No computer
No smartphone
No ipads and shit
give your brain some rest, Sup Forums
you can cure your ADHD naturally
No computer
No smartphone
No ipads and shit
give your brain some rest, Sup Forums
you can cure your ADHD naturally
No. The information age is amazing for circulating truth.
Maybe if you weren't so busy stealing bikes you would realize your phone can be used for more than buying drugs.
Go ahead. Try that.
I guess then u'll need friends and a GF,...are you sure you are adressing the right population?
Sure but how will you live?
My little brother, 4th grade, has classroom with a smartboard and has computer clssd. As a student, i heavily rely on my latop for notes, powerpoint, ebooks. Most adults also rely on technology for work, at the minimum stuff like word or excel. Screens at mcdonalds now. Touchscreen phones even if you just want to make a call. Gps navigation on car. Its impossible desu
Putain de dégénéré!
Les mecs comme toi sont la raison pour laquelle la France va si mal.
pardon ? il t'arrive quoi la
TV is overrated though
plus I don't fucking have ADHD
your addicted to screens just like ((((they)))) planned
I would not call it no-screen life.
But you are correct, we live a degenerate life.
We live way to comfortable today. We need stress (the right kind of stress) to be healthy.
Just like working out stresses the muscle and the body prepares for this stimuli, growing muscles to face this stress again.
Just like vaccines prepare your body, a small dosage and your body reacts to it.
How do we live today?
If you are hungry you walk to the fridge, or you order something, or you eat out. No stress like it used to be. You had to hunt your food, it was exhausting, sometimes you had days without food, adrenaline. This is all the stress we are missing today. There is a reason why fasting is healthy.
I'll give you a choice then:
1. live in the mountain. climb up trees everyday (workout!) and live around 120 years. cons: you won't even reach the steady ground. let alone travel around the world
2. live in the civilization. get education, work and get the many pleasures in life you won't get by living in the mountains. if you were lucky enough you may land on a 5-digit income with paid vacation. cons: you only get to live 60 years due to pollution, not getting workout, frozen fast food.
and I got a penta...
Why not the middle ground?
If we know that fasting is healthy it is your decision to apply it. It does not matter if you live in the mountains or your city apartment. Give your body the stress of fasting.
I'm talking about small things. For example I sold my TV, no Netflix subscriptions or similar shit. There was a time where I watched series and movies on a daily basis. You won't believe how much more you enjoy a good movie in the cinema after not watching anything for a few weeks/months.
Flooding your brain constantly with dopamine is degenerate. If you want entertaining you just need to turn on your TV, or laptop, or PS4. Instead of doing something active, going out and earning those happiness hormones. Preparing your meals instead of ordering. Try to get fucking laid instead of porn. Building your own coffee table instead of buying one. Going out and catch some sunlight instead of supplementing with Vitamin D. Walking instead of driving. Small things we stopped doing because it is uncomfortable.
This instant gratification is degenerate.
point is quality over quantity. doesn't matter if you only get to live 60 years, when it has tons of experience that living in the mountains can't give you.
it's good at least in little bits
go out without anything connecting you, maybe just a basic cellphone
take a weekend totally unplugged in Nature somewhere
or even a longer retreat
thing's trendy now
then go back to whoring yourself on your cams and comms
tu m'as l'air aigri.
You don't get it.
The 'quality' you are talking about is what harms us. We damage our health with it.
Okay, enjoy your life without working out and fast food. But I can assure the last ten years of your 'quality' life will be horrible. Especially because doctors treat symtoms, not causes. Take this pill and this pill, here some insulin, there is your scooter.
Also I have to strongly disagree with your assumption that you can't enjoy life while living healthy.
Being active is fun, working out does not mean spending hours in the gym. You can go biking, hiking, surfing, swimming, play basketball with your buddies....
Cooking your own meals is fun, especially with friends. And it tastes great.
Instead of playing Call of Duty go play some paintball with your friends.
This is quality!
but the magnetic fields are the only things keeping the filthy american government's capability slightly reduced
Put the burritos down Angie
I'm addicted to screens because society rejected. because nobody want's to employ me, nobody wants to hang out with me. What the hell am I supposed to do with my life?
get back to life
find a job, find some friends
google "how to become an interesting person"
The truth about why people have used the information age to fuck people over?
You can't make the same thread over and over again my welfare receiving muslim friend.
I agree. The world is too safe. There are too many safety nets and not enough challenges.
>You don't get it.
>The 'quality' you are talking about is what harms us
then you can go to the mountains now. I have some earnings to do for my next abroad vacation
>find a job
Yes, just let me hop into my job suit and shoot myself with a job cannon into a job land where jobs grow on jobbies.
There is nothing to google, you cannot change the way your brain works. I'm a simply boring, I was born that way.
Get a job in construction. They're always hiring
I'm a civil engineer and I've been unemployed since I graduated in 2014. I've never even had a job.
>Is the [insert word] life a healthy life ?
you'll fail miserably cutting out some habit from one day on the other. just limit the amount of time or cut it out every second day.
failing completely will just depress you and damage your confidence.
s-sorry Sup Forums
I-I learnt the lesson.
Damn. That post was like a punch to the gut
hahahahahaa job in this country.
What did yoou finis?
>being easily manipulated
Good lad
Its kinda true but the detriments that guy mentioned only really come from the more caustic boards like Sup Forums.
Good lad ted