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Is an easily disprovable lie supposed to be funny?

Probably lower to be honest OP, a lot of half-spics register themselves as "Caucasian".

White folks are too pussy & autistic to have children, you'd know too Germany -- white replacement rates are so fucking low.

>easily disprovable

uh, no, its very true. how could you doubt it?

yes, easily disprovable you subhuman

>30% is the real number

>When you ignore someone's post based on their flag.


The infighting is hilarious.

White people aren't making children, but instead are becoming trannies, buttfucking one another, or going full blown NEET-tier loser basement dwelllers while Arab-Nigger muslims are producing 6-12 children and the remaining white chicks are just making mulattoes

>colonial mutt calling a pure European "subhuman"

Alright mr mix, don't forget to point our your 12.5% "German" ancestry makes you more German than he is

7:1 faggot

>you subhuman
a fucking American mixblood is calling a pure blood Germanic subhuman

>Jew York City
One out of 3 cities in the entire fucking country that is like that

>pure blood


Sorry pal, those don't exist.
Right after Germany lost WW2, Russia went on its biggest rape spree in history.

The german you see today is nothing but a Russian mutt, from so-called "Russian Children"

You damn niggers need to learn your history right.

>i get my understanding of genetics from memes

I guess it makes sense as to why you guys often go "HURR THERES M-MORE IRISH PEOPLE IN THE STATES THAN IRELAND!!1111"

We need to spread this pic all over normie internet.

Fuck you

If you think that is a meme, kill yourself brit piece of shit

There are a lot of evidence that goes around about this, a lot of articles too



Every god damn German female, children, maiden or hag. Raped.

No such thing as "pure german", and chances are you and the gerries here are all Ahmeds shitposting who should kill yourselves immediately.

Sure spread it all over your Bosnian rape-baby circles that have an IQ low enough to believe that all of the united states = New York City

lol, that's shit about "rapes," just figment of your butthurt imagination. Unfortunately for you, Germany and even Sweden have more Nordic people, than your afro-mexican colony.

>All the millions of people in Germany are Russian rapebabies

While in 56% land one of your ancestors was probably a nigger.

t.Belgian with white lineage since the 1800's

Keep starving, er, I mean, dreaming about some non-existent german blood Ukraine (^:

Plenty of white Euromutts here in the US of A. Feeling pretty white with my 1800s Dutch, German, and Swedo-Finnish ancestry.

This is an argument? Only subhuman monkeys actually care about povertyball

>No such thing as "pure german"

We're not talking about burgers user, we didn't destroy our genetic linage like you cucks

>chances are you and the gerries here are all Ahmeds shitposting


Let the American mongrels be mad.

Us true white Aryan already know we are superior.

>Trumpcare™, HELL YEAH!

Americans are subhumans and will never be white

Stay angry amerigoys ;^)


Wasn't it 57%?

Old white boomers are dying off quickly.

If you substract all old people then America is truly only 45% white.

ITT Butthurt non white civic nationalist Americuckbois BTFO. Why is america such a cuck nation?

substract the jews and its more like 10%

It's 48-54%

It's probably lower than 56%, Americabro

Its really 13% if you take away the "white hispanics"

that inbred habsburg blood has made you faggots become the biggest cucks in the world though

>There's people in this thread claiming they're white despite not being able to trace their heritage at the very least back to the 16th century

im sorry to see you have a cuck LARPing faggot

America is the cuck capital of the world. We both know this cuckboi

>tfw the USA balkanizes and the North German Confederate States of America is 99% white

>99% white

Fucking hell you americucks are delusional. there is no state in your faggotland that is even close to that

We have a higher white birth rate than the majority of Europe.

you are a fucking mongrel lol

Vermont 95.4%
Maine 94.8%
West Virginia 93.7%
New Hampshire 93.4%

combined equals more whites then in your mongrel regime

>Fingolian talking about whiteness
wew lad

I can records were kept at the Lutheran church in schelshwig-Holstein

>when you base your idea of genetics entirely on last names

This means someone is a "German" American even if they are 50% Irish, 12.5% German, 25% Polish and 12.5% black. This shit is literal meme tier and doesn't take into account the other things like the fact people change their names and people lie or just are completely misinformed.

Not 99 but close
States with the highest percentages of non-Hispanic Whites, as of 2007:
Vermont 95.4%
Maine 94.8%
West Virginia 93.7%
New Hampshire 93.4%
Iowa 90.9%
North Dakota 90.2%
Montana 88.3%
Kentucky 88.1%

Cool numbers Tyrone,Chaim and Paco. Keep believing that you're white. Muh heritage. You're all mixed mutts niggers spics or jews. FACT

Id like to move to Vermont North Dakota is getting a lots of muds lately

Well I have my dna test from my paternal grandparents. They were almost entirely German with some Scandinavian and a couple other marginal admixtures. There are plenty of German Americans and even many who are pureblooded. Especially in the Midwest.

>not mixed
lol this guy is deulsional


>I had a dna test i promise it sed wut i want it to say!!111

Regardless of if you are or not the vast vast majority of these are not. It's a meme.

Yeah I believe our stats cause we live in the world's most powerful nation while you live in a barren ice wasteland full of mongrel chinks. Your opinion means nothing.

Finlanders are Inuit Asian Eskimo mixed with Slavs, very strange people.

why do you are about whiteness anyway americuck? You're a civic nationalist cuck so race doesnt matter. Also jews aint white goldstein

I live in the US. Shut your smug mouth you British faggot. Had you had not intervened in Germany whites would have double our current population.

Literally cucked of their own continent. KEK

How is West Virginia holding out so well?

Satan and kek confirms

>95% of white Americans are 100% white
White Americans are whiter than "white" Europeans.

>gets upset because i call him the mutt he is

lol, keep up the delusions user

>Less than 50% in the next generation

>He thinks being a mixed mutt kike means youre white


Your source is shit and your are stupid as fuck.


This. U.K. Fucked up declaring war on Germany

It's pathetic that white people control a huge swathe of land that was historically full of Natives? Are you retarded? And birth rates come in booms. So there could be a huge baby boom.


>assmad Chang and Abdul

t. Genghis

>white people

kek jews arent white cuckboi. How many times do we pure blooded europeans have to explain this to you? dog pless israel

>california 40%
>hawaii 20%
This is not funny anymore. USA is turning into Brazil 2.0

I don't see how showing a map proving that whites are the majority in a non native land is supposed to be embarassing? Do you want whites to succeed or are you a cuck and want us to fail?

Britcuck I'm guessing you have beady brown eyes and dark brown hair and look about as handsome as john Oliver who you think is great.

You're a retard and what you say has no substance. You got that Hitler looking nigger in your nation and you got niggers making rap videos. Hold down the fort Mr. Chink Micropenis.

You angloshits are fucking up the whites the whole time. Give me a fucking break. You wanted this diversity and now die together with this cancer Júan Carlos Ramirez.

John Oliver is Welsh/Jewish but thats nice keep trying to offend a stranger on a Taiwanese Knitting Forum because it still doesn't excuse the fact that you're a mutt. I wonder how many slave ancestors you have user, theres at least one.



Hes not English user

No matter how you try ignore it. The fact still remains. Jews arent white. And your country is the cuckold kang capital of this earth. Every "white" americuck mutt woman has fucked a nigger. FACT

I'm German. And I hate Anglos. They are cucks. Germans are great here. Especially out in the country. There are plenty of whites who are so far out of the media sphere that you would never understand they were there. youtu.be/oPFQGyUhVDA Check this shit out.


The media is not the same as the people. This country is so huge that the Jewish media centers in LA are not represantI've of the entire nation. And the tides will turned. A lot of black men are becoming feminized and white men will rebound.

>And I hate Anglos. They are cucks. Germans are great here

This desu
Actual WASPy cucks are all confined to the Northeast -- the rest of the country, the great majority, has German heritage and we're better for it

national past time of fagmericans. Watching black men play sports while Tyrone is fucking their wives. kek. Can you get more cucked?

>I'm German.

Oh my god user thats pathetic.

Anglos are disgusting perverted freaks. Germans do have a culture. There is a huge sports culture in German dominated small towns. Anglos are nigger sucking cuck freaks. They are like Jews.

Ignore the title. It's about Caribbean men cucking white British men. Anglos are the only real cucks. Your women get fucked by niggers in America and the UK and you film it. You're the biggest fags on Earth.

m.youtube.com/watch?v=AoB2KH7TRFA Forgot link

>They are like Jews.
Anglos are barely a step up from Jews - truly worthless island niggers

>Being that desperate to be recognized as something you're not by a country you find "hip" and "cool" probably because of le nazis

Pic related. A German American football player.

>Pic related. An American mutt handegg player


And another.

>posts a map showing the decline of shire birth rates and percentage of whites in USA
>cheers it on and laughs at it
>fails to realize his own country is in the same situation the USA was in 25 years ago

Are you seriously cheering on the demise of whites around the world so you can feel better about your world renowned bastion of cuckoldry?

>The United States Census Bureau defines White people as those "having origins in any of the original peoples of Europe, the Middle East, or North Africa. It includes people who reported "White" or wrote in entries such as Irish, German, Italian, Lebanese, Near Easterner, Arab, or Polish."

Defend this shit right now martsharters

They're the Jews favorite lackeys. They are their slaves. They do their bidding.

Keep up the cherrypicking user, you're still a mutt :)