How does it feel like when your candidate turns out to be just like Hillary would have been?
How does it feel like when your candidate turns out to be just like Hillary would have been?
except a lot worse
hillary wouldn't try to come along with putin. So would be a lot worse, she would have taken war to a next dangerous level
>hillary wouldn't try to come along with putin
and Trump is?
looking from a geopolitical perspective he only said words, his facts speak for themselves
also reminder that he is NOT truly in charge of the US
the Federal Reserve and the Congress are
trump is doin pretty good man
ikr, i like him
Take a chill.
Or a red pill.
Don't be a dill.
pol's favourite buzzword
It helps that there are so many shills being paid to post crap and be called out.
But he is right, he is telling the truth.
You are a shill and Trump is the opposite of Hillary.
>How does it feel like when your candidate turns out to be just like Hillary would have been?
You're a delusional concern troll - probably involved with Shareblue or just an attention-deprived idiot who makes bait thread in order to receive attention from human beings.
Either way, kill yourself, you subhuman Italian scum. I would shoot you on sight.
Trump is /ourguy/.
wtff is wrong with supporting Israel?
Yeah I honestly don't get why people hate Israel. They are the ONLY democracy in the middle east.
oy vey
Zealots on Sup Forums will never admit that Trump's foreign policy is just a continuation of Obama's one. More drone strikes, more troops in the ME, hardballing Russia for no good reason. Where's the difference?
A lot of Israelis are pretty fucking based. They're nothing like the liberal jews in the US.
hillary had no memes
if you don't want to be called a shill, how about making some arguments.
no arguments?? then you are a shill.
Hes not that bad just give him a chance. Remember your first day of kindergarten or 1st grade or even high school. Its hard to do what that man is doing when hes not even able to color in the lines, Hes nice though.
>tfw you will never have a congress to make law