
>invading by the hundreds of thousands
>this is somehow good
Godspeed user. But remember, as long as there is strong white men with high energy, there will still be hope.
He's a poor rice nigger, just ignore him
His mere existence is punishment enough.
Who /Kentucky/ here
u rite
does anyone think the goys are getting jewed with this northwest front meme?
>yessss, good idea, all the whites should congregate in the states that have the least influence in a national election, there will never be another republican president if this psyop is sucessful
please red pill me on this
I think you should spend less time on Sup Forums
>North Dakota
>One of the highest average state IQs
>One of the whitest states
>Highest average income of the top 10 whitest states
Why is ND so underrated?
They're both leftist-run shitholes. I'd say go for midwest or texas.
The Midwest has nothing going for it, and Texas is basically a Mexican colony
It's as interesting as the outback.
It's cold as fuck in the winter. Depressing scenery.
t. Fargo user
Feels good man.
t. Wisconsin