What do you think about him?
George W. Bush
Okay artist. I hope his asshole is okay from Cheney having his hand up it for 8 years.
Piece of shit neocon.
he kept us safe
Literally the reason why we needed Trump. It was his doing that made Islam invade the western world. He should be hanged for his crime against humanity. He orchestrated the fall of the twin towers, spent 5 trillion on the war in the middle east and killed thousands of innocent civilians and soldiers.
Trump is literally bush 3..
Obama was Bush 3. Trump is anything but.
Its true what they say about you, you really are autistic.
2x trigger buff
Hillary was no different than Obama and Bush. All of them were neocon hacks who destabilized the Middle East for corporate profit, while flooding our country with shitskins.
Obama reduced US military casualties by 98% and US military troop presence in the ME by 90%
Only right wing retards think a few drone strikes in Yemen is equivalent to Bush's invasion of Iraq
Obama resisted putting boots on the ground in Yemen
It's true. Obama, Bush, Hillary. A piece of shit by any other name stinks just as bad.
He followed Bush's exit plan, which was a gigantic mistake. Look at the middle east now. We left and ISIS filled the power vacuum (with a few billion in aid from Obama and Hillary, naturally).
Destabilizing Libya and Syria, while staging bombing campaigns in 5 other Muslim countries is just as bad. It's what led to the current refugee crisis. Thanks Obama.
Are you saying that Obama didn't put soldiers in Yemen?
Legitimate retard who genuinely believes Iraqis would greet him with flowers and Iraq would turn into a magical democracy overnight. Cheney and Wolfowitz fed him bullshit and told him what to do, and he believed them cause he thought he would be avenging papa bush not being able to take out Saddam in 1991
He said they're the same in type, not degree. How is Syria btw
Always liked him. Still like him.
The American invasion of Iraq cost 1 trillion dollars, so Obama did a budgeted version of the same thing in Libya and Syria, instead of sending America troops, he hired Islamist terrorist mercenaries to do the same thing. Most of the FSA fighters are Turks and Chechen paid mercenaries from the former USSR, that's why Russia is so shitscared of them and wants to defeat them. They know if these guys win, it's game over for Putin.
>*standing ovation*
Had he any choice after 9/11?
Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11. The CIA lied to get us into a war, the same way they're prodding us towards war with Russia.
>terrorist attack done by Saudi group composed of Kuwaitis based in Afghanistan funded by Pakistan with foreknowledge by Israel
>"hmm let's attack the one secular country in the Middle East that opposes Islamism"
Nice guy, tries hard,loves the game.