Why does this state have the biggest % increase in white people?
Why does this state have the biggest % increase in white people?
Who knows
All I know is they are all a bunch of Hillary supporting faggots
Yeah but white Hillary supporters, give it 5 years
They all have like 5 wives and 30 kids each.
Its Utah. Thats where the Mormons live.
>Mormonism/Conservatism/Family Values
>Huge Families
>implying there was a difference between voting shillary and trumpsrael
They make big white families.
Well three cheers for the Mormon fags then
Look at this shit. Again. American started thread, practically no posts - and still fucking open. MODS ARE RACIST
the weird cult of mormanism rules the land
Mormons have at minimum 4 kids. They get married early as well. Generally their whole religion is fucking nuts but they are good people and they have good family values.
Holy shit! Columbia, who lives there - lots of blacks?
Probably Mormonism- them white niggas have 5 wives and 20 kids
multiple wives and marrying the wives young as humans have done for millennia when they were growing at their fastest rate
>muslim tier underage rape culture
k dude
The fuck are you talking about? Trump won Utah
Fuck. Barely one faggot in here and still the thread stays up.
Cults usually encourage their members to reproduce as much as possible. Mormonism and Christianity as a whole are both cults, but Mormonism is a smaller cult and so its members subconsciously feel a greater need to multiply.
All Mormons have Aids
All Mormons have AIDS and live off EBT cards while Section 8 invades their neighborhoods
And....nothing. That means I win the thread, fuck you all
Fuck you!!!
The Mormons concentrated in Utah for protection. Once they became the majority and controlled the government and social institutions, they started to expand. They've got a good hold on Idaho now. It's going to get weird as they expand control over Nevada given that state's dependency of vice.
I live in Utah.
Joseph Smith.
Right now this is probably the lowest value thread in Sup Forums because of American mormons
Die thread die. Die of aids
This time the thread gets fucking buried for sure
What the fuck? Why is it counting down from a hundred now? Fuck you Joseph Smith
Utahfag here.
Because white Mormons love to reproduce as many white children as possible, despite the stupid cult's mandate to diversify by encouraging racemixing.
Utah may be one of the last holdout white majority ethnostates as USA leans to become the majority-minority in the next decade or so.
Eventually white Mormons and non-Mormons in Utah will be red-pilled and protect their white bloodline.
Also, Utah is overwhelmingly of white British heritage, including me. Other than (wetback gibberish) Spanish language as the common language after English...German is third most commonly spoken language, and that's usually confined to college.
Utah have the most beautiful white qt 3.14 girls outside California. That is why "college-bound" and "DJ aspiring" niggers move to Utah to pursue white pussy, and I've seen it.
Oh for fucks sake! You just saved the most shit thread in Sup Forums user! Fuck you. Fuck you for saving it
christ dude are you a sperg or something
>They all have like 5 wives and 30 kids each
they're living the dream
In a generation or two you'll start seeing the same thing in Kansas with traditional catholics. They basically took over Pattawatomie country 30 years ago and things really started to pick up 20 years ago. Look at doz demographics.
Biggest 5 year demographic is under 5 LOL.
59% projected growth, hardly any immigration. Lol.
No I'm not. But this thread was going to sink and I was going to have the pleasure of watching it do so. And now I don't get to - and thats your fault user! Entirely your fault
I hope you are pleased with yourself
desu I would like mormons if they didn't worship Mitt Romney like he's the second coming
White people are moving there for work since CO, CA, OR, and WA are full.
>less than 40% non-hispanic whites in Commiefornia
>it's a cesspool of filth and degeneracy
its the state of Mormonism. Mormons have about 10 wives each and 2-3 kids per wife. Its the islam of christianity. Hence all of the new white faces on the birth records.
Utah fag reporting. Do people really believe this shit still? You've got to go way the fuck off of the beaten path to find polygamists; they've been completely ostracized by the rest of the community, Mormon or otherwise.
mormonism is islam for white people
Utahfag here.
Utah state government have already passed the bill that criminalizes polygamy/bigamy.
It's a redundant point, and it's still a sore point for the Mormons especially legislators, and they want to bury the past. Mormon Church owns Utah government, as a matter of fact, hence a benign theocracy by pressuring legislators of the same faith to vote their way on "critical political issues."
More redpill info for you below with essay by former Mormon turned Christfag legislator. Utah is fucked up.
Mormons are Good and True people
Checked my dude
Mormon church does not own the State government - the Feds do. Utah is majority federal land and controlled like a concentration camp. The small state and private land owned is a checkerboard of reservations.
I would rather have Mormons own the State - things would be much better.
Bro, I grew up in the church. I understand the sentiment. I just can't believe people still think mormons take eleven wives.
It is a sort of half assed punishment for mild rebellion against the govt of the time.
Me too, and I've been an ex-Mormon since 2009 as formally resigned, after being inactive since about 1999.
Polygamy represents a tiny percentage anywhere, especially by Mormons, always fundamentalist or even breakaway offshoot.
As for me, I'd love to have the harem of hot white wives to sire dozens of children. But realistically, I'm a poorfag loser stuck in Utah with nowhere to move. I only have my true-believing Mormon family for social contact and nobody else. It's very isolating.
I mean that as a general rule of thumb Mormons run Utah state that have the raindown effect on everyone with their often overreaching legislative bullshit such as alcohol regulation and keeping pot criminalized with the worst and high rate of hard drug addiction in this state thanks to poverty, displacement and other factors, that led to drug epidemic especially meth.
Utah Mormons love wetbacks as cheap labor, and it shows with their coddling politics for "muh business profit and conversion" with driving privilege card and instate tuition and sanctuary cities besides SLC.
Mormons running Utah government is the way it is, and the atmosphere can feel stifling sometimes.
This said, I've seen and met HOT Mormon qt 3.14's, but Jesus, they're snobby and superfinicky.
I know that feel
This is some next level shit right here