PSA: This will be your last chance at buying Ethereum before 45 USD. Missed the bitcoin train? Don't fuck up this time

PSA: This will be your last chance at buying Ethereum before 45 USD. Missed the bitcoin train? Don't fuck up this time.

Some info:
Ethereum has improved every technical aspect of bitcoin combined with having a built in programming language for infinite versatility. You could run an election on ethereum through smart contacts and it wouldn't be possible to even claim that "the election was hacked" as you could just check the code and pseudonymous transaction list yourself. Ethereum will also be the ultimate escrow service rendering banks completely useless. Want to bet with other 4channers anonymously about what outcome topic X will have? Make a smart contract that will release the money to the winner once the outcome is settled.

The Enterprise Ethereum Alliance (Microsoft, Intel, JP Morgan, Deloitte etc) are currently in the process of building decentralized applications (dApps) on top of Ethereum. All of this will increase the value of Ethereum by an absurd amount. Some of their prototypes will be released here:

You can get Ethereum fron coinbase or Kraken. Or buy bitcoins at and trade it for Ethereum on Poloniex. Visit Sup Forums for general Ethereum discussion.

Other urls found in this thread:

People need to realize blockchain tech is how we fix a shitload of problems with corruption and transparancy, all while removing parasitic industries within, not just the finance world, but all industries.

Inefficiencies in systems or markets allows parasitic opportunists to create rent seeking or middlemen businesses. These things just divert capital flows in ways that distort the true economic transaction. ( producer profits less, consumer pays more).

tldr; everthing OP said, + blockchain tech is a discovery on part with the telephone, airmail, networked machines.

We're living in some interesting times. The SEC declined the Winklevoss bitcoin ETF due to them not being able to control it. It unironically made me think.

>Visit Sup Forums for general Ethereum discussion.
I meant: Visit /biz/ for general Ethereum discussion.

> It unironically made me think.

This isn't just another litecoin? Quark coin?

nope that's true 3.0 cryptocurrency
unlike BTC and others that are 2.0
BTC have been centralised by Chinese miners who are now in control of the BTC
Etherum can't be centralised

Thanks for the tip user

Eth already compromised post-DAO, trash currency. BTC price-fixed by chinese farmers. Cryptocurrency is dying and yet the only hope.

which site in your screenshot?

What about XMR, SIA?

Does ETH have a cap like BTC?

If so what is it?

Those just had some technical aspects of bitcoin improved. Try sending funds through Ethereum, the ETH will (almost) instantly be available on the other account. But the amazing aspect of Ethereum is the possibility to program decentralized apps on top of Ethereum so there are no limitations. On March 14th Ethereum domain names will be available so you can start registering .eth domain names for the new decentralized internet with no servers and no censorship.

What is your concrete problem with Ethereum? They had some bumps in the beginning, but their meetings/lectures available on youtube are extremely convincing.

Poloniex. But I monitor the price at

100 million. No inflation (yet many on Sup Forums claims it will have inflation, but the devs have refuted this)

Ethereum already forked to revert the DAO hack. It's just destroyed all credibility as a sustainable blockchain currency. If they will revert actual market changes for one person there's no telling if it will revert for something in the future.

Best place to convert some BTC into this? I haven't paid attention to cryptocurrencies for years

Maybe I should research this more before acting.

The EEA praised them for solving the problem the way they did. There was no rollback and no one lost their funds. It was of course unfortunate, but also something that can't happen again.


Regarding the DAO hack:

It's a sort of internal-legality ambiguousness. One specific Eth based organization, the DAO, set up their entire (majority of all Eth anywhere) software-contract as law.
>The Code is the Contract

So whatever transactions occurred inside this organization were permitted because you can't defy the software. Naturally someone "hacked" it and stole like millions of dollars worth of whatever.
>Software is word of law, except when it does something you don't like

Ethereum the blockchain decided this was bad, even though the internal-law wasn't broken, and undid these changes. Like if bitcoin suddenly decided china never did any mining after all and they didn't own anything now.

Thanks guys.

Probably to get btc then take those BTC to poloniex and exchange for ETH

Do not pay heed to the butthurt bitcoiner. The fork was a nescessary thing. To allow the dao hacker to hold a vast ammount of stolen ETH before the move over to proof of stake would have destroyed the entire network. The fork was voted on by the miners and consensus was achieved. Bitcoin itself has hard forked in the early days and because it is 100% controlled by the chinese it will probably hard fork again with much worse results.

Yeah seems like a necessary evil, just considering how much btc to exchange now.

>You can get Ethereum from Kraken.


Ethereum is fundamentally flawed because the underlying language, Solidity, fails miserably when you need to apply "code is law" to a smart contract (good luck spending millions of dollars to audit your piece of code and still getting hacked). The future of smart contract platforms is something like Tezos, which uses functional language.

Ethereum will get dumped when people finally realize it can't be reliably used for the only thing it's made to do.

Ethereum is the logical conclusion of cryptocurrency. Due to it's turing complete programmability it has made all other cryptocurrencies obsolete. Any feature of any other cryptocurrency can be achieved in ethereum with a few lines of code.

Ethereum is rapidly becoming industry standard for blockchain applications and the number of developers working on the platform vastly outnumbers any crypto including bitcoin.

By trading bitcoins for it.

Or just buy it directly with FIAT. But desu I prefer to just get BTC from localbitcoins and trade on poloniex, fastest route for me.

You are incorrect. you've been reading to much fud from butthurt bagholders of other obsolete altcoins

>to allow the dao hacker
How can a blockchain make such an allowance at all? This undermines the core concepts behind having a cryptocurrency even if it isn't a centralization issue.
>stolen ETH
Legally earned
>consensus was achieved
Except where it wasn't, there is no unified ethereum blockchain post-fork. There are multiple versions.

I'll be laughing when any of those projects start to be worth any amount of money and they'll instantly get hacked because Vitalik didn't have a fucking idea he was doing when he created ethereum.

The DAO was first smart contract worth anything and it got pwnd almost instantly.

I'm sure Ethereum has a few more vulnerabilities that will be abused

Cyrpto Currency is a fucking sham. GTFO with your pump and dump scheme you fucking jew

I am correct and you know it. You jsut want to keep people in the dark with hopium and lies. The collapse is inevitable and there is nothing you can do about it, maybe the next smart contract platform does it right.

Some people who werent happy with the fork continued to use the old eth classic chain. That is their right to do that and a fair result if you ask me. So what is the complaint? Everyone got what they wanted.

>BTC have been centralised by Chinese miners who are now in control of the BTC
Please tell me how it has been centralised.

Heard that before
About multiple coins

You're an idiot my friend. Cryptocurrency is the future. And ethereum is at the forefront of it.

Yeah, everyone's happy when you divide your userbase and ruin adoption, devaluing it. Even without other factors.

any one know where i can buy Ethereum with a unverified paypal account?

Yet the new chain stole the name and all the value of ethereum. The whole thing was a huge fiasco that destroyed all the credibility the project had.

No. You really haven't. The solidity programming language is what everybody is learning. In london alone there are about 5 workshops offering solidity courses and despite them being expensive as fuck they are all fully booked. Why? Because ethereum is fintech industry standard

No not really you are still operating on 2016 outdated fud.

It's ok. I don't care if you want to stay poor.

You can't really do such a thing

>It's the future
Blind faith, did your cyrstal ball tell you that? Fact is the value of crypto coins are propped up by the volume of nerds mining cryptocoins in their basements. Absoluetly useless, it's a fiat currency more unsustainable than the USD. Invest in real tangible assets, friend

don care

horde bitcoin

do whatever reinderr games you want withj your baby currency

How many of those coins had Fortune 500 companies making decantrlized apps for them?

Try localbitcoins.

The Ethereum Enterprise Alliance was formed long after the fork.

It's a free market. If you believe in ETH classic, go for it, If you believe in ETH, go for it. If you're an angry nocoiner, go for it.

It is not blind faith. It really is the future. Don't be a sad little nocoiner your whole life mate. Make a change

And what happens when EEA or someone else decides its time to fork again?

I'm not arguing against Ethereum technically, it seems perfectly adequate.

Is it possible and reasonable to pool mine Ethereum right now?

My computer is very modern.

You've almost sold me on it. I need to look into this further to build up the courage to risk the BTC.

No, it definitely stole the name of the original chain and the name which, associated with every single fucking exchange, naturally also held the value.

are we all gonna be millionaires?

They cannot just decide to fork, it requires miners to agree to mine the new chain.

EEA does not control ethereum. They are just the companies that agree that ethereum is industry standard and solidity is the method of doing smart contracts.

Anyone care to explain the downside of ETH?

All this positive shit is fine, I want to know what the risks are before I make investments.

DAO didn't control ethereum either, it requires SOME PORTION of miners to agree to the new chain the others get thrown out of the market.

It is etc that stole the name. The vast majority of the network is ETH. Etc is just for the eternally butthurt bitcoin maximalist trolls.

How do you know it's the future, can you predict the global economic climate 10 years from now? There are so many variables and complexeties surrounding cryptocurrencies that I wouldn't wager my money on it. What happens when it becomes impossible to liquidate your cash, if shops ever decide to back out of trading in bitcoins? You're fucked.


Can I get a quick rundown on how crypto currencies work? where does there value come from?

Yeah ok. It is clear that you know nothing of what you're talking about. Listen, you can either buy ethereum and retire early or you can carry on being a nocoiner and kill yourself in 3 years time when you remember posting in this thread. It's up to you.

Solidity is simply too expensive for any any contract that has more than a little money in it. For anyone to trust in a smart contract created using solidity it needs to be security audited, which will cost shit loads of money and time so it will most likely be cheaper, easier and less risky to just use legacy techniques.

No, it was the new fork which stole the name of the original chain. It was also a way to deceive people to believe it was the original.

/biz/ actively talks about ethereum daily, there's FUD on both sides but eventually you get enough info to make your own opinion. Also the bitcointalk thread.

Maybe, do your own research.

Both chains exists. The devs support the ETH chain so that's why it's the official one.

>not already a being a millionaire
>not training an army of lollies

hope you are under 30,. if not you have failed at life

bitcoin is the first viable solution to the byzantine general problem

so far none of the knockoffs have done anything to impress me

has Sup Forums become the new Sup Forums?

>Both chains exists. The devs support the ETH chain so that's why it's the official one.

The devs pledged to support the original chain, so they already did a fraud there.

Its not about which chain the devs support as much as which chain the indices and exchanges support.

This feels like a scam how can I know its real?

No, its for real. Trust me I bought a ton of stock when it was around 32$ a share. I'm holding onto it for the long term. Many companies us it and once people figure out what it can be used for it'll explode! in value!

No, its for real. Trust me I bought a ton of stock when it was around 32$ a share

Nice try at false flag shilling, nocoiner.


It's not a scam. The maker of this product may have austism (lol!). Much like us he probably lurks here often. Just read the notes posted in the main post at the top for information. I was a little leary of it as well but after purchasing and doing my research, I figured out that it is a great product and will service a LOT of interests world wide.

Can it increase the size of my penis? Will nigerian princes give me lottery winnings?

$32? Wow its like about to hit $50! Thats insane returns and its not even big yet! I'll be buying some for sure! Thank you for your advice based user. Praise Kek! lol

Hans what the fuck are you doing?

No its certainly not a scam. I sold all my bitcoins since the crash and put that money into this! It's a great new investment that will really diversify my portfolio. My money manager is always telling me I need to do that, so why not for this product?


As previous posters have said, yes this product is well researched and totally safe. I bought a ton myself after selling all of my ((((crypto)))) currency that recently crashed and put it into this almost impossibly safe, well known investment. This product's awareness can only go up!

Hans stahp, pls

Geh dich im Wald erhängen

Bitchcoiners will always try to cling on to the hope that their shitcoin is not obsolete.

Ethereum is the future of crypto. Bitcoin failed

I'm still not sure about buying though. What is stopping the company from just taking my money and running like Mt Gox and bitcoin?

Bitcoin failed, ethereum tier tech is the future but ethereum the blockchain.... dunno.

Germoney you are truly greatest ally. I just purchased several hundred pounds worth of this stable and reliable currency

Great questions; Ethereum is a platform on which other applications can be made. While there is no gaurenntee that something like Mt Gox could happen again, it wont be from Ethereum. Their blockchain is way more secure and not made by some pissskin in Japan.

As other posters have previously said, yes Ethereum is way better than bitcoin. I couldn't agree more. IT. IS. THE. FUTURE.

>but their meetings/lectures available on youtube are extremely convincing.

can you link these? I'm getting a lot of garbage videos when I search

no, Germany, make an online currency called HitlerBux, and then sell it to Sup Forums

Bitcoin is for currency
Eth is for software.

What part of Eth is worthless don't you understand?

Gee thanks Krautron, your opinion is valuable to me.

Bitcoins blockchain was broken. Thats why Mt Gox lost everyone money. It was stolen. With Ethereum, this can not happen ever! It's 100% safe even from the NSA and those hackers at wikileaks.

So thanks to this thread i bought 200$ worth of ethereum, now what should i do with it?

I assume just sit on them until the price skyrockets like bitcoin?



Thats why the jews at Goldman Sachs buy blockchain startups to try to find out how to corrupt the tech that could end corruption and their business model.

Vitalik is getting better and better at lectures/interviews. The early ones he's a full blown aspie and his points are lost in a sea of stuttering and confusion. Here's a pretty good one:

This one has a too large audience so he's a bit aspie and the cameracrew are idiots:

You can find their skype meetings on youtube as well.

When I daytrade crypto I always loose in the long run. I buy ETH and BTC 50/50 and just sit on it and watch the price for fun.

thank you

Where and how do you store ETH?
Is it a special wallet or something?

I know shit about this.

Use the official wallet here. Some people store them online at coinbase/kraken.

Are you jewing me now Norway?
I'm about to buy some of these moneys and I don't like being jewed.

Sounds pretty bad...