Ronald Reagan Appreciation Thread

When right wing politics were nearly dead, this glorious bastard revived them and single handedly saved America and the west.

Huge gains in GDP happened under him and he even fucking destroyed communism in the USSR. Tons of socialist shit was dismantled and he took no shit from anyone to make America great again.

The greatest modern leader of any country by a country mile.

Reagan, we salute you.

Other urls found in this thread:–Contra_affair

thanks ron


Proud Reagan baby here. God Bless America.

I guarantee that was to undo all the bullshit that the left brought in. You should be saying thanks LBJ

Started the neverending war on drugs and allowed the CIA to become a law unto themselves. Good man.

nice dinduism there kid

The first cuckservative

>Signed the GATT Treaty
>Amnestied 6 million spics
>Judges appointed by him made the anchor baby decision
>Signed Hughes Amendment

Fuck Reddit has invaded this place.


He armed the mujahideen which later became the taliban and basically created radical islam
He made it legal to poison your own countrymen with a neuroxin
Dont get tricked by this cloak of ((conservative values)) Reagan was a fucking disaster

Reagan was an idiot who supported amnesty and exploded the national debt. He's exactly the sort of politician who we want to get rid of. Yeah, he was really good at talking, but that's about it.

>put in the 2008 crisis
>leave out the 2000 crisis

Reagan as governor of California signed no fault divorce into law.

All heil the Reagan Reich


I'd rather die on my feet than live on my knees and we must all fight for freedom.

>cuckservatives love Reagan so much they forget that it was him and not a democrat who started all the open border immigration shit...
>He and Bush senior were the ones trying to make ILLEGAL immigrants legal and praising Mexicans...
>He was more worried about poor Mexican jobs instead of american worker...
>He was the first Neo-con in Republican party for fuck sakes...–Contra_affair

I voted for Trump and still happy about it, but even I'll say it, Reagan was a shit president. Not as shit as Lincoln but still shit nonetheless.

>2000 crisis

Go back to leftypol you fucking subhuman leaf

>2000 crisis
>2000 crisis

>2000 crisis
>2000 crisis
>2000 crisis

>2000 crisis
>2000 crisis
>2000 crisis
>2000 crisis
>2000 crisis

>saved America
More like sold America to the banks.

>2000 crisis
>2000 crisis
>2000 crisis
>2000 crisis

Nancy Reagan
>Just Say No to drugs!
Ronald Reagan
>Unless you're poor and live in the ghetto, the CIA needs your cash to fund their illegal regime toppling operations

>2000 crisis


>2000 crisis

The only crisis in 2000 was """electing""" this right wing retard

He's the asshole who brought no fault divorce to the United States. True conservatives should be lining up to take shits on his grave. He was divorced so he normalized divorce in order to be able to win the presidency. He did more to destroy the nuclear family than all the jewish feminists in history.

It's a shame that the bullet didn't kill the fucking actor who was only acting as a horrible president and literally losing his mind during his presidency to Alzheimer's.

It's also a shame that he has become a meme for muh conservativism and political republicans including Ron Paul get hard over him. He caused all this shit with his trickle down bullshit. He also allowed neocons in to his cabinet and enabled 35 years of neocon infiltration into the so-called mainstream GOP platform. A bunch of RINO Trotsykite kikes shilling for the NWO and war against brown mudslime countries for "Israel" the shitty yid state that has no right to exist and must be destroyed utterly along with every single goddamn jew on this planet (there are hardly any jews to begin with, killing jews wil be easy)

He was ok for four years. Then he went senile and his wife Nancy ran the country by consulting astrologers.

>it's another Obamaleaf ruins the thread: thread
Mods need to permaban his ass once and for all. It's not even about dissenting opinions it's about the fact that he only posts in threads to derail them.

>2000 crisis

I think I woke up Toronto with my laughter


>not recognizing the obama leaf