What do you guys think of shoe0nhead?
What do you guys think of shoe0nhead?
I like her enough to cum on her face if I could, and occasionally listen to her video's.
garbage "SJWs are stupid" nothing-speak, she has nothing interesting to say and if she wasn't hot nobody would give a shit about her
coal burner therefore trash.
coalburner, opinion discarded
Also, "anti-feminist" but is in reality, a feminist, albeit not a third wave one. First wave feminism was a mistake, the second was a tragedy, and the third is apocalyptic.
Fucked a nigger
TL;DR irrelevant
good point
loud, kind of okay in terms of humor.
7/10 bantz
but dem chokers, hnnnnnngggggg
opportunistic chan-whore that clearly doesn't believe a word of the shit she talks about. riding the anti-sjw bandwagon hard. wants attention like most other females jumping on this train. nobody would listen to a fucking word she has to say if she wasn't fuckable.
here, read the whole list
Shit tier youtuber and shill for candid, 0/10
explain karen straughan then
I would definitely rape her on the Day of the Rope, might even keep her as a sex slave.
Living cum rag
Cringy boxxy wannabe spouting edgy and controversial opinions in a bid for attention.
>waah, they aren't right wing SJWs, they're fucking terrible
is karen a trump supporter?
10/10 body.
I heard she burned coal.
whoa... really makes u think
can you say Dick1nMouth
coal burning attention whore
boring, try-hard that wants to get on the altright meme bandwagon xD xD xD
Nah seriously, she is annoying and just rephrases everything she hears
go home ezra
dis not er
i would like her to kiss the tip of my penis
Attention whore
where is her fempenis
Looks Kuwaiti.
oh naive. there are photos of her and her nigger ape, just google it you ucking frog good for nothing
>screen-capping your pathetic (you)
She's a sexy half japanese yankee bitch
Detailed on ED.
Holy shit is that actually her?
you are like a baby
watch this
She's a happa?
>caring so much about other anons
pay a bit more attention to the "1 post by this ID" part
Hmm, 9/10, point reduction because of the stretch marks around her waist/pelvis
She looks like it, I really don't know though
Only a bluepilled girl would accept
cocks under 7". Of course she would have a taste of the BBC
just a pretty face taking advantage of what's in fashion to think these days to make herself some cash on the interwebs.
smart girl
You guys are not even trolling, what a whore
any feet pics
Not her, every door has a hinge you dingus
this is the real one
Not her.
Wrong sword, wrong body, wrong face, could have been from her past but she was never far and didn't know the guy with the sword back then.
Ffs this was debunked months ago
You think she enjoys anal?
cool she is still coalburner so her cure is bullet in the back of the head no matter what
Guys. how can she become my gf?
What if all the nudes we've ever gotten of famouse people were just CIA leaks....cause...muh vault 7...
all the pics are fake because shoe on head has a penis
you need to be black apparently
Never really said anything outstanding. her novelty was that she is a pretty hot chick speaking out against "progressive" culture. That's it.
Other than that I just want to cum on her face, And I had to tap out on the collaborations she was doing with Armored Skeptic as I felt like a huge cuck seeing him get to do all the things I'd like to do to a chick like her.
>muh nigger
stay based
she's South Italian, an Arabomoorish mongrel. never ever ever would I fuck her tight pussy
Liberal coalburner.
The only thing she does is shit on feminists and complain about racism and that's it.
kill greg
She is white woman, dumb whore to begin with
Found one.
>her tight pussy
obviously not stretch marks, just low bf
Muh dick
What u find peckerwood? Ya dick? lmao
stop roleplaying retard
don't let the police kill you on your way out of Sup Forums nigger
I'm autistic, the only coalburners I watch are documentaries on trains.
dtf and into cp
but im too busy playing video games, trolling people, hording bitcoins and ammo to care.
Why is her left nipple higher on her left tit than her right nipple on her right tit?
>what did she mean by this?
V& good luck with the raid team, kid
They still serve a purpose of initiating the redpill for normies. Would you rather these people didn't exist and give anti-leftism an even smaller platform?
Man, would kill for a side on pic. She's got an ass on her too.
I disagree with PJW
nice tits,shame its fake.
as if she has tits that big
Autistic, unattractive, recycles other's content, unashamed corporate shill
There has never been a thread ever created about this topic. Not even once. No sir-ee. I checked archive 4 plebs and nobody knows of Ole June the coalburner.
*teleports behind
*snaps neck
*throws coin onto u
buy ur ticket 2hell
It's real.
>Lauren Southern is Jewish
When will this fucking MEME die?? She did a genetic heritage test for fuck's sake!
[citation needed]
Ideally they wouldn't exist and right-wing culture would be the mainstream.
Sup Forums is not "entry level" antileftism, although it IS a powerful tool to convert others. We don't need any more e-celeb bullshit here, let alone (((entry-level))) bullshit. Leave it to the youtube comment sections and reddit trolls to bridge the gap.
that image helps define the borders between entry-level antileftism and final-stage traditionalism. A normie who watches rebel media is BETTER than a normie leftist, of course, but nowhere near as valuable as a normie fascist. If you want more Sup Forumstards, you should be beyond okay with that image.
If you don't want more Sup Forumstards, why are you here friend?
she's a half nigger spic which is the same as jews
and I'm sure it was 100% accurate, goy. Now buy her book!
candid shill
she is cucking armoured right now
pretty cute for a tranny
They're obviously stretch marks I don't know what you're looking at
>cucking armored
citation needed
A coalburner? That guy looks white or arabic or hispanic.... These aren't the niggers you're looking for
I disagree with him as well :^)
What about her? Karen Strong has an extensive backlog of videos masterfully breaking down the male-female dynamic. She is able to wax poetic about the true motivation behind things. Very intelligent and cerebral with a sharp sense of humor.
Why would you even compare the two?
LMAO you're a fucking autistic weeb
hella fake and hella gay, pics boobs are out of control big and perky to the point of an obvious boob job.
not all doors have the same hinges