Socially engineering for the last 40 years has destroyed Australia and its people
Socially engineering for the last 40 years has destroyed Australia and its people
I meant social engineering, this thread will attract paid shills they don't like it when you say bad thing about their occupied nations
Yup. I can't watch footage from the early 80s without feeling sad. How great we once were.
Feels bad man.
Being redpilled in Australia is fucking hell, it's truly a mental illness, I guess it's called oppositional defiant disorder
When normal people have become so awful, being morally upstanding and good is the only way left to rebel.
I question how much longer we have left, the regulations come in nobody really knows who passed the new law but no one questions it. The mega welfare system is unsustainable and will collapse and it's going to be insane
I feel like the writing is on the wall, the end is drawing near. I can feel it in the air, so to speak.
i just want to know what their end game is, first they turn us into a cuck land but what's next
I'm afraid we'll just have to wait and see and make the best of it when the time comes.
We've become more Americanised, but we've taken on a lot of the consumerist and superficial bullshit from America without taking any of the libertarian roots of america, like freedom of speech, for example.
When did America become a super consumerist country? The 70s? The 50s?
Anyway, I'm sure the shitshow can carry on for many decades to come, just like it has in the USA.
>t. melbourne fag
Im 32 and actuall renember the 80/90s
Ive two kids and worry what they are being brought into.
Mainstream media is dead now, but I feel like the cucking is so deeply ingrained it may take 10 years for people to wake up
I'm honestly terrified for my future kids, what sort of Australia they will inherit. I wish all the best for your kids, raise them well, user.
I heard John Farnham music playing the other night. It was a rock concert but he must have been miming it because the music being played sounded identical to the studio version. But in any case, you don't get music like that any more in Australia, it really takes you back.
>tried to redpill ausie friend about radical islam and radical muslims
Ended up losing a friend
on a whole, if you say something that is against the "norm" in australia (non-leftist shit)
you will get so much opposition almost immediately from those in denial.
this multicultural bullshit is the biggest load of crap ever, it doesnt work, they've literally imported 100,000's of 3rd worlders into our nation and they've segregated themselves, caused so much trouble and the government just sits there in denial, calling everyone a nazi or racist if you point of the truth.
majority of the population of australia, knows what the problem is, knows who the problem is.
sydney is a cesspit of failed rabid diversity and melbourne is close to it. the rest of australia doesnt resemble sydney or melbourne in the slightest.
your friend was a fuckwit. your better off without him. listening to denial all day makes you frustrated
not just australia
I live in sydney. It peaked around 2000 and declined sharply since around the GFC. Now its just the final nails going in the coffin. Lock out laws really did a number. It is all engineered by property developers and helped along by a hopeless state government.
>we've taken on a lot of the consumerist and superficial bullshit from America
>without taking any of the libertarian roots of america
I suppose that happened everywhere, unfortunately.
Here in Brazil, even the leftists love american pop """""""""""culture""""""""""" and products.
more like post WW1
What changed in the last 12 years?
Where did the Cronulla spirit go?
The christian kek lovers all believe in lucifer
this is not a coincidence
peter the (((pharisee))) was the first pope
jupiter/lucifer is NOT satan/saturn
seak the gospel of philip and the gospel of egypt
know the fire of gnosis and song of sychronicity that (((they))) have taken from you
take the nazirite oath as samson, christ and hitler before you
we the men of the west will shatter the demiurg
Threadly reminder that if Safe Schools is allowed to win the country is unsalvageable. What are your backup countries? I'm thinking either England or New Zealand. I'd probably prefer England to be honest. It's too damn hot here.
honestly its fucking because of education system, being taught shit like "islam is the religion of peace" and multiculturalism is great
>our government actually saw fit to allow a program founded by this person into our public schools
I really find myself questioning if this is a country I want to raise my children in one day.
people got older
Hey retards, you want it to back to how it used to be? Stop voting ON, they killed the right wing in WA, a Liberal party strong hold. Because you retards keep pushing the fish and chip shop lady. You want further right than the liberals ? Vote for the Nationals. ON is a sinking ship.
Australia is experiencing the same changes as every other nation
Therefore it is not a narrative, conspiracy or agenda
I miss Paul Hogan. Truly the greatest Australia has to offer.
Shut up Tavistock.
We can recognize a pattern when we see one, barren wasteland didn' t deserve to be freedomized.
I can't imagine how it must be to have lived in this country in the 80s, and watch it become what it is now.
You're right and wrong
Liberals were going to lose in WA anyway. Liberals have been in power for a long time and WA has gone to absolute shit economically, there was no way Liberals stayed in power.
But you're about One Nation. ON is an absolutely atrocious political party and they are setting back right-wing populism and nationalism in this country.
Whenever I see people compare Hanson to Trump, Farage, Wilders, Le Pen, etc I can't tell If they're serious.
ON is a shambling mess held together with sticky tape, Pauline is a shit orator and has decades of political baggage, and the party in general just attracts reprehensible trash for their candidates. ON will never be a thing and the longer that it tries, the more it harms what they intend to foster.
And that leaves in Australia in a very bad situation, because there *is* the demographic that supports Nationalistic policies, there just isn't a party that represents them properly. The people that could form a proper Nationalistic party that isn't a steaming pile of rubbish are already in the Major parties but are overshadowed by their parties mainline policies.
It wasnt meant to be
I don't support the Cronulla riot
If I had been around that day I would have likely been attacked
t. devout Spanish Catholic
>ON is an absolutely atrocious political party and they are setting back right-wing populism and nationalism in this country
I agree with this
Pauline Hanson is actually harming right wing politics more than she is helping
Right wing mental defectives think ALL change is engineering
Was it social engineering that led to the printed press or the motor car?
People say, stay and fight for this great country. I say, the battle is over. We must retreat to the great lands of America, France, etc and return when the time is right. Our way of life has been destroyed. There is no salvaging this country anymore.
I don't think it was really the best way to go about things, but they actually did something, in a big fucking group.
We can barely manage to outnumber antifa these days.
>I say, the battle is over. We must retreat to the great lands of America, France
>60% white America
>France with five times as many Muslims
>great lands
There's nowhere left for us, is there?
Come north white man.
>im 23. most people i know are like scared of offending people and scared that people will take shit they say the wrong way.
>i say what i wanna say and dont care if i offend someone because i know i'm not trying to. and if i do then i can just apologize, can't i?
>used to post alotta red-pilled shit on facebook but now i get no reactions, seems like no one cares. everyones living in fairytale land with their heads up their asses thinking that treating people nice will make those people nice or something.
idk whats wrong with many people my age... many people need a reality check. so many are gutless and shit, and scared of being judged by their own friend-groups or something. pussies.
they need to learn to say what they think is right and true, and not worry about how it might destroy someones false sense of reality and hurt their feeeeelings
truly, they have killed and intellectual conversation than can be had, and it's almost like a taboo to talk about issues now. fuck them. they'll get what they deserve when they fall into the traps theyve made for themselves
far out man growing up in sydney in the 80s or perth, in fact ANWHERE would have been amazing.
More white and more cucked
I grew up in qld and moved to sydney a few years ago.. its fucked and i am so happy i returned to qld but we are headed in that direction.
is pauline hanson with or against us or meh?
With these ALP continuing to win seats it is beginning to seem like we are about to get fucked. We're following the same shitty road Europe and the US have taken, if we want to make it into the future shit is gonna have to change.
>sister has muslim girlfriends
>works in the arts
>comes to visit
>eating dinner i cooked
>she wants the project
>steve price got voted off that celeb show
>says he has changed coz he spent time with a muslim guy in the jungle
>she asks "what did he change from"
>explain he isnt really into muslim immigration and islam and doesnt wants australia to head that way
>she pulls face
>says "fucking white men"
>i say "well he has a point as they bring a lot of their issues with them and most immigrants are men and not women/children" - just to ease her into it
>says "you wouldnt understand coz ur a priviledged white male"
>just look at her in disgust and explain we grew up together so thats completely illogical
>gets annoyed and mumbles under her breath
>doesnt thank me for dinner or wash dishes
feminism and islam are ruining our country.
>>says "fucking white men"
what does being a white male have to do with it
Nah it's fine, you just mad that centrelink doesn't give you enough NEETBUX.
40 year old oldfag here. More and more I look back at the 70's 80's 90's and smile, then feel regret that youngfags will never experience or even fully understand what we have lost.
>first they turn us into a cuck land
>what's next?
Hordes of slant-eyed psychopaths that you have imported will genocide whites (and all other ethnic groups) and take over the island.
I take solace in knowing that we can feel the greatest sense vindication in ALL OF HISTORY when it comes crashing down.
interesting way to look at it
That is the secret. Each new generation can never miss what it never knew.
She's essentially the radical-right over here.