It's sunday, time to vote again..
The official /ourguy/
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You ethnic idiot
The Grand Warlock desu
oh no, forgot J. B. Peterson again.. well fuck
>no Jim
who is Jim? the autistic kid who invoked kek in public??
Is Jordan aiming for stardom?
>The Jordan B Peterson Podcast is now 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 and 10 of the top 10 iTunes higher ed podcasts.
>who is Jim?
come on lad, how long have you've been here?
next time I'll drop Ben Shapiro and put him instead. nobody gonna vote for Ben anyways
you forgot him
One vote for the doc, he has quoted Goebles before....
I didn't, he's "someone else" lol
Look goys someone on your side has a slightly different take on an issue, you better go get them and don't mind me while I rape your entire race and civilization.
> Trusting Milo the pedophile and Shapiro the kike
Richard or Duke, r/the donald fags leave
All those people are shills who only seek popularity and nothing more
>mfw half of those guys
did you make this to trigger Sup Forums?
Duke,Taylor, Styx, Baron. /ourguys/
GUYS guys I think you should add our good friend and ally George Soros.
wait and see for Laren Southern
>David Duke
>4 votes
I put them inf for fun yeah.. and also to demonstrate how few votes they'll get
so, who'd you suggest?
Why the fuck would you like styx.
He's an underweight autist rambling from his glassed front porch
> pewdiepie
>richard taylor
he's winning, also, he won last time with ca 25%...
I was hoping Baron would beat him this time, but I doubt it.
he's nearly fence but he doesn't appear to be a jew puppet like gavin
Suggestion for /ourgirl/
>Gapin McAnus
>(((Lauren Southern)))
How many layers of Reddit are you on?
There's a reason there in, also, Lauren got fired from (( rebel media )) and Gavin criticized their trip to Israel..
kek the state of this poll
what about sam hyde
>Richard Taylor
will consider for next time..
lol, brain fuckup.. you can notice I did put a J. Taylor in the image
this is like "whos the queen of Sup Forums?"
and we get to see some tits or ass at least
what you have here is FAIL
get this faggoty /ourguy/ bullshit off my Sup Forums
>t. 12 year old
Richard Spencer is obviously /ourguy/, he took a fist to the face to normalize Nazism in America. I used to not care about him, but now I respect him.
yeah, I can't believe he gets outvoted by a faggot like Styx..
I'm gonna remove styx form the poll next time lol
Yeah you should let your personal bias dictate what you put in a public poll like this if you don't like the results.
it was a joke styx.. congrats on being third against such competition.
I wasn't being sarcastic.
>Normies favorite youtuber gets more votes that Jared Taylor
Is this a joke ?
Nobody knows abut Rich.. I mean Jared Taylor. We need to promote him more obviously.
ben shapiro gives the most in terms of substantive activism against anything we'd call cultural marxism. You should all want him as a supreme court judge let alone president.
>michelle fields incident
>looses his nerves because of "stereotypical badger" memes
Styx's teeth should have their own category.
I'll grant all of that but his literally the best writer and speaker on that list. You cannot give the left or any other anti right centrist party, ben by default. He would never turn against his ideas though, so yeah.
this is just too convincing;